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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. Seriously! if GW would release a Vampire Coast range alongside updated Tomb Kings, TOW would be off to a great start before they ran out of Kislev bear calvary (which I will be grabbing enough to make a Chicago Bears team out of). On the 40k side, I would love for multipart Gellerpox Infected kits.
  2. Ah yes, the blood born from Cursed City. Once again I'm reminded of my anger that GW has produced such cool looking models, but has never released them separately.
  3. He could be made into a plastic version of the same kit, including the Kislev sign since TOW is coming soon. Perhaps the reintroduction of pestigors as some kind of group jackal headed plague spreading archers? My dream though is of a Tamurkhan style lord (as in a magical maggot/parasite herokiller, not a giant dragon rider).
  4. I hate it when my dad's predictions are correct. He's been telling my family that October would kickstart a whole new wave of pandemic lockdown procedures. Looks like we're all going to be focussing on our pile of shame for the near future.
  5. Honestly my two biggest complaints regarding Warcry and it’s models are as follows: We can’t really customize them in the same fashion as a Necromunda gang (which have been used for many an awesome cultist conversion), and that it’s seems as if we’re not getting any more warbands. What’s the point of buying these cool models if we can’t really use them for anything else?
  6. Ork players on both sides of the Hobby are being spoiled right now (though AOS will have to wait a little while longer). As for the “Cultured Baddy Dwarves”, I’m honestly curious on how they’ll look. Will they be the blatant Mesopotamian bearded big hat lovers of old? Will they look like the Legion of Azgorh? Do the Hobgrot Slittaz offer any clues appearance wise? Can they ally with Kruleboyz despite not being GA: Destruction?! Come on GW! We need these questions answered!
  7. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/29/sunday-preview-green-is-good/ Well then, looks like I’m focusing on my CSM and my Slaanesh armies (40K and AOS) this week.
  8. Hey, out of curiosity did anyone pick up the new hobgrotz and finished painting them? I’m looking for inspiration.
  9. I've actually been meaning to make this into a community thing. We could each come up with a minor/demi god figure and duke it out for our respective factions. For example, the Tomb Kings/Gravelords are led by Sekhubis: a minor deity of Funerary rites and Knowledge (in particular the last words and secrets of dying men). He and his followers were driven out of Shyish towards the end of theAge of Chaos, when Arkhan and Neferata used the souls of his underworld to cast a spell that wiped out a vast hedonite carnival. Sekhubis led his followers to the yet to be named realm gate and emerged in the Soul Vine Bayou in Ghur. The Bayou earned it's name from the fact that any who die in it have their souls caught by the various flora, creating a pseudo-underworld in Ghur. After wiping out the local priests of Nagash and the adults of the local tribes (who was worshipped as the King of the Endless Revelry), Sekhubis and his followers raised the children in the Old Faith and adopted the title of Papa Malfini or "Father Vulture." Papa Malfini was told by one his new converts of an ancient legend, that a goddess of snakes and poison once made her home in the swamplands, and has not been seen since the Dark Gods began their assault on the realms. So Papa Malfini ordered his most loyal retainer, a Tomb King known as Zamses The Ever-Joyful, to scour the lands for this deities resting place. Sekhubis hopes to find the hidden goddess, and convince her to join her faith to his in order to survive Sigmar's foolish crusades. My Hedonites on the other hand? They're a Godseekers force lead by a Daemon Princess known as Aesha "The Bride of Delightful Stories." She earned her title by convincing a Keeper of Secrets to marry her instead of taking her soul as he was promised. When her husband fell in the Age of Chaos and hadn't been resurrected no matter what ritual she performed, she came to the conclusion that Slaanesh requires her to sacrifice a being of equal power in order to bring her husband back to the mortal realm. Not as developed I know, but I'm working on it.
  10. You're not kidding.... Hey @KingBrodd you wanna team up in a Doubles tournament?
  11. The title says it all: what would you like to see if/when GW finally returns to Warcry? Since I created the post I’ll go first. 1. An expansion of the current warbands lore and models. For example, maybe we could get a minor daemon that are bound to each warbands’ idea of chaos (snake daemon for The Splintered Fangs, Forge Daemon for Iron Golems, etc). 2. A death warband worshipping a “fallen” deity (with coffins, broken clocks, the whole works). 3. Death and Destruction warbands. 4. More monsters like the Shiranx and Ogroid Myrmidon.
  12. I’m doing a Tomb Kings flavored gravelords army that’s based in a swamp in Ghur called The Soul Vine Bayou, which feeds into a oceanic realmgate. My Hedonites are also based out of there, and both of them are searching for a near forgotten demi-goddess. I try to showcase the swamp by using gloomspite bits, stirland battlemire, and Nurgle’s rot.
  13. Personally I want to see some expansions on the current war bands, or maybe a new one based off Hollywood voodoo. Can you imagine the crazy shenanigans a chaos necromancer could pull?
  14. I never used the army builder, I just downloaded the free Tomb Kings rules.
  15. The war scrolls were, the actual faction rules weren't.
  16. This is gonna be real good! I'm hoping for updated daemonettes and perhaps some undivided monstrosities. So what you're saying is my Night Lords will soon have a legion of chaos Robins to go alongside their Terrorist Batman gimmick? Good times are ahead for Chaos Space Marine players.
  17. I agree with @Clan's Cynic, so far the only “rumors” we’ve had in regards to 3.0 (not counting stormcasts and swamp orks) have been mainly focused around what factions are going to get a new hero via a box set. The only other source of rumors we’ve had are what new faction is coming out, which so far has been chaos dwarfs or silent people, the souping of the dwarf factions (which almost no one wants), and the reveal of Cathay in Total War this September. If I’m forgetting anything let me know. Most, if not all of these have probably been pushed back due to COVID-19’s cousin Delta and Brexit. As well as the blocking of the Suez Canal.
  18. https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-us/ Once again New Model Monday is taken over by Space Marines….
  19. Why are they doing this?! I mean come on this Month’s White Dwarf issue is nearly nothing but AOS content!
  20. Dang it! Looking back at the awesome art for the new battle times I realized the figure I thought was a new chaos dwarf was actually a killaboss on vulture! my dreams of chorfs have been ruined….
  21. Agreed. Also, can we get some of these humans they’ve been teasing for years now? I’m serious this piece of art is stunning and I’m really annoyed that there isn’t a model for anyone beyond the storm bois:
  22. At least one that isn't a conversion. Also, anyone here anything about chaos dwarfs? I'd also take speculation for Cathay in Total War: Warhammer III. I don't know about you guys, but I really want to see some cathayan undead (particularly vampires).
  23. Is it wrong for me to say I'm really happy they didn't really mention any AOS stuff in that link? Cause if half of those rumors come true I'll be happy.
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