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Everything posted by Verminlord

  1. So with the rumor that only + hit and wound are limited, how about those 2+ save shield graveguard? (With charge reaction +1 and mystic shield +1)
  2. How's this for a reason: we only know a tiny portion of the actual rules and won't know how all the parts function and interact until the book is in our hands and our models hit the table. Once the full rules are out and tested, feel free to complain.
  3. The regeneration CA is going to help keep our hordes alive. +1 to save on rat ogors with the 4+ save/6 wounds mutation for 3+ save 6 wounds each is SPICY Warp lighting cannon will now enjoy shooting without penalty in your opponents turn. +1 to hit will actually have no effect on our big hordes until they drop below 30 models bc we are already getting a bonus from allegiance
  4. Hit/wound bonuses cap at +1 in 3rd, but yes this is good for our army
  5. Tbf, it looks like the MWs are only for orruks. I imagine the hobgrots will not have the orruk keyword
  6. I agree with you, seems arbitrary, but I do think I see their frame of mind. It will also speed up games for what it's worth. I do think the poison could have just as easily granted rend instead of MW
  7. Repost from another thread but, saves seem to be going up in general, along with easier access to +1 to save buffs. I think all the MW give an answer to many of the 2+ save units -especially for armies that have little access to rend. I imagine Kruleboyz will be one of those armies with little rend btw. They are the cunnin orruks, not the big bulky ones. Hard to say if all the MW will be a problem, but I can see some logic behind it.
  8. Saves seem to be going up in general, along with easier access to +1 to save buffs. I think all the MW give an answer to many of the 2+ save units -especially for armies that have little access to rend. Hard to say if all the MW will be a problem, but I can see some logic behind it.
  9. I like that adaption. It would make pile ins less obnoxiously fiddly and take away most of the threat of piling in out of coherency. Would also speed up the fight phase as you can easily see who is engaged directly and then just count up who is adjacent to/behind them. 2" ranges would still have a benefit of getting a third rank in as Neil said.
  10. Just because things have melee ranges doesn't discredit anything. Rules do not have to be a word for word port of 40k combat range; they never are. They ported coherency, why wouldn't they port a version of combat range that is already designed to work with those coherency rules? All they would need to change is the definition for engaged units. The 2nd rank rule would fix most of the issues people are complaining about.
  11. Kragnos is a single model not affected by coherency
  12. Well seeing as we have adopted 9th Ed 40k coherency, perhaps we will also get 40ks combat range rules. In the last battletome of AoS 2, skeleton spears lost their 2" reach, even blood knight and black knight lances are 1". I think the only things with melee reach in the book are single heros/monsters. Every 3.0 warscroll so far has also all been 1" reach. So maybe 2" reach is going away in favor of multiple ranks. Or perhaps 2" range will include 3 ranks?
  13. Well, they did exactly that with 40k which is their biggest cash cow so "they want to sell models" isn't really a great argument. Of course some factions will have more models. Some factions specialize in hordes, or in admech's case infantry. That doesn't change the fact that every single 40k army including ad mech costs more points in 9th than in 8th after the move to a smaller board.
  14. I think it is all but confirmed that army sizes are going down. 40k 9th all point values went up around 25% to make up for smaller board.
  15. As screens yes, but they often made up their points for me just by being on an objective before the game starts. 25mils will also be hurt somewhat less by this than larger base sizes. Just when I thought rat ogors were going to see some play 😢
  16. It was a necessary change with the shrinking board size and I'm glad to see it. Hordes already had a big advantage on a 4x6 with how much space they could control and the obvious advantage of more bodies on an objective. I do wish the minimum was 6 models instead of 5 for those elite cav.
  17. The rules preview was only for predatory spells, so we will have to wait to see for non predatory spells.
  18. With the smaller board size I wouldn't be surprised if AoS adopts 40k 9th eds coherency rules. That would really tone down a lot of horde unit shenanigans. Time will tell.
  19. Yeah I wouldn't take more than 3 ratlings personally. They need support to do damage. Overseer of destruction and a spark on one for +1 dmg and they will do work. I also like sending one through a gnawhole if my opponent leaves something squishy open. The warpfire teams will definitely see the most play with the new hidden team rules.
  20. So with predatory spells being able to be controlled in every turn, and kept control of, lifeswarm could add a lot of resiliency to our hordes on top of the allegiance respawns. Will have to wait for the rewrite in ghb, but currently it would be an extra D3 models in your and your opponents turn.
  21. Endless spells will probably receive rewritten scrolls, but looking at them as is there are some spells that are definitely more interesting. Being able to hold onto lifeswarm and have your horde unit of choice revive D3 models in your and your opponents turn. Lauchon could be able to teleport your units in your opponents hero phase lol
  22. RAW "At the start of your shooting phase, you can reveal 1 or more hidden Weapon Team units. If you do so, set up each hidden Weapon Team unit wholly within 3" of the unit it was hiding in and more than 3" from any enemy units" There is no limitation besides outside of 3" so coming out of a warpgrindered unit will put teams within 6" or even closer if you just moved closer to a unit.
  23. I'm actually hoping for more required terrain and better rules for them. As it stands terrain is just table dressing unless you have some serious LoS blocking pieces. Terrain forces a lot more tactical decisions and is also a natural nerf to big hordes.
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