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Everything posted by Luke1705

  1. Wait you mean people copying and pasting a list from the internet doesn’t work as well as the person who pioneers and practices a list? Ruh roh this spells trouble for my competitive strategy. Although I did shift from stealing your list to stealing @HobbyKiller’s list. So as long as I don’t run into him or Tinsdale I’m good right? In any case congrats on the win. Was that a singles event or an actual team event?
  2. That is what I meant to say but definitely not what I actually said thanks for clarifying
  3. Having only 1 leader in sybarites is no good because your drop count goes through the roof. Also you’re not going to generate nearly as much depravity as you would in godseekers or invaders.
  4. Yep every time they move it can trigger. For multi model units, to my understanding you just need to have one model move a tiny bit closer to the mirror. Everyone else can run completely in the opposite direction. A bit weird but I can’t really see any other way to read it
  5. @CB42 covered it pretty thoroughly. For that list in particular points are a reason sure but you could just take 10 gors for 60 points instead of the ungor raiders for 80 and fit the third keeper if you really wanted to, but it seems that a number of people have practiced, tried it, and found that you lose more than you gain. The biggest counter point for me is that you almost always have 2 or more of the 3 keepers nearby another keeper because the tactic to kill a lone keeper is send 2 units that are dangerous towards it since it can only locus one by itself. So as has been said, shalaxi needs a friend sure but with 3 keepers you’re usually going to bunch all 3 together or have 2/3 in one spot so it’s largely moot having 3 excess of violences. Especially since you can summon one in but you can’t summon in a shalaxi. That’s even not considering shalaxi’s hero-killing awesomeness
  6. You should ask @HobbyKiller as I'm pretty sure that was his list. Obviously Keepers are strong as most people are running 1+Shalaxi (who is basically a keeper) or 2 + shalaxi. The 4 keeper list is tough to play because it doesn't have a ton of bodies. Although it technically has more bodies than the list James won the Warhammer GT finals with, the hellstriders are surprisingly effective vs chaff. Decently durable and they will win most multi turn slap fights vs crappy units, plus they can tie up deathstars with the seeker cavalcade. The extra heroes in a 3 keeper (2 + shalaxi) list give you some more utility and safety so you can just throw the keepers forward with reckless abandon. I certainly am gravitating towards 3 keepers compared to 4 and it seems like multiple high level players agree with that assessment. And just as an aside, some events will require you to have a different keeper to summon and not allow you to bring back a dead keeper. Do you *really* want to buy 5 keepers?
  7. I haven’t run that list....yet 😈 but I’m pretty sure the ungor raiders are cheap backfield objective holders that are also surprisingly mobile with a sprinkling of shooting. Slaanesh is pretty body light until you summon so I believe the idea is to not let someone just come by with like 6 models and take your objectives. Re-rolls for shalaxi will occur if you’re fighting a hero, if you sacrifice to the fane or if you cast one of the acquiescence spells (or if you include Syll’Esske, but he’s not appearing in this list) Seeker cavalcade is almost exclusively less about *doing* damage and more about preventing it. When you pile from say 5” and end 2.99” away, you’re locking something in combat and probably only getting hit a couple times in return. And since you can pile from six, you can fall back, advance, and do the same old thing turn after turn until your seekers are dead. Additionally, if you *do* happen to fail a charge from less than 6 out then you can still pile in and swing so that’s helpful too. Also the cavalcade makes you a 2 or 3 drop and gives you an extra command point and another artifact
  8. Remember that if Shalaxi’s power goes off (on a 4) then she not only gets full re-rolls to hit, making her much more reliable, but she also gets to re-roll her saves (not just failed saves) when heroes hit her. So she is actually crazy durable with a re-rollable 3+ with a 6+ FNP vs heroes. Even against rend 2 that’s more than half of the damage saved. Rend 0 you’re failing like 10% of the wounds inflicted and rend 1 about 20%
  9. Slaanesh doesn’t really do sturdy. For sybarites it’s really about quantity more so than quality. Personally my iteration of this list would include the masque and drop one of the spells and an exalted champ to make that inclusion, but I also don’t own the slaanesh specific spells. The palisade is great for hiding your heroes/backfield objective capping unit or for a frontline debuff if they have no ranged output you care about. The wheels consistently do a good amount of mortal wounds and the mirror can do a lot of mortals if they move and charge away from it, so you can shape where your opponent is willing to go. It also does a number on heroes of course. But if you’re dead set on dropping the spells and including more or better heroes that’s not awful in any way. As long as you’re playing with realm spells you’ll probably still be able to make good use of your casts.
