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Everything posted by dmorley21

  1. @Eldarain That makes a lot of sense, but my original goal was to find a way to play both Gotrek and Durthu in a list together. In the particular list that I have, I think I'd be better off trying to delete the wizards than unbind spells. That's why things like gyrocopters, scourgerunners, or a flamespyre were jumping out at me. If I wanted to go the unbind route, having a Knight Incantor to auto-unbind one game-changing spell would seem to be the way to go, no? The main magic that scares me with this list is something like Nagash's Hand of Dust.
  2. Okay, so I've been thinking of a list that is just meant to be fun but competitive enough to give my opponents a game. It's a collection of things I've wanted to play: Annointed on Frostheart (general) Spirit of Durthu Gotrek 30 Phoenix Guard 10 Handgunners 10 Handgunners That list leaves me with 200 pts leftover. My idea to play it is to make blocks of threats. The general with the guard. Gotrek with a unit of handgunners. Durthu deepstriking with a unit of handgunners. That creates three different areas of threats. What would you do with the remaining points? I've so far thought about upping a unit of handgunners to 30, adding a unit of gyrocopters, and adding a unit of scourgerunners and a command point, or adding a Flamespyre. Once again, I know it isn't the most competitive list but I've always wanted to play Durthu, a phoenix, and now Gotrek.
  3. Thanks everyone for sharing the thoughts on running Gotrek in a list. I've decided that there really isn't a combo that jumps out to me enough to change my mind from running a Living City list. My plan will be to use the ability to deepstrike to spread threats across the board. That way I can simply send Gotrek at an objective while other units worry about other objectives.
  4. I haven't played against Gotrek. If he's camped on an objective you need in a situation like Knife to the Heart... that's going to be tough. Otherwise though, if the player is just trying to send Gotrek at you, I would just put chaff in front of him. In my usual list, I have two units of 10 Chainrasps and 2 units of 4 Stalkers (I run the Death Stalkers battalion). I'd be happy to sacrifice all four of those units if necessary to slow Gotrek's roll.
  5. I know it seems like Durthu isn't optimal in Living City, but I've always liked the model and want to run him. Which artefact should he get though, considering he won't be the general? The options are: Ghrystrike (+1 to hit and wound in melee) Blade of Hammerhal Ghyra (+1 attack) Spear of the Hunt (an extra rend and auto always fight first on a charge). They all seem good and it's hard to choose.
  6. Yeah, Stalkers are really unfortunate. I run two units of four in the Death Stalkers battalion. I typically just end up using them as short term objective grabbers or screens. They really need a warscroll re-write... I don't even think a battalion would help them.
  7. @zilberfrid You're probably right about that. I like Cogs a lot - but I'm used to slowing it down to make my ethereal wizards in NH tankier and speeding it up one turn. I was thinking I would use it with the Ghur spell to run Gotrek up to an important objective. I figure the way to play Gotrek in most games would be to just run him at an important objective. @Eldarain That list looks fun, but I'm not sure if you've got enough wounds there. I'd love to hear how it does.
  8. Hi everyone. My story: I'm just about wrapping up finishing my first AoS army, Nighthaunt, and am starting to think about what I would like to collect next. I've decided I'd really like to try to run Gotrek in a cosmopolitan Cities of Sigmar list. I'm really intrigued by The Living City and to a lesser extent, Tempest Eye, as I love armies that excel at movement and those strengths would seem to balance Gotrek's weaknesses well. I'd consider running just about any city though. My absolute dream would be to run a Living City list with Gotrek holding down one side of the board and a deepstriking Spirit of Durthu... though I'm not sure if that list could really be built to be semi-competitive (I play Nighthaunt, so I'm not a power game, but I also like always having a chance). My questions: Has anyone had luck running Gotrek in a 2000 pt Cities of Sigmar list? If so, what city and with what units? What combos have you used, or what combos do you notice that might work well with Gotrek? Ones I've picked up on are including Chronomantic Cogs and a Ghur Battlemage. Also, camping Gotrek with some shooters or power casters would seem to make sense so the opponent feels a need to come to you. Thanks!
  9. New battalions and possibly a new hero? Sounds like it's time to wishlist! I doubt it will happen, but my hope for the hero would just be re-releasing the limited edition Guardian of Souls and having a warscroll for the mortality glass be legal in matched play. It's a better model and would add to the army. As for battalions, there's a lot of great options. Just some quick thoughts: One with Reikenor, a Cairn Wraith, and Grimghast Reapers that changes "Reap Like Corn" to re-roll hits against all opponents. One that takes a hero and a unit and gives the ability from Cities of Sigmar and Necromancers that would allow the wound directed at the character to be allocated to a model from the unit instead. Anything that would include Lady Olynder. A different battalion for Myrmourns, Harridans, and Tomb Banshees since so much is immune to battleshock these days. What I fear is that the battalions will be for Legion of Grief and not Nighthaunt.
  10. Via the Facebook Nighthaunt Age of Sigmar, it looks like next month's White Dwarf will indeed feature Nighthaunt as there's a photo of some Nighthaunt. What supplemental information/rules is usually in White Dwarf? I haven't bought a magazine in over a decade.
  11. Hey everyone, I have a quick question that came up over the weekend. I had been playing under the assumption that only the general of the army could use the "Spectral Summons" command ability. A different player told me I was mistaken, and that any hero can use that ability since it never mentions it has to be used by the general. I did some digging and couldn't find any evidence in the books that it had to be the general. So, can any hero use Spectral Summons or just your general? And where is that information located? Thanks!
