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Ragnar Alpaca

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Everything posted by Ragnar Alpaca

  1. Well copters are better for hordes and larger numbers, bomber for single targets. Agressive play can definitely be countered by shooting but you have to have an effective screen for the shooting.
  2. @Gwendar The big question for either the copter or bomber is do you know what armies you will be playing against? @Gecktron I agree with @amysrevenge here, I think the current Dispossessed fit well as they are, I would however love to see us get some new models/kits. I would love to see the warriors, and quarrellers/thunderers get resculpted. Then I would love to see some large monsters for the dispossessed, as now they’re kinda lacking big centerpiece models. It would be great to get some faster moving cavalry, and a mounted king option, both of which could be on bears/rams/wolves or maybe some other type of creature. Another thing that could be interesting would be maybe a priest type model, another anti magic and buffing character.
  3. For 1000 points it’s hard to say, but I think that probably wouldn’t do that great, imo you’re relying on the Irondrakes too much there, and you don’t have enough bodies too protect them. For 2000 points that looks much better, I would definitely add at least one unit of longbeards, personally I would add two units then add either a wizard or a gyrocopter.
  4. Grudge Inbound! but yeah the rumor engine is definitely slanesh. I would be very confused if the brought out new stuff for DoK, so definitely slaanesh.
  5. Your stuff is so impressive. And that shelf full of things looks quite amazing, no doubt it would take a long time to paint it all. Where do you get inspiration to make all of this? It all has a very unique and beautiful style.
  6. So as I was assembling my Irondrakes I had a thought, the musician’s left arm is holding something that I have no idea what it is supposed to be, does anyone know?
  7. It wouldn’t be a big disadvantage either, one I would happily trade for a better looking hero model.
  8. This is actually kinda disappointing for me, I like heroes on larger bases. I think I still might use larger bases. Do any of you think this would cause any problems in the future?
  9. Quick question that I don’t think deserves a topic by itself, what should I arm my skinks with?
  10. It’s been a thing for about 4ish months I think, they’re very slowly going through and changing every box to have rounds, as they run out of stock from fantasy.
  11. The looks like a pretty strong list, one I would’ve made to look almost exactly, but I tired to keep the units you had in the previous one. I think that may look like what my list will be as well.
  12. Warden King 120 Runelord 100 Runelord 100 Runelord 100 Cogsmith 100 X4 10 Ironbreakers 140 20 Irondrakes 360 10 Irondrakes 180 10 Longbeards 100 Cannon 160 Organ Gun 120 Overall you just lose 10 Irondrakes. Also as you could run the Ironbreakers in 2 units of 20 and still have 12, but I split them up into r units of 10 to be able to cover more areas and objectives.
  13. If you ally a cannon, organ gun, and master engineer/cogsmith I believe they are much better than perhaps 2 or 3 ballista. I might be wrong though. Most lists I build can only take 3 allies, so the question is what you want, ballistas are probably a better pick because as they are, they’re better by themselves, and this would allow you to take a wizard as well.
  14. Cannons and Organ guns, because they aren’t stormcast lol.
  15. These are amazing! What are your future plans for your army? What other creatures will you come up with?
  16. I have drawn some up and will post some soon, basically a couple large leg designs, and then tracks, like a sandcrawler from Star Wars.
  17. This is what I came up with in about 40 minutes. My art skills aren’t the greatest but this is kinda what I came up with, much more dwarfy. Ideally I would have drawn it larger to add more detail. This thing would have loads of cannons and organ guns pointing in all directions, and the top could be a landing pad for gyros. Other than that the legs/feet I have a great idea for I just couldn’t draw them that small, so instead I improvised lol.
  18. Thanks for the tip, I’ll look into the Vallejo water effects. As for the base, just use abbadon black, it’s easy to remember and will unify everything more.
  19. Wow these look really good! How are you doing that water effect on the bases? Also you should paint the rims of the bases, it makes them look much cleaner imo, but if you don’t want to that’s fine lol. It doesn’t take hardly any extra time though.
  20. I guess you do have a good point on this, I guess I’m just kinda biased against stormcast, as they’re not really what I like. Also I guess that’s why I do like the Heart Perseverant more than the other. This entire discussion on cog forts just really grabs my attention, I love this stuff. I may try to draw my interpretation of a cog fort later on, but with a heavy dwarf influence, as you might be able to tell is my force.
  21. Those are absolutely fantastic, your drawing skills are quite high. I do like your design the most as it is closest to what I imagined as well, however I did imagine a bit more dwarf and free guild in design, not Sigmar or stormcast. As in the story it’s the daurdin and free guild who man cogforts, not stormcast, they’re too important to just set in a moving fort.
  22. So I have created a quick list using these new rules. I also have never mentioned that I will not be using any non dwarf units in my list, also not including KO or Fyreslayers. So the list... Warden king 120 Runelord 100 Cogsmith 100 Ally x6 10 dwarf warriors 80x6 10 Longbeards 100 20 Hammerers 320 10 Ironbreakers 140 20 Irondrakes 360 Organ Gun 120 ally Gyrocopter 80 ally Gyrobomber 80 ally I honestly think this list would be ok, 60 warrior screen sounds like little could ever get through that, and they could just hold up everything until the Irondrakes, hammerers, and artilery could kill everything. While the copter and bomber could capture some objectives and pick off the occasional models or two.
  23. So to have 4 units as allies we have to have 12 other units in our army. I don’t see how this would ever be possible unless you run loads of 10 man warrior units.
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