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Everything posted by Anthony225

  1. If you know how to cut the "join tabs", whatever they're called, and then glue I'd recommend that 100%. I have all the warbands and the first thing I did when putting them together is cut off the join tabs. They are meant to be tight in order to be push fit. When you cut them off and glue it is significantly more easy to build and there's less gaps
  2. Mighty swing is a ploy that gives the next fighter an ape attack
  3. Makes me wonder if shattering terrain is even worth it, since it's really only taken because of sourtongue. Granted it'd be really awesome to even tag 2 enemies with 2 damage if the stats align.
  4. So how does deathly fortitude work with the blue/brimstone horrors? To me it looks like when the "5" wound blue horror dies, you it flips over and turns into a "3" wound brimstone horror. Seems like a great way to have them stick around extra long and be super irritating.
  5. Don't get me wrong, they look really cool and interesting. I want them to work well, it's just starting with 4 models and so few wounds sounds is scary. I do really like the idea of summoning a blue horror on any starting hex, and then the fact that that model is a chore to get rid of because you have to kill it twice. That could be really annoying to deal with. I also really like the idea of a 3 damage spell slinger.
  6. I hate to say it, but they look really fragile. They have the least starting wounds of any warband, albeit they can summon a model through an action. Bu they just have mediocre defense stats, and that combined with so few wounds, it just doesn't look good in my mind. They'll have to have some pretty great cards available, and even then they just seen paper thin and they don't even hit very hard in combat.
  7. They look super fun to me. I like the idea of using flickering step to make movement even more random, especially for the Fanatic. He seems very comical with Acrobatics!. Great concussion will be great to be able to pile up your grots in order to have a big Scurry chain of movement. Could use illusory fighter to get the Fanatic to safety as well as hidden path. The idea of the fanatic running rampant in the backfield is glorious. Honestly, the Fanatic will be the funnest model to play for me. I've always loved cards with walls of text and weird special rules. The 0 movement and 3 dodge is hysterical. also, the fanatic will love Time Trap as he can use his action 2 times in a row!
  8. I think they can do both. I also thought of a sneaky build which involves choosing a board with the most lethal hexes, and then taking ploys which push your enemy into your lethal squares. So great concussion, earthquake, the push all enemies spell, and distraction. You could also push into their territory if you want. And if they take lethal hexes it's even better.
  9. With the new token rules I do like the idea of being able to kill your own fighters in order to pop up in a better location tokenless and ready to charge.
  10. Yeah, I always thought the cards looked "incomplete" with the cool detailed artwork, and then a picture of the corresponding bare plastic miniature.
  11. Yeah it wouldn't work 100% of the time. But having access to an "action" that you don't have to hope you have in your hand or have to wait to counter another great concussion is way better than not having access to that action. As a nighthaunt player I'd probably still play great concussion so eventually I'd have a really good shot of sitting on objectives to score stuff. May even take earthquake as well for a ridiculous amount of movement shenanigans.
  12. Varclav the Chained may single handedly enable nighthaunts to be a viable objective grabbing warband. Who cares about great concussion or even earthquake combined when you can push 5/7 of your fighters 2 hexes with 1 action. Hopefully they are not to good though. They seem to hit with a good amount of damage, not great, but also seem fairly fragile. Especially since, at this point, there doesnt seem to be any revive mechanic . I guess there could be a spell though. I'm pretty excited for the nighthaunts. I really like the idea of super fast ghosts moving through everything.
  13. The thing I like about the Nighthaunt ghosts is that so far they seem to be weird/different enough to warrant using cards that wouldn't necessarily be good or competitive in previous bands. An objective that comes to mind is Brawl. The goal, if you want to get them inspired, is to get your fighters adjacent to enemy fighters. Their inspire condition goes against Alone in the Dark, but could work for Brawl. The other cool thing is since you'd be wanting to get adjacent with the enemy, and your opponent is most likely playing Alone in the Dark as it's a fantastic objective, you can actively shut your opponents AitD down from scoring it. Killing Ground and Trapped are a couple other objectives that could work. It seems like the ghosts will be able to be all over the place and go where ever they want. Killing Ground could work as you could take out a fighter in enemy territory and then hope they take one in yours and someone dies in no mans land. Trapped is another potential winner as you could swarm an enemy and attack them causing them to be driven back but not able. Acrobatic seems like a nobrainer with so much double dodge on decent fighters, with no (none spoiled yet anyway) way to ressurrect. Trusted Defender will be good as well for defense.
  14. I'm assuming the 3D terrain doesn't do anything in the game, just looks cool. Somewhere in the spoilers it stated the terrain was just matching whatever in printed on the boards themselves. So the 3D terrain doesn't do anything except look 3D. As far as I can tell anyway. Also, you can just move it out of the way when necessary, it's not like it has to be there. But I do see the issue of forgetting the hex(es) are still occupiable.