  12. This is the one that gets me. Such a better model too.
  13. Along with Myrmourn Banshees and non-max Bladegheists, they are NH's most expensive non-hero/behemoth unit per wound. So, maybe they can be effective with the right strategy, but you really got to make them count.
  14. Okay, your first one led me to an idea. The way I look at the lore, now that Olynder is leading the Legion of Grief, Nighthaunt are actually almost more like FEC or an order of Destruction and I don't think that works for Stormhosts. But you could say your ghosts come from a certain realm and that could give them an additional special rule. I'd be down with that.
  15. Nope. The next update will be GHB 2020 with point changes. Since all armies will hopefully have books by then, maybe NH will get a little rules update in there like a new battalion. That's about the best case scenario though. @Neck-Romantic As for your ideas, I just don't think chambers work for NH, just like I don't think faction terrain works for them. I'd say for overall rules, get rid of Feed on Terror and give it to LoG. Then update Wave of Terror to Waves of Terror: Enemy units within 6" of a friendly NH unit are minus 1 bravery. A NH unit that had a successful charge this turn gets to fight at the start of the combat phase. A unit that rolls an unmodified 10+ gets to fight right away and again at the start of the combat phase. I don't think this would be overpowered because it's an ability that can be played against with screens and counter charges. Most other abilities that are always fight first can't be stopped. Overall though, I think revised warscrolls would make the biggest difference.
  16. For me, the reason for using him was because Soul Cage, Shademist, and particularly Grief Stricken were such great spells. Him casting Grief Stricken on a 5 is so much better than Olynder only getting it off half the time... before unbinding roles. You bring up a good point though, one that I still struggle with when list building, which is competitive NH lists (at least as competitive as they get) can only really have one specialist thing going on in the list. You can run a battalion, sure, and there's some good ones. Or you can give Olynder a whirl. Or you can run Reikenor+Cogs+other endless spells. Or you can run a Mourngul. None of it is that obvious though and all of it makes you need to spend the rest of your points on our expensive troops (Chainrasps being the exception... I wish I had invested in those!).
  17. I saw someone mention that somewhere else and it's not a bad idea though it would be weird if playing against the actual spell. I've been thinking about putting a Mourngul in my army. Yep, saw that. Makes sense as Kurdoss was probably not a top seller. From that perspective, I'd guess a unit of Harridans are in the box. Probably Stalkers too since they're in pretty much every box.
  18. More generally, at 2000 pts, has anyone had success using Gotrek? I've thought about using him to start a cheap second army as he's reasonable from a money for points department and he's the original character that got me into Warhammer way back, but would like a fun army to play. I just haven't seen him in lists at all.
  19. No, as the GHB 2019 came out after the published rules for the mortality glass.
  20. So Arkhan got a new warscroll and can no longer cast the spells of friendly death wizards. I had been thinking about buying him to run him with Olynder... glad I didn't now.
  21. So there's a rumor that Nighthaunt might be getting a battleforce box this year. Any thoughts about what might be in it?
  22. I honestly rarely saw Nighthaunt armies doing this besides me... and I did it just because I love the Reapers models and that's why I chose the army. I think Blades have always been popular for NH. The problem with Harridans and Stalkers for that matter is the lack of a role. They're worse versions of things NH already has. They should have been written to have different playstyles.
  23. I feel like Legions of Nagash was a starting point for Death and eventually the grand alliance will become Legions of Nagash or Grand Host of Nagash. Since 2.0 dropped, they've released Nighthaunt, Flesh-Eater Courts, Legion of Grief and now have Bonereapers. Along with Gloomspite and Stormcast, NH and Bonereapers are the two biggest releases in that time in terms of models. As far as competitively, NH was a miss while FEC was a hit, though NH did make Legions better. You could easily argue that Grief has overperformed for being an expansion and not a fleshed out faction. I think Death will then get at least one more faction (vampire focused), but could also see a faction merging sacrament and deathwalkers as a necromancy focused faction. I could even see other factions allying with Nagash if he becomes a true power... especially factions that already worship death/murder but also hate chaos. So I think Death will become Legions of Nagash and by 3.0 will be a diverse grand alliance. I am curious about what happens to Nighthaunt in the future. Will their next book turn them into Legion of Grief with that playstyle? Will there be two distinct factions like there is now? My pie in the sky would be separate books for Grief as a Legion of Nagash led by Olynder while some spirits slip away from Nagash and become a force of Destruction.
  24. @Tropical Ghost General This is probably because I come from WHFB, but ghosts with battleshock immunity just seems wrong. That's them fading away. If the battalions all dropped to around a 100 pts +/- 10 I think they would be dynamite. Death Riders, Condemned, Death Stalkers, and Shrieker Host all have awesome rules but suffer from the battalion cost on top of the units you don't want tax. Point drops can fix a lot of issues for this army, and realistically is all we're getting for several years. However, pie in the sky, I'd suggest: Wave of Terror being changed to units that charge get to fight at the beginning of combat, units that get 10+ do what they do now and fight again at the beginning of combat. Lady O, Kurdoss, and Reikenor go up in wounds. Reikenor get two spells. Black Coach be a hero. Lord Executioner do a flat 3 damage but lower attacks. Stalkers be re-written to always have the Death Stalkers battalion special rules. Also make them two wounds... they're two souls (rider and steed) merged into one. Harridans become tanky units. Nagash wants them to stay alive to see the damage they cause, so it fits their fluff. I'd recommend a 4+/4+ over two wounds. Myrmourns gain an attack and/or have two wounds. Change the wording on reap like corn to re-roll hits. Give Hexwraiths reap like corn.
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