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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. The thing GW will continue to do: Paying those people which produce their overpriced product a pittance. This is correct. No one that I know of at least
  2. 1. nonsense. They already have a 41.41% profit margin. Making more money only means their big shareholders get richer 3. Quite the opposite in my area. People stopped buying. The prices are too high.
  3. Are there any rumors about when the the new CSM will be preorderable?
  4. The Bug riders are generally better than the dmg eels. The (swingy) but very potent sting is a little too much imo (the Mortal Wounds part). I am interested in their points cost. They should be around 200+ to reflect their power on the field imo.
  5. Guess that’s gone now. The Lady of Vines‘ ability is called „roused to wrath“, as is the old summon dryads spell
  6. That’s a bit harsh. He is kind of like those new Sylvaneth Faes with bows but he doesn‘t have 10 shots. Feels like 140 would be a good value for him.
  7. How mich is he? 140 pts? If you play 2 they‘re a huge threat to any support heroes with their 10 shirikens with 6s to hit dealing D3 MWs. You habe to play them sneaky, not like duellists.
  8. take a look at Kroq‘gar’s claw It’s Necron(ish) design as well.
  9. Guys it’s the same with all new boiks: Lackluster Warscrolls but strong allegiance Abilities. In the end Sylvaneth will be fine
  10. Does anybody know what material the great parch map is made of?
  11. Can someone explain to me what went wrong with the Necromunda Squats? Was their Helmet mold squished or something? It looks nothing like the Art, it looks simply bad?
  12. It’s not like they couldn’t afford more artists
  13. I doubt there is and I am rather thankful for it.
  14. All GW does these days is copy paste with a sprinkle of rule tweaks. A revamp is too much work for them.
  15. I am hyped! (And a little sad that those freeguild units won’t be mixed race units)
  16. Happens, no worries As for tomorrow: A Kurnoth (Reborn) Mini, some bugs and a teaser of a rat teaser.
  17. What do you mean? It’s going to be the same box so ofc it‘ll be compatible
  18. Thx! i could also use the story of adventures!
  19. That's not an issue. The Soulbound books are worth their price for the Art alone ;D Wasn't there one of the creators on this forum? @Emmetation
  20. Hello, my group has been playing a (8 years long) Warhammer Fantasy DnD Campaign. I finally managed to set off the end Times and get the group to Age of Sigmar. As we are using the DnD 5e Rules witha lot of homebrewed units (Skaven, Chaos Demons, etc.) I was wondering how the Soulbound RPG plays and whether it'd be possible to convert Characters, NPCs and Monsters from Soulbound to DnD. The same question goes for Weapons (do they have a statline in Soulbound?) If the answer to those questions is yes I'll buy the Soulbound pdfs. (We sadly don't have enough time to switch our entire System and characters to the Soulbound rules) Cheers Jack
  21. It's already weird that they have the finished book around 6 months in advance (even handed out to people). In my mind they work with somewhat of a "just in time" strategy where they don't have to sit on storage costs for half a year before being able to sell a product. (perhaps that changed due to Covid, so produce more in advance). Perhaps the chaos release was scheduled months ago but didn't happen due to covid. I wonder why people leak those images. Is it out of spite of GW's release and price strategy? (I'd totally get that)? Or is it a more superficial reason? However I am sad that not all the chaos rules were leaked. I'd really like to test those rules (since I dislike the current tome so much).
  22. What annoys me about Chaos is that the warscrolls themselves aren‘t good. They need some silly auras to have any power. And even those auras only radiate if you park a hero nearby. Which by themselves aren’t good either. looking at the stats of the DP I wonder why any mortal would want to downgrade themselves to that level 🤣 God: „Do you want to stride on the path toGlory to become a Prince of the dark gods?! You will be powerful!“ Champion: “Will I be able to slaughter scores of my enemies?“ God:“well not exactly“ Champion: „Will my abilities surpass those of my mortals mortal followers!?“ God:“Erm… I mean… your auras technically become bigger..“ champion: „will I be able to fend off arrows and will it takes Legions to take me down?“ God: „Well, I guess 10 Bestigors could become an issue“ champion:“ How good are my chances of ascending to that level of power“ God:“You will most certainly die a gruesome death „ Champion:“I guess I‘d rather become a Chaos Lord on Karkadrak then“
  23. Indeed. For some reason the Designers REALLY try to avoid to leave old Warscroll stats and bad design behind. They just copy, paste and change it a little. of all my 12 factions I dislike S2D and FeC the most. Dull repetitive effects.
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