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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. I am sorry but no, it still reads like random gibberish to me
  2. I don’t mean to be rude. your comments are very muddled. You usually talk about rumours no one has ever heard of and frankly they sound like your opinion twisted to a fact? So could you please try to make your posts more readable?
  3. However: The Slayer of kings is just a weapon afterall. I'd like to see it go the way of Frostmourne: Shattered.
  4. If you play Living city the deepstrike might make them nasty!
  5. Do you have a link to the regiment and the warscrolls? 🙂
  6. Very cool project! let me know if you need something special like a crest stl for your city.
  7. Had another 2k game today - this time no PtG (all his Liberators and Vindictors are Protectir Proxies) Victory for CoS, we turned it around hard at the end of turn 3. Fusiliers dealt solid damage this time (they shot 6x across the game averaging ~4.5 MWs and 10 wounding hits per salvo. Buffed with +1 to hit and MWs on 6s) orders were very nice! (Return fire felt good) I finally fielded the ImPeRiAL WaR PidGeOn and it was fine! (I love the model)
  8. Crude estimation since I owned a Bretonnia army: The mounted models will look tiny. Like new chaos warriors to old empire knights.
  9. Someone said there was a new IDK Model in that Trailer. I couldn‘t find it. Does anyone have a screenshot?
  10. awesome models, if I can find a way to integrate them into my CoS I might, once again, walk the way of the knight. however, have they said that the foot knights are plastic? Some features make me nervous, like the very thick shields which scream resin.
  11. As do the mounted knights and honestly anything that didn’t get a revamp.
  12. „Closest kin“ was stated once, if ever in a side mention. What exactly are the criteria of anyone belonging to a faction? Looks? Believes? Maybe an active decision? So anyone belongs to the faction he has nothing, actively to do with now? Oh iirc Grimnir was part of Sigmar’s Hero-Force, Gotrek is his Avatar and he looks for a meaningful life… NOW I GET IT, PUT HIM IN STORMCAST, what greater purpose THAN TO PURGE CHAOS! Gotrek is either factionless or founds a united dwarven force. He has never committed to any faction so far, yet you want to cramp this rogue avatar into Fyreslayer although his journey clearly outlines he does not belong to a faction since he himself has a greater purpose than playing the lapdog of a god. But whatever, think what you want. Idc wishes are granted sometimes
  13. There you have it, you‘ve said yourself that he does not belong into the Fyreslayer Faction Fyreslayers are followers of Grimnir, he is definitely is not, although he is his Avatar and always has been. Wanting him as part of Fyreslayer feels like forcing a Hexagon into a triangle slot, no matter how much you‘d like it. (Grimnir himself was never part of the Fyreslayers since they formed after his demise) He has history with Grimnir, but as he has stated over and over: He is no Fyreslayer. He might fight alongside them here and there but he basically fights alongside everyone. As to his ability to inspire people: Also counts for everyone, not only Fyreslayers. If anything he is a dispossessed or a potential inspiration for a united dwarven force.
  14. You didn’t start the latest audio book, did you? You should. Despite that this means he is also a Kharadron because he was fond of them for quite a while too. Gotrek usually befriends old dwarves because that’s what he is. He is like a missing link of the dwarven race representing all of them. He is no Fyreslayer and never will be. He is Gotrek.
  15. He‘s not. Just an old dwarf with a rune. He‘s against all gods and he’s not of their culture. so adding him to their roster makes no sense. It‘s like claiming an aelf should be part of the Darklings because he wears an Darkling Spear and bears and darkling tattoo against his will.
  16. I own a wight king with Drakenhof Banner from Forgeworld. That freaking hand never sticks to the wrist, the flag pole is bend and regains the bend within a few weeks after fixing. It’s utter pain! So I am more than hesitant to ever buy GW Resin, ever, again. ^^ Edit: Unless it’s dirt cheap, which as we all know it won’t be.
  17. I‘d like a new center piece since I dislike Archaon (haven’t bought one and never will) and I don’t want to buy Be‘lakor
  18. Awesome model. Sadly resin: that banner will never really glue to the model, it‘ll be warped, bend and break all the time ;( (+imbalance on base)
  19. It’s the most cheese one can squeeze into a list. Must make for a fun game, not
  20. Rebased to 28,5mm bases. Added my Pavese stl and this is how they‘ve turned out edit: The Fusils are about 10-20% too small sadly.
  21. I am surprised to see that many orange paint schemes (here and over on reddit)
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