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Everything posted by FlatTooth

  1. You can release a unit of fanatics as long as they can be released more than 3” away from an enemy but if their host unit is engaged they can’t charge once they’re released.
  2. Also give me fairy-aelves from the wanderers. Thanks, GW. Checks in the mail.
  3. I hope they play up geometry and logic with the light elves. Give me math-aelves!
  4. Sure but those people buy chaos models that can be used to play against friends who don’t *need* to buy chaos models. If a fair chunk of my gaming group doesn’t want to buy into this game then even the people who buy chaos models will probably not buy in. That’s what I mean. I very much hope to be proven wrong. It seems like there are maybe 6 factions. Maybe they’ve designed some non-traditional chaos stuff to pull people in.
  5. The fact that it’s being called “skirmish in the mortal realms” gives me some hope that it will eventually be not just chaos. The fact that it seems to have completely unique chaos sub-factions takes a lot of that hope away. I’m willing to give it a shot but at least two people in my gaming group have absolutely no interest in Chaos so what do I tell them to get them interested? I think GW May overestimate how many people want to play chaos.
  6. Not saying you’re wrong that the Tyrion-Aelves will be flawed in some way but the Deepkin were made by Teclis
  7. I just got so hype. I need to sit down now. Goodness. GOOD. NESS.
  8. Yeah when I came back into AoS I was already to hop on the fyreslayer bandwagon until I did some very basic math and get very sad hahaha
  9. It’s never a good look to berate people who may not be able to afford the shiny thing. This is a forum and if people feel that a price is too steep then that is a *very* reasonable thing for them to state. You can disagree but “go find a new hobby” is unhelpful and meaningless.
  10. Hey! It’s just dark sea blue from Vallejo and arcane blue from P3 paints with black and white added.
  11. I’m so ready for a little waaagh! it has begun. Grovelsnot hasn’t mustered his horde in almost a decade but the time has come. (Holding off on basing till I’m 100% sure he says on 25mm)
  12. Clearly the scales of a giant squig wearing the skin of a dragon
  13. Was just going to say that I felt like the Callis and Toll book really explored the realm in an understandable way. I was very pleased with that story. Given the reaction people had to the blowing up of the Old World I’m not surprised they put in some nods!
  14. Skarsnik survived by hiding inside Grom’s paunch.
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