  10. Another GT win for James Tinsdale. Interesting list choice with the ungors
  11. Can gotrek be included in an army that also has mercenaries?
  12. Can you include Gotrek and a Mercenary company in the same army? Two potential issues I see - gotrek says you can’t have any other allies, but are mercenary companies actually allies? It sort of seems like they might not be. They do of course use allies points but I don’t think they *are* allies. Second issue - gotrek is allowed to exceed the allies points limit so IF Mercs are not allies, then it would seem like he could be included in an army that has Mercs because even though his inclusion takes the army over the allies/merc limit, his rule allows that. HOWEVER, one could argue that if gotrek is included then no points are available to spend on Mercs. Who joins the army first? Or does it not matter and you can have both gotrek and Mercs? Or does it not matter and you can’t have Mercs and gotrek? Relevant rules pages attached. Would love some rules support one way or the other but I don’t see any FAQ about this
  13. Interesting that you play god seekers with the hellstriders that don’t really want to charge stuff since they can pile from 6. You don’t find that the enhanced CP generation from Invaders is necessary?
  14. Sounds like he just got really lucky to be honest. I don’t think there is a way to buff the to wound roll from Khorne so unless he natively rolls sixes he really doesn’t do much damage. Also he can’t go before your keepers so just making him take saves is real. But tbh I would just ignore him and kill the rest of the army
  15. Yeah I’m not sure that a lot of events are doing that this year but I thought that was sort of a thing. For us we at least would need to be conscious about shalaxi vs a normal keeper. I’m magnetizing my shalaxi so that she can come back as a keeper if need be 😂
  16. Oh and you paid 50 to buy a CP? Tbh I would be *really* tempted to trade the daemonettes for 15 hellstriders. Drop the cogs and the CP and get the seeker cavalcade. So you keep that extra CP and become 2 drop but you’d have to switch to invaders (which IMO is better any way with the glory hog command trait and the rod of misrule, plus the ability to get 2-3 extra CP over the course of the game as your dudes die. You’re just swimming in command points)
  17. Bladebringer chariot for sure. Also I would want clarification on if you can summon back a model that died. If not you probably want a 4th keeper and a second epitome. Plus of course the 30 daemonettes. I would probably exchange the enraptress for the masque. Or ditch cogs and upgrade the enraptress to a bladebringer chariot.
  18. This is a really great question that I’d love to hear people’s thoughts on. Probably worth a short preface on the type of list you play too. Ex: I play godseekers depraved drove and I have a really hard time against X because Y Personally I’ve been building up @Rhellion’s list (invaders keeper/shalaxi/epitome/bladebringer/masque/Syll’Esske sybarites + seeker cavalcade hellstriders) and I think it will do super well against fyreslayers on most missions due to the 6” pile in specifically coming from the hellstriders in the seeker battalion. If that doesn’t make 30 HGB sad I don’t know what does.
  19. Thanks. I assumed that would have made its way into the Slaanesh FAQ/commentary 🤷🏻‍♂️
  20. When you use the at the double command ability on a seeker unit that can run 2d6, does that change the roll to a 6 for one of the dice? Both making it a 12? Or does it just change the total on the 2d6 to be 6?
  21. Honestly I really don’t see him smashing the competitive scene so not really worth worrying. If we can deal with HGB (and we can) then this is completely doable too
  22. I’m not sure that I buy 30 daemonettes fighting twice being able to kill Gotrek. That dude is on a small base. I think you just treat him like a deathstar and cede the (decently small) board area to him unless it’s duality in which case yeah you gotta tango
  23. Chris always does a super thorough job of putting the lists together. That kind of effort takes time. I can empathize with wanting to see the lists, but it’ll come when it comes
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