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Everything posted by Emissary

  1. Witch aelve s are $60 for 10 so it isn't out of the question.
  2. I don't think they are. The slaves to darkness battletome is listed as $40 and the endless spells are $35 which are the US prices.
  3. Man, I hope the rumored $60 price for mortek guard is incorrect.
  4. We've already seen the boneshaper card. It's a wizard and in your hero phrase you pick a unit near it and heal 3 wounds on the unit or resurrect up to 3 wounds worth of models. I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't the only model that can do things like that (I'm looking at you Gothizar Harvester). It has been mentioned that they cannot create new units. Have to see when the leaks really start flowing.
  5. I know you mention it, but lets get at least half the full picture of the army before we start running around with our hands in the air. We haven't seen anything allowing them to fight twice or change the fighting order and it was mentioned they won't be able to summon which are the main drivers of the meta.
  6. Yes Overall, I'm happy with the endless spells. The soul-linked mechanic is nice and I'm glad it has a drawback. The pillar is nice but surprising that it's the 3rd thing spoiled that increases the model's attack. Also, the enemy has to be within 12" and not the bonereaper. The skeleton is great also and doing 3" wounds to everything within 3" is pretty far away. The bird is meh so far. Good to get LOS, but only works for the caster. Looks like something made for Nagash or Arkhan, but not much else (and then the casters have a -1 to cast) Edit: Evidently the system doesn't like "model's" followed by a space and then "hit".
  7. I'd probably rank the Stalliarch Lords at 3-4. Katakros' command ability is so awesome it's criminal, especially with how the Bonereapers generate their Relentless Discipline points. Also remember how large his base is, so 18" off that is going to be a giant radius. I'd probably rank the Praetorians with him as the #1 at the moment. Plus they can get a 2nd +1 to hit off the regular faction command ability. But yes, there's still a lot we don't know. if any of them get a strikes first/last or fights twice ability or item it will really make them climb in the ranks.
  8. Anyone else notice one catapult is firing the screaming skulls we have seen before and the other is firing an urn or pot?
  9. There's plenty of ways around it. Anything that throws out mortal wounds will also do well.
  10. We'll have to see. The reroll saves will work super well against high volume attack units like daemonettes and witch aelves.
  11. Who's ready for 3+(2+ in cover) save battleline with rerollable saves, 6+ feel no pain, immune to battleshock and can be resurrected? 😍
  12. This explains it best, and yes, the Deepkin ability is affected: Who Fights First?
  13. No, they overwrite each other unless one of them states otherwise (it's why slaanesh specifically states they negate and go normally). If you have always strikes first and are given strikes last you are going last.
  14. It's way early to be making decisions about the power level of the army. Yesterday they also stated that the Bonereapers have their own unique set of command points in addition to normal command points called Relentless Discipline points that can be used by unit leaders. The example they used was that the Mortek Guard can shield wall and reroll their saving throws. Given that the basic wizard shown Sunday had a save of 4+, the Mortek Guard should have at least a 4+ save and may have something else given they have shields. If you throw in the faction that gives a +1 save you're looking at a battleline unit having a 3+ rerollable save at worst! It could even get to a 2+ save if they are in cover or if shields add +1 to their save (or if they're 3+ to begin with). Then they probably have a 6+ ignore wounds like all undead. That's really, REALLY good. Not to mention they ignore battleshock because evidentally the entire army ignores battleshock. I know they have a Ld of 10, but it's still a lot better with the debuffs out there. They've stated that units with swords are better for small units. I don't think they're talking about units of 20 there. I'll be very surprised if the minimum unit size is 20 and it goes up by 20s.
  15. My friends and I haven't had any issues with recognizing the leaves quickly on my sylvaneth dice except for the dark green summer dice which is more of an issue of the color and not style.
  16. On all the faction dice the skull is the 1 and the faction symbol is the 6. Personally I think they're fine.
  17. It's from the supplier for the game store. The other prices were fairly standard, but I only asked about the Bonereapers: $40 for the battletome $50 for the Bone Tithe Nexus $20 for the Warscroll Cards $35 for the dice $35 for the Endless Spells
  18. Just heard from my supplier that Feast of Bones will retail for $195 US.
  19. Just heard from my supplier. Feast of Bones is $195 US.
  20. Looking at the Mortison Boneshaper: Boneshaper heals 3 wounds to a unit within 6", and if they don't have any wounds allocated to them you can bring back up to 3 wounds worth of models. Also a wizard with a spell that picks a unit within 18" and you roll a dice for each model in the unit within 18" and visible. For each roll of a 6 the unit takes a mortal wound. Stats are 5" move, 4+ save, 10 Bravery and 5 wounds. Talons are 1" reach, 2 attacks 3+/4+/-/1.
  21. Your guess is as good as mine. Like I've stated before. I think they're the only poor unit in the book unless near the horn.
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