  15. The ethereal mechanic seems really cool. It'll be nice to load up your side with lethal hexes and not have to worry about them. its interesting that they don't seem to have very good defensive stats. And this fighter hits hardish, but not easily with 1 sword uninspired. Inspire mechanic is cool also. Seems easy yet dangerous. I wonder if there is any revive mechanic for them? I also like he fact that they have a painted model in the upper left corner and not the bare plastic
  16. I had a crazy thought for a "conversion" for these guys. I don't really like the models, but I do kinda like their rules and the idea of running around the board shooting stuff. My thought was to use GW's Melusai Blood Stalkers as fill ins for my Farstriders. Even the leader has a little pet dragon thing on her arm to represent Farstrider's falcon. The other two members I would just add an axe/sword either in the medusai's hand or hanging on the hip. Is there any conversion rule that would not allow something like this in an official GW Shadespire tournament? I could unserstand why they wouldnt allow it as the entire warband would be totally different models, albeit still 100% GW.
  17. Have you tried using earhquake and great concussion to help push all your fighters into their territory? That could help against defensive warbands. You can score unstoppable advance, swift advance, and maybe conquest while doing so
  18. The 2 push ploys I was referring to was me, as the objective player, taking them to push enemies around, hopefully into hazards. and does anybody really take all of the objective diruptioned you mentioned? I get it, all those things do disrupt objective play, but if you take it all that's basically all of your ploys. And to be honest that's probably not a very good deck build. Is taking half of those ploys worth it just in case you come up against an objective deck? what Ive seen in a lot of blogs/ videos is people tent to take great concussion and maybe 1 push ploy. Personally I'd make my objective deck have maybe supremacy+on our way out as strictly objective play. All the other objectives would be the same old escalation, ploy master, master of war, alone in the darkness. my goal would be to sit back and wait for the enemy while collecting glory. That doesn't necessarily mean I have to go all in for objective play. The idea with the new boards is if the enemy wants to come and play, it'll be a little more dangerous than the standard boards.
  19. I'm actually wondering if the new boards will help out objective decks. I can take Guard, Skaven, or maybe Dwarves as an objective deck and take the hazard board with the 2 blocked and 2 hazard hexes. Each of the previous warbands have access to 2 enemy push cards. So the idea would be to collect objectives and wait for your enemy to come to you and when they do, leverage the hazards to make it easier to take them out. You can more easily react to your enemies if they have to come to you. Knockback could be fun also because you could, in theory, knock an enemy through a hazard and they may have to go back through it to get back to you. i was also thinking of shardfall to further clog up the board for your enemies. EDIT: now that I think about it, even Magores fiends or Orruks could be interesting as a sit back and collect glory warband with the new boards. The Fiends can be pretty brutal when attacked and half their fighters can't be driven back. Orruks are very easily inspired with the hazards and they hit like trucks so you may not want to go to them. It's a win-win
  20. There's some interesting combos you could pull off in theory with the new boards. You could move a lesser Skaven into 2 hazards killing him, then ressurect said Skaven in enemy territory. It gets more fun when you have a hard hitting weapon upgrade and ready for action. In theory you could kill a hard target before they have any activations, especially like another Skritch or a Warden!
  21. The official announcement from warhammer underworlds site says "deals a point of damage if a fighter moves through them from intentially moving or being moved by a ploy or effect, or being driven back" so it seems pretty safe to say if a fighter ends up in a hazard for whatever reason, they take a damage
  22. @riddlesworth, im glad to hear the deck above that I posted is working out. It looks like a ton of fun. My theory is earthquake and great concussion may be used primarily to get the "murder midgets" up the board post haste. I do very much think that each dwarf is a force to be reckoned with (once inspired). Even Mad Maegrim, who's arguably the worst Fyreslayer stat-wise, is a capable fighter with a free reroll. Im very interested to see the new leader cards as the cards spoiled so far give me hope that there's something good for the dwarves. Quick advance and tyrant's command seem decent. Tyrant's command I think will be good for a lot of warbands. You could hidden paths Tefk into enemy territory and then charge. Commanding shout is interesting also. Although I'm not sure using an action to push a fighter 2 hexes is worth using an action. But it could be
  23. The new board with the 2 blocked hexes and 2 hazard hexes looks intriguing to me. You can, in theory, sit back with a warband like sepulchral guard and use push/knockback effects to toss the enemy into the hazard hexes. If I were to try this, and I may, I would use objective based objective cards to sit on objectives while the enemy comes to me. I would use push ploys as well as shardfall as adding another blocked hex wherever I want seems interesting. With the prince you could knockback an enemy through a hazard and then they'd possibly have to go back through the hazard to get to you again. And having friendly models die isn't as detrimental as you can always bring them back! If you're worried about the Warden dying early you could use hidden paths to get away. The thought of the enemy running around in my territory while being pushed into hazards and skeletons popping up here and there, all while their "fearless" Warden leader is having a picnic in enemy territory all by his lonesome, seems very satisfying to me.
  24. My guess is the white hexes are just blocked hexes like the normal boards. And I also think the boards are double sided. If you look closely at the white hexes, the one next to the fire/red hex looks like a tipped over cauldron. And the other white hex looks like it could be an empty cauldron just sitting there.
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