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Tropical Ghost General

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Everything posted by Tropical Ghost General

  1. @Garxia I plan on still going pure ghosts, but I'm also not kidding myself that LoG is going to be the much more viable choice competitively 😢. We'll have to wait and see what happens with GHB19 and the new mercs system and other stuff, but I maybe wrong in saying that LoG is pretty much GW doing a NH 2.0.
  2. I think it's a pure update to LoN. So all ghost models now an option in LoN, with a new spell lore for ghost wizards, access to gravesites, etc... Expect nothing decent from NH book, such as WoT or underworlds to carry over, otherwise that would a) be broken AF, b) make the NH book completely redundant.
  3. As I mentioned earlier, this isn't a boost for ghosts. The post specifically mentions it's a new stuff for LoN. I think that it means that we can finally include the new BC and the mourngul in a LoN army though, as it's the full Nighthaunt roster being included. Also as already mentioned I do think that it will make LoG competitive but I doubt very much that it will still be ghosts with the ghost allegiance abilities, plus all the LoN abilities, that would just be broken AF. Whether it works like other legions, (where it's led by a mortarch, though you don't have to use that mortarch to led it, but if any mortarchs are included then Lady O must be one of them and must be the general.) I've no idea. Could it led to LoN getting an updated battletome, similar to how Chaos Space Marines got their codex 2.0, so no major changes, just includes all the new units and updated information, I don't know. All I can really speculate on for now is that it's a boost for LoN and not NH.
  4. @grimgold try looking over these if you want mathhammer stats. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qsRIDZncUkBLomLpZ34Qc6Ajv8EXE6ojo7wXWNhCmyc/htmlview Not my work, taken from someone posting on a fb group.
  5. Nah, huge news for Legions of Nagash, another Legion added to the other 4. For NH it's basically GW admitting that without a rewrite (which won't happen any time soon) they are better off in LoN than in NH. Will it make ghosts competitive yes, but it won't be as NH though 😢.
  6. @Neck-Romantic it might be the one that is more upright and not swooping around like a plastic bag in the wind
  7. @Neck-Romantic well the myrmourns have been revealed as a new warband for Underworlds. They're releasing a special version (dreadfane) in between season 2 and season 3 featuring some of the SCE originally revealed at warhammer fest last year (sequitors) and the myrmourns. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/02/15/15th-feb-new-models-games-and-funko-pop-at-the-new-york-toy-fairgw-homepage-post-3/ But fully agree that the whole army feels part baked.
  8. Hello All I am a big fan of Death in AoS (have a bit of all the factions, a lot of all the factions actually 😂). I also have an issue in gaming where I like to play the lesser played factions (even they are though they are normally awful in comparison to others), as I find mirror matches really boring. My local meta is great, with some very talented and highly skilled competitive players who are also open to having more fun and fluffy games if you request it. I was playing pure ghosts for ages until lots of other players locally started to pick them up, so I went to FEC but then they got the new book and they became flavour of the month, so have gone back to pure ghosts as they are now struggling to find a place in the competitive meta and no one is really bothering with them and that suits me down to a tee. I have been working on how to make a unique looking Soulblight army, as I like my stuff to look odd and different, and have finally figured out what I am going to do to achieve this unique look, but it will be a bit of a slow burner as I get hobby ADHD (as well as regular ADHD 😂) and so flutter all over the place with projects, never finishing anything. Now it seems glaring obvious that Legion of Blood is the more competitive choice over Soulblight, but what are the alternative things that Soulblight can do that LoB can't do? Is there something that helps to make it a more interesting choice over it's LoB counterpart? What are the must have elements to include in a Soulblight army? Currently I have 2 x VLoZD (one can be Vhordari if needed), multi-purpose mortarch (can be Arkhan, Mannfred or Neffy), 1 x Vamp Lord on Horse, 10 x Blood Knights (converted from dark one knights, dragon knights and spite-revenants). So what other bits should I be looking to add to help round the army off? Thanks in advance
  9. @Qrow I tend to run thematic lists outside of comp play practice. So stuff like death riders with Reik and KoSos. I also like running fluffy lists where I take a hodge podge mix of stuff that really isn't optimal at all, as it's a good way of getting lesser used models onto the table. But my local meta is pretty competitive so taking anything slightly fluffy normally leads to a quick game.
