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Reuben Parker

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Everything posted by Reuben Parker

  1. It also stops you using the reapers command ability to fight twice with each bloodthirster and use the battalion out of sequence fighting as well. If it wasn’t worded that way and you had the CP you could fight with all 4 bloodthirsters twice before your opponent went. With its wording you fight with 3 in a row first then use Skarbrand last and fight twice with him then pass it back to your opponent who no longer has an army. This seems to be one of the best new strats however as bloodthirsters have terrible defence for their points it straight loses to ranged armies.
  2. One positive I do have for the army is as a lot of the Death Star stuff has been culled maybe a suicide style MSU army can raise from the ashes (which I’m quite interested in playing) especially as the blood tithe table did get better. Wrathmongers although losing a baller ability go down to 140 so instead of throwing them away into big monsters you can now just throw them away into anything. Blood warriors with fists now also can serve can serve a bit more a suicide roll but the no champion plus on glaive is a downer. Will have to look at some form of mass small hero and MSU wrathmonger type list. Although will suck on missions like places of arcane power.
  3. The problem with the new book is although they have given Khorne additional power in some areas and made some warscrolls better (my spear exalted is now actually pretty good along with being the coolest model). They basically squashed everything that was previously good. Plus hit stacking Death Stars (Khorne main win button) Rage thirster, wrath, stoker combo this was an important out to have vs ranged armies even skullgrinders who were pretty bad had an ability that could swing games if it activated just removed wrathmongers were our best defence against scary melee stars / monsters now have lost the self hit ability Jugger lord has got worse and gone up in points judgements look really underwhelming once you read the full rules the only standouts I see in the new book are skarbrand got a lot better but he’s still 400 for 14 4+ save wounds new bloodthirster battalion has legs Juggers who are now silly good but only in 9 strong units (as one casualty at 6 and you lose the d3) which makes them very large footprint and easy to tag re rolling priests without paying for gore pilgrims (which is amazing ) It feels like triple priest and 3 warshrines for more prayers and shrug bubbles maybe the way to go with a big unit of juggers and just become a grind and mortal wound army (but doesn’t feel that Khorney to me) however as Khorne lost all its “cheese” the power level for sure has dropped I would say most likely below ironjawz and Deepkin (if they weren’t already) in terms of ranking silly damage output melee armies
  4. I’m normally a very positive gamer and this book has some good things and seems will allow more varied builds. On the downside apart from mass jugger the power level of the book has taken a nose dive due to no longer being able to combo + hit. As Khorne were already not the top of the competitive heap this is bad news. Especially as all the other recent books have made their respective factions a lot better.
  5. I think the huskhorn can be very good and actually allows lists to do things they otherwise can’t which is mainly the fight twice in a row. Huskhorn blows away the screen then large mfang pack activate and hit the meat and potatoes of their army behind. Once I’ve built more models I want to test a Eurlbad with a big blob of 6 Mfang FLoSH HoSH BRoSH 6/2 Mfang 20 grots list can average 14.5 mortals on the charge then HoSH goes first to finish any screens and then big Mfang blob goes meanwhile ethereal FLoSH can tie up whatever nasty damage output unit the opponent has. —— with my current list I’m thinking of dropping the second FLoSH and 2 cats just shove the wraithbow on the hunter can plink some wounds and score on arcane missions. Then add 2 butchers 2 Mournfang and swords endless spell. This should give the list more ranged and support whilst also healing and boosting the ethereal frostlord.
  6. Managed to speed paint my BCR and took them to a local tournament. 10 players 3 stormcast and I ended up playing them all. Went 2-1 and maybe could even have won the last game and the whole thing. The ethereal amulet stonehorn was amazing but the second one felt a bit lacklustre something to well change. All the games I was losing on table but managed to do well on objectives (20 cat Skal new meta ) last game I was too focused on shutting down his double tapping 9 long strikes when I should have used the Skal to burn his vulnerable flank objective. Was a fun list to play but it feel like apart from the ethereal stonehorn and the yeti everything else had an uphill fight. Plus the stonehorn hitting on 4+ my dice were cursed nearly every time I attacked with the 6 horns I would only get 1 hit
  7. I don’t disagree that MK is overpointed which is why I rarely field them. However they’re a hard unit to point properly. As too cheap and they can be spammed. At that point their combined shooting and destructive bulk can sweep through screens (or go on big ping pong runs) and smashing and bashing will allow them to destroy entire armies. At 320 you could easily play three of them or even four (but then the rest of the list is super tight)
  8. Yeah mass TT just doesn’t have the required damage output to compete I feel. Plus they themselves are actually super easy to snipe 12, 4+ save wounds for 360 is just terrible defensively. They pay nearly as much per wound as Archaon who at least has a bunch of rules to make him tanky.
  9. Nice report. I agree going second is nearly always better but there are times you need to go first (and zone out those FEC boys). You could change to Urbaz giving you 4 khemist buffs and 2 artifacts. This without changing models may solve some issues but you would lose the deep strike.
