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Everything posted by Jator

  1. And it is... https://theoldworld.com ...But devoid of content.
  2. That would be my guess, something akin to what they've done with MEBSG, their starter set and the compatible Battlehost.
  3. Peasant Bowmen used to come in boxes of 16, and I hope that's the Old World standard as well and that they're really aiming at two units worth of minis in one box. 30+ minis per infantry unit would point out they're making the exact same mistake they did with 8th...which isn't something past GW. But better to be caitiously optimistic rather than prematurely pissed off.
  4. I remember reading about Lethis and really liking it's lore. I don't see myself collecting CoS, but that would be my city of choice.
  5. That would be the ideal scenario, BUT...we know Legion Imperialis was delayed. Would that mean TOW would be delayed too to fit the new schedule? Or maybe the same issue that affected not-Epic is affecting not-Fantasy? We don't know, but better not to get our hopes up.
  6. I'm really glad for you! Specially after knowing @KingBrodd never actually bought King Brodd, a lukewarm reaction from you to these miniatures would have shaken everything I took for granted. Have fun with these lasses! PD: No offence, King! I actually commend your restrain and sensible gestion of your finances
  7. Nice to see Fyreslayers done right. That's a cool looking warband.
  8. As I understand it, the Vargheist isn't a Star Player, but a new Big Guy (And a great miniature!). Vampires got quite the overhaul.
  9. Also, he's regeneration seemed to be better than the usual troggoth, which adds to the theory that he absorbed Ghyran's magic.
  10. Have to say Trugg left me cold. Maybe with another paintjob I'd warm to it, but at this point just making things bigger and crowder doesn't do it for me. Ironjawz, on the other hand, look great. I really like the Weirdbrutes, althought I agree these guys along the monster-hunting kruleboyz aren't a good sign for Bonesplitterz. The highlight for me was the bretonian lady, which came as a surprise to me as I never cared that much for bretonian or vanilla humans, but there's something about it's simplicity that works for me. I would have prefered a reveal with more meat to it, but I guess they're being consistent with all the meager Old World previews that have came before. And I'm glad they're finally releasing a new BB team. Not only that, but it seems like the box would offer all the positionals, which is always welcomed when it happens.
  11. It was more or less confirmed that it will be Tzeench (maybe StD). But with Nighthaunt and Kruleboyz in the game I think the tight choice would have been Khorne, that way all the bad boys from the starter boxes of all editions would be in!
  12. The Big Boss looks neat. I understand the worries about units being to samey, no one wants their army fyreslayered but the differences in size and maybe weapons may help with that. I'm also happy to see Blood Bowl in the Nova's preview, it's about time they release a new team, Amazons were a year ago already.
  13. You know, I was in the "those are Brutes" camp, but now that I see again the masks of the old Ardboyz I admit you might be on the right. All this talk about IJ is getting me hyped anyway, always liked the models. Maybe I'll sell the Dominion kruleboyz to make room to their bigger cousins (I apreciate the lesser model count), or make a Big Waaagh. Or, most likely save the money and sigh while looking at photos of the minis, who knows.
  14. Those are Kruleboyz (even if they would make more sense as Bonesplitterz).
  15. I'm pretty sure it was one of this two or both. Maybe Thanquol. Certainly not Queek Headtaker as I remember my dissapointment about that (He was featured in the WD that introduced me to the glory of the skaven).
  16. From the Financial Report: How "soon" could be "soon"? Autumn? Christmas? Not soon at all?
  17. Seems consistent with what they're doing in all their mass battles system (removing the psychic phase in 40k/HH; not having magic phase in AoS). I enjoyed the old magic phase in WHF, but it certainly was a lot of time consumed for what was basically a mini-game within the game This is the first time I feel intrigued by the rules, as I assumed a much more "conservative" approach by the Studio.
  18. Wasn't messing with geomantic nodes the Swampcalla's thing? It would make sense, I think, to make Kruleboyz the Final Bosses of the 3.0 campaign (just to reveal Ushoran as the new threat).
  19. This is not aimed personally at you but -if you allow me some venting- I can't be on board with that attitude. Not every game in a setting should incluide every faction ever released on it. Neither Mordheim or Necromunda faced this back at their day. People understood that we were seeing a specific pocket within the setting with just the factions that made the most sense within it. I'm sure the inclusion of the AoS armies factions helped Warcry's popularity, so maybe this is a moot point to make, but I think I'd have been more interesting to see them expand the original bands and setting.
  20. Thanks for your answer, I think this part probably hit the nail on the head. Let's hope egos don't hurt the project further ( We might not see how that would be possible but I'm sure they could find a way).
  21. I'd be totally into it. I've beem wanting to try smaller scales for a while. Warmaster is having a little resurgence thanks to 3D print, but still near impossible to find people to play with. Legion Imperialis it's going to be the only safe option in terms of playerbase, but if there was some " fantasy-flavour" version I'd rather take that.
  22. I also has the impression that some higher-ups hate the project, but iIdon't really have anything to back it up. You seem to be more in the known, why do you think they would feel this way? Some kind of beef towards the Old Guard?
  23. Yeah, they seem determined to bludgeoning any excitement for the game. Take the lattest preview, for example: We all know there's little to expect in terms of new miniatures. I think most of us accepted that. But still, there's this preconceived notion that a Warhammer Preview is going to show cool things. What did TOW get?: A bretonnian banner. In resin. A model that would have been yawn inducing even if it was in plastic and released during fantasy peak of popularity. Seroously, I don't think they have released a miniature so dull in at least a decade. Like, they could have at least shown a Special Character? The Bretonnian king?. Heck, even a frigging banner of any other faction but Brets or Khemri would have been more exciting and generated more discussion, something they really failing at. I still think TOW might be a good thing in spite of GW. A common ruleset to agree with and more accessible miniatures it's still an improvement right?. But damn, they really doing the minimum possible.
  24. I'd say it would be good for KoW but bad for Mantic (So, bad for KoW in the long run?). There's always been lots of people playing with GW's miniatures, and now they'd have a bigger selection to buy from.
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