  10. Yeah, @Neck-Romantic we aren't doing well and there is still a lot of blind ignorance in some ghost groups and gaming circles to the facts that we have one of (if not the) weakest of the newer books and are incredibly unlikely to see any drastic updates until everyone else has there own updates and new books. It's not in GW's interest for one of the their core box set armies to perform so badly and be so under represented, that is the only hope that we have for an fixes. But for all the doom and gloom, I am preferring where we are at the moment. Being so under the curve is forcing me to up my game, to look at new combos, find newer ways to overcome the obstacles that we face. As a staff member at my local GW (who is a very good player) repeatedly says 'Get good" and he's completely right. We can still win events and games, even if it is much harder for us that a lot of the other factions. And you learn so much more through defeat than you do through victory and tbh I've been learning more and more and have been improving more and more as a player. When I enter tournaments now I know that I have such a slim chance of getting anywhere near the top tables, but it takes the pressure off and makes the event a more enjoyable experience. To help put things into context a bit more, my regular DoK player, who regularly pummels me whenever we play. In the last few months I've played him 5-6 times and every time I do a little bit better. In the last game I almost won but the dice gods abandoned me, some attacks and saves were well below average, for example a spirit torment got a 10+ charge on a hag queen with only 2 wounds left and failed to cause a single hit with the WoT attacks and the regular combat attacks, but even with that sort of luck I actually managed to do some damage to him which I hadn't been able to before. I still got tabled, but only just due to mortal wounds bouncing back at me and taking the last 2 wounds off my last remaining model. It turns out that DoK player is currently 4-0 at the Warhammer World GT heat 2 going into their game 5, so I don't feel bad for the complete pounding that I've taken, as it's helped me to learn how to overcome a very strong army and a very strong player, as I know that had the dice not failed me that game, I could have potentially won as I would have removed his cauldron and his hag before turn 3.# So in summary, yes we suck currently in the meta at the moment and are unlikely to get any help that won't be the sort of help that also gives other armies a boost as well, but use that disadvantage as an opportunity to just get better at the game and become a better player, so that when we get a decent book, then you'll be able to stomp over everyone.
  11. @Greasygeek I have so much unbuilt stuff from my multiple soul wars buys, it's the curse of needing cheap chainrasps 😂. @Erdemo86 tbh there isn't really a 'go-to' netlist for ghosts, due to ghosts not being a top tier army. More and more competitive players are turning away from ghosts due to the book not being able to go 5-0 on a consistent basis. It's not to say that ghosts can't win events, but generally we are not going to be an effective and desirable choice for competitive players when there are other options like DoK, FEC, Skaven, Fryeslayers, Slaanesh, etc.... But what seems to be happening currently in the competitive meta with ghosts is running lots of MSUs. I was planning on using a silly combo using a Lord Executioner in the execution horde battalion, as he could be made to be -3 to hit against everything, and for a few games it worked really well, but it's a 900pt investment for a very slow moving tarpit, which (as I found out in the last few games) your opponent can completely negate with some lucky dice rolls or sheer weight of attacks. Also more of the new books have a change in wording for minus modifiers to hit and wound, as newer books allow re-roll hits, rather than re-roll failed hits, so as more and more books come out, using clever tricks and combos (like the Lord Ex blob) become less and less viable as an option. Personally I am now switching back to what I was running towards the end of last year, lots of low level heroes and lots of MSU units, most of my 2k lists are hitting 14+ drops (one was even 21 drops 😂). As we lack the ability to auto-delete units in the game, we have to rely on sneaky movement shenanigans and other stuff like that. Generally the most taken stuff is: Dreadblade as general, bladegheists, grimghasts, chainrasps. Everything else all comes down to personal preference because whatever we bring to the table, a lot of the top tier armies at the moment can mow through it all without any effort, so build up something that you prefer to play rather than aiming to win events.