  10. I have not tried drill cannons over sky cannons as on a paper apart from the errata to 24” range they just look worse. Yes I wouldn’t run any list with only one character as makes certain missions nearly an auto loss also your losing your bonus artifact. In some ways I think KO are better at higher points as you can screen off the opponent and keep a narrow frontage whilst having the fire power to delete key units one by one. At lower points (1k under) none of that really comes into play.
  11. No we know how the rules work that’s why turn 1 I’m not shooting his heroes as don’t want to give him points before I can try to engineer a situation to kill all heroes in one go (or zone out their summoning bubble) He had an exalted greater daemon, 2 chariot characters, manticore sorcerer, masque and a herald on steed. So I gave him all the points his 6 heroes could get by being hurt (as 1 left on 1 wound). Then I think he gained somehimself 9 for a dead gunhauler killed by characters and 3 from a warden squad and a couple somewhere else. As I said Slaanesh summoning is insane. Especially once you summon harp ladies (cost 6 points but they get 4 just by being killed). Still I was actually in a position to win I just didn’t calculate the retreat run speed and got sloppy on model placement.
  12. *Warning this post contains large quantities of information feel free to skip to summary. **In no way am I saying this is the most competitive way to play KO (normally need a fire power blob and endrinrigger blob for that) but it was a fun mixup and actually is pretty decent. I managed to get in two games with Escort Wing today (we played too slowly to rotate in the 3rd game), random realms and missions. List was Escort Wing battalion full MSU Barak-Mhornar - Theres no trading with some people Admiral - Earburster Navigator - Thermalrider Cloak 3*10 Arkanaut Escort Wing 3 Gunhauler - Last Word and Malefic Skymines Frigate 2*5 Thunderer - rifles 3*3 Skywarden - Volleygun and Drill Cannon Game 1 vs Slaanesh on dagger to the heart A match-up I thought going in would be a complete walk over with KO having no chance. They all move 12+ and have the best summoning mechanic of all the chaos gods. As it turned out I corner camped my side (mission helped with this). He bum rushed over and I focused turn one just shooting helstriders and fiends, I wanted to deny him summoning points until I could blitz all his heroes. Turn two he could only charge my screens. I then got bottom of two top of three double turn and killed nearly his entire army (1 hero and 13 cav models left totaling 27 wounds). However I could only kill 5 out of his 6 heroes as his chariot herald lived on 1 wound! He then got to summon another army basically with 64 depravity points (if I killed that last hero on 1 wound he wouldn't be able to summon anything). In the end I was still winning on the table but he managed to retreat and run a unit of striders 20 odd inches and win due to controlling both objectives. Had I seen the play I could of had more models placed near the objective and won a minor victory on points killed. So even with a loss I was actually very pleased as apart from my model miss placement and objective misplay I would have won a match up that I thought would be terrible. Live and learn on the insane speed of slaanesh and just as people are in combat doesn't meant they arent going to get your objective. Game 2 vs Nurgle on Better part of valour This was a good matchup as his list was big things Archaon and Glottkin with a habringer to support them then a blob of marauders then some smaller units of blight kings and plague monks. All I had to do was focus fire down his big guys after killing the harbinger first to turn off the wound shrug bubble. The MSU on this mission helped as I kept a couple of warden units wide threatening his side objectives forcing him to keep units back. KO with focus fire are good at killing big heroes and once the big two were gone his list didnt really have anything threatening. Changes after playtesting If sticking with Barak-Mhornar I would drop some of the MSU units to upgrade to a Khemist and have a 30 man skyhook blob. The re roll hits bubble is so small it was hard for me to get a lot of benefit from it with all my units being minimum sized. If wanting to keep the full MSU style I would play it either as Barak-Thryng and just pick the D3 most threatening units for re rolls kill them and then play board control. Or play Barak-Zilfin for re rolls against all flyers and late game auto running gun crawlers 6" which gives a nice objective grabbing threat. Also the deep strike endrinwork is probably the best in the book and can cause your opponent some deployment issues. TLDR / Summary MSU Escort wing is a lot of fun and a very different style whilst being pretty good on the table. Barak-Mhornar needs more firebase to get its full benefit with less MSU though so if keeping MSU go with one of the universal re roll skyports.
  13. Hit in 3+ surely vs monsters as 4+ base then +1. However yes they have the best ranged damage output in the army when buffed. As I was saying in the previous post the main issue is they’re very squishy and suffer to battleshock. There’s also the fluff issue of people care about that where it can feel wrong to have too many dudes compared to ships. I don’t think KO really need a big power jump it would just be nice to make cheaper / buff the less useful selections. Beyond filling out battalions or lowering drops it feels to me that several options are head and shoulders above the others. Khemist skyhook spam endrinriggers And if your going to take a ship the ironclad as per my post a while ago that’s why I think Urbaz can be very good (even though you don’t see it played too much. Gives you a second relic which is needed for certain missions and better khemist) 3 khemist 30/10/10 all with skyhooks 12 endrinriggers ironclad can be a two drop list that puts out 30 skyhooks and still has an ironclad and a rigger death ball I still play with all the other units as I like the variety and trying to make alternate ideas work but you can feel a step down. Tomorrow I’m taking the 3 gun crawlers out and they really shouldn’t be 160 each.
