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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. I for one am playing several different armies. Another option: Put restrictions on yourselfs lile: - No gods - every unit only once - only two reinforcements Make up your own scenarios like sieges where the enemy will require other models than usual to breach the walls. Start a narrative campaign or Path to glory.
  2. I am not talking about that. Armies that get way too easy access to save stacking (+3 or 4 constantly) while dishing out way too many Mortal Wounds. One encounters them in a lot of casual lists as well since the access to those abilities is just too easy (Gnarlroot Treelord Ancient‘s Aura, the Hive Swarm, Mystic shield etc. Etc.) The fact that save stacking is easy with three general abilities while there is no counter in the form of rend abilities. Shooting: It used to be an issue and it has become worse (unleash hell, even more MW shooting was added to the game) Mortal Wounds in general: Their access is very unevenly distributed across armies. Spells that can annihalate entire tough Models or units The feel bad games and moments stack up quickly.
  3. Very nice! I've almost Air-Brushed my entire Collection (ordinary turquiose) by now. Yet I respite from putting on the other base colors (it's the part I hate the most XD) I am keen to see the first models done! Did you already finish a test model?
  4. It's not about the win-rate. It's about bland rule designs with extreme powerspikes (Stormcast dragons, Cruleboyz shooting, Orruk Alpha-Strikes etc.)
  5. I can confirm this. Sadly it appears that the New Battleomes aren't just better they are absurd - while many game mechanics have been implemented that counter any kind of counter play or that invalidate entire factions. I've got this information from my brothers who play competetively only - they're beyond fed-up. Quote "This isn't the best 40K Edition ever it's close to the worst and it already feels like the Edition needs a hard-reset like 7th needed at its end" To arc back to AoS - It seems like AoS is more and more 40k-ified and you can also see this trend in the current battletomes, however AoS is still better off (currently)
  6. 100% If GW botches another Battletome you are stuck with a ruin of an army - it‘s imo the worst part of the hobby. Imo SCE might need an instant rewrite. Not due to powerlevel but due to how they slaughtered warscrolls and the ability to do melee
  7. same. Left me utterly cold. The Sloughterborn looks like any 0815 barbarian. *yawn*
  8. contact the customer support they'll reemburse you with new miniatures and a new spray paint (or a voucher)
  9. Same. This way I wouldn’t need to start a new faction as well
  10. I’d love a second wave of Soulblight 🥲 how likely is that @Whitefang I need to see my foot heroes restored to their former glory (I can’t find the original names. It’s basically power tiers back from 6th edition): Vampire Noble, Vampire Lord, Vampire Count
  11. Since I do not like the Model of the Lord Celestant at all (way too static). I guess I'll use as Lord Celestant ^^ (or simply as somethng else, don't know yet)
  12. At least my Choas Lors massacres other heroes and units on a regular basis (he has the potential to do damage). Chaos warriors (and Knights1)... well, they're wet-noodle tanks, sadly. Vamp Lords are mobile +1 Attack carriers and that's it.
  13. Unpopular opinion: Foot Vampires need a re-vamp (hehehe). Meaning: simply give them Radukar the Wolf‘s profile and Mortal wounds output and they‘re fine. (Yet keep the 3+ save). All other vampires need „the hunger“ added
  14. *with Vampires being weak pushovers with no personality whatsoever. Srsly, I get what you mean, yet Vampire counts had a theme and a focus. The current SBGL suggests that vampires are basically bravery 10 Freeguild Generals with even weaker attacks 🥲 Vampires used to be scary, now they‘re only good if they ride a dragon.
  15. Just because an ability exists and hasn't been thoroughly tested doesn't mean it needs to be nerfed. If your army consists of 9 modesl you are entitled to be hard to kill, otherwise a few bad luck rolls will cost you the game. Especially in an army in which getting an aftersave is rather rare or unreliable to get. Seems to me like an overreaction and an unwarrented one at that. Imagine SCE were Orruks, boy, the forums would be aflame with all the NPE and nonsensical powerboost rules those warclans have. My point is: Thsi feels a lot like it was nerfed due to whiners, condemning abilities that weren't even tested just because they also happen to hate SCE.
  16. Hold your horses. Though monster units - correct. And how many of those do we have on the table? 6-9? That's a bit few for objective grabbing if you ask me. Our units usually die to Mortal Wounds and less so to ordinary attacks, that's why the -1 is not that much of a deal. Other hammer units simply have a slightly harder time against our super elite units, which would be fine. May I also remind you that SBGL can buy a 80pts model that has a 12" -1 to wound aura? XD All in all I don't think your argument is valid at all. Edit: @Beliman The issue with KO is: They don't need a teleport and move and/or charge. All they need is a free teleport out of combat and back into weapon range. If GW now reworded fly high in a way that would prevent you from shooting after using it -oh boy- you would understand the outrage most here appear to have.
  17. I don't mind putting them into my Celestial Vindicators force. Let's be honest here: Our subfactions are loughable. You basically gain no real bonus to speak of. So you can do it the Soulblight way and just run other subfactions in your favourite one ^^ -> Btw this is what worries me. The latest books do a poor job of making an army feel like it is supposed to feel. It's blant (to me at least)
  18. I don't know what you mean, those 220+ points Paladins always got to their target, in every game... *irony*
  19. Stormcast win by brute force as it seems. There isn’t much finesse sadly (all the cool abilities were deleted from warscrolls and the Magic is mostly damage or minor buffs, nothing interesting imo). well at least we‘ve got the explosion on death rule
  20. The translocation nerf is just bad. Maybe they should "FAQ" all of the command abilities and some warscrolls first before removing the few tools (apart from Dragons) the army has.
  21. It’s a pity Darkshards have such a low range
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