  12. @Greasygeek tbh I never use him. Given the choice between the KoSos and the VL (ally), the VL wins everytime. I find with conversion work it's always best to evaluate how much table time the model is likely to see to figure out how much effort to put into the conversion.
  13. So some Forbidden Power info has been released and it looks like mercenaries are being added to the game. Not sure how I feel about this. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/05/04/australian-championship-warhammer-previewgw-homepage-post-1/
  14. I had seen someone do this amazing Arkhan model, reposed and on a custom base with trees and stuff. It looked awesome and I asked the guy how he was going to transport it and he hadn't even considered it as he'd been too focused on the conversion 😂.
  15. @AHexInScarletRed whatever option you decide to go for just bear in mind that you will need to transport it. My conversion came out of a need to get it to fit in the biggest GW carry case.
  16. @lare2 I have an issue with not following instructions wherever possible. It's my only issue with ghosts is the lack of conversion opportunities 😋. But once you ignore the cost and instead focus on the end result it's worth it.
  17. That's my tweaked Black Coach though. I did the horses side by side and put the spare rider on top as well.
  18. @AHexInScarletRed not sure the exact measurements, can check when I get home much later this evening.
  19. I did a conversion on my coach, which I started to paint, played some games and it got left in the 'paint it later pile' 😢. I'll try and dig them out, as I managed to negate the hangover the edge by having the 4 horses be side by side instead.
  20. The scenery looks awesome, but @Beliman I can;t see AoS 3.0 happening for a while yet, Soul Wars (aka AoS 2.0) only came out last year. GW have too much investment in the development to shelf it this soon.
  21. @Evil Bob there are mild changes in the new books, such as rerolling hits compared to rerolling fail hits. So any minus to hit modifiers now get bypassed. Will GW FAQ it so that all of the older abilities that are reroll failed hits get changed, probably not, but all of these subtle changes to standard mechanics are going to create a wider divide with the power creep unfortunately.
  22. I think it's because it's so wonky, that it keeps drawing me back in 😂
  23. Yeah, but then again they opened pandora's box when the dropped the skaven and fec books 😂
  24. 100% yes to this. I do feel that blades and harridans being 2 wounds would be a better option at a higher points costs though. Yes it doesn't work as well with our healing, but then we have options to revive full models, which I think pretty much every ghost player takes RotSH as their general's command trait. It would also give more options for the BC to heal other than hexs and SHs. The issue with single wound stuff is that it gives the unit with large bases and small reach no staying power. Large units can't get into combat and small units die instantly. They are elite choices but lack anything that makes them truly elite imo.
  25. Death saves is all. Once fully powered it has some silly movement, as it has such a large base size, have a hero keep up with it and give it death saves is impossible. It doesn't hit very hard, so the option of artefacts might help to mitigate that weakness. Also being a hero with artefacts then makes it a contender for holding objectives in missions like arcane places of power, which is normally an auto lose for ghosts as we lack any big heroes. It wouldn't solve the problem but it would give a helping hand, the issue is is that our hero slots are precious enough as it is, I am often needing more than the 6 tbh, and competitive AoS is becoming very much a case of who can bring the best heroes, so having to use one of the hero slots for the BC also has it's draw backs, but it is what it is at the moment, a massively overcosted and beautiful model that lacks any real punch, as it has a very confused role in the army, it's not a pure healing machine, it's not a pure combat machine, it's not a pure buffing machine, it's a wishy washy mixture of everything, which is fine in less competitive games but at tournaments it's currently a big drain on points.
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