  14. In isolation they’re not that amazing but 9-12 in a unit with a khemist vs monsters or hero on 3+ 3+ plus re roll all misses or even just 1s and they become devastating. Saying that big units of arkanauts are a soft target and struggle with battleshock. Tomorrow I’m trying out an escort wing for a very different MSU style army.
  15. I’ve looked at this myself just run 5 man units pure carbines. It’s 12 shots for 4 -1 rend damage per 100 points plus you get loads of drill bills to mess charges and advantages of MSU. MSU thunderer is one of the better damage output units KO have point for point. Plus has lots of retreat tricks and causing mortal wounds vs chargers for every squad.
  16. The new 2k list ready for paint and testing. Guys with more experience what’s the best second relic to run on the second FL with ethereal amulet on the first? Pelt, skull and tokens all seem ok but each have pretty big issues as well. I’m leaning more towards the skull to give him a great save vs chaff attacks whilst the skeleton rule can help vs bigger attacks.
  17. The LVO leaks showed ogres coming this year for destruction just no specific details. My hope is they continue the theme of recent books and roll them all together. I remember this was discussed a while ago some people like some don’t like that idea(not wanting to necro that discussion) but I would be down for it. The main reason is it always feels like you want allies in BCR but can be very limited. Needing 8 units for 2 allied units doesn’t work with all lists and or fielding 12 ogres means you don’t have the points for any other allies. An ogre mixed book means we could do great builds with a couple of fatties some grots, butchers and ogres whilst still getting strong allegiance abilities.
  18. Well I’ve wanted to do BCR for a while and with the suggestion of Reaper miniatures I saw posted above finally it’s happened(I abhore finecast). Probably a silly time as they leaked about a new ogre book this year (hopefully an amalgamation so I can use my old gut busters as well). Initial lists I will be able to run. FL on Stonehorn ethereal amulet FL on Stonehorn tokens of the everwinter (better second item?) Hunter everwinters master 12/2/2/2/2 cats Skal 9 Yeti 20 grots ——- List 2 FL on Stonehorn ethereal amulet hunter everwinters master, wraithbow Butcher 12/2/2/2/2 cats Skal 8 Mournfang 20 grots —— Once that’s all built I want to add two more Stonehorns so I can run a 4 Stonehorn Eurlbad with 20 grots as well . I can’t help but shoe horn screens /board control bodies into every list even a 4 stonehorn one. looking forward to it all arriving and diving in.
  19. To be fair we kind of have that with violent urgency trait and talisman of burning fury item already but could always have a FEC style +2 move army wide bloodhost (or whatever they will be called). I sort of want a -1 to hit one for ranged weapons group as well same as DoK. Really hoping the book puts a focus on blood tithe and things triggered when units die. That way Khorne players could run MSU suicide style lists that would be really unique compared to how most AoS armies work.
  20. Let’s be careful on doom and gloom and theory hammer. The god of FEC just won LVO with the old book and we can all agree the new book is massively better. It it seems to me that now you can make all the units work. Ghouls in their grand court become silly good with come back to life on 4+ and plus attack on 10 models deadwatch is only 110 now for flayers horrors are always solid and can now have +2 move courtiers are down to 120 so generic over varghulf is now a reasonable choice. Magic is massively better with a good spell lore and pretty insane endless spells.
  21. Will see a lot of conversions / proxies is my guess as I think most armies will want at least 3.
  22. Mass ghoul and spam archregent who is stupidly unbalanced. 200 points for 2 spells and summons 200 points of ghouls (no CP if near throne). I was spitballing a mass ghoul patrol and summon list that regens but not sure I want to build and paint 180 odd ghouls.
  23. So way too early first take FEC are now competitive. Chalice looks OP good. Strong choices for regen ghoul spam and monster mash. Only negative for me is horrors and flayers although deadwatch at110 seems auto include if playing flayers. New allegiance abilities are amazing.
  24. Sounds interesting especially as the unit has some ablative wounds so more chance to survive a counter attack and get to use Mhornar once per game hero phase pile in. 9 boosted pikes hitting on a swing back, then swinging in the next hero phase will be a lot of wounds.
  25. Artifacts I would never go past earburster first as it helps against a big weakness in the army hordes of low value wounds. Then I think as per the gryph feather suggestion by Cannonball its got to be either defensive or something to increase speed as both help with hero scoring missions. I want to see Thunderers as battleline as I love the idea of 4*5 in an Ironclad for screening and firepower whilst endrinriggers do their work.
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