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Everything posted by States

  1. Well I put thanquol on the 90m for now so I can paint. if needed, ill trim the base and put it on a 105m. My doomwheel is still on like a 120m (same base as wlc) as there was no official size for it and at the time, the community had an unofficial guide. Waiting to see if I have to change it
  2. Well mine came with a 90mm two days ago, he fits fine but just seems off. The doomwheel also comes with a 90mm now.. Haven't got an answer from them yet
  3. What base size is the doomwheel and thanquol on now? Official faq says 105mm oval, but they came with 90mm oval bases!
  4. With 10 new Bladegheists, what would you change?
  5. What one box should I get next in your opinion? Maybe Bladegheist? Or 8 banshees? Or?
  6. He is going with the new soul wars stuff + libs + judicators. Never had Olynder as general, seems fun! I do have the malign sorcery endless spells. I rarely see a list without cogs nowadays, not a big fan? Cheers!
  7. What should I go with for a 2k game vs stormcast? Never went against them to have an idea. I have: 1x Lady Olynder 1x Reikenor 1x KoSoS 1x Vampire Lord 3x GoS (1 with mortality) 1x Spirit Torment 1x Lord Executioner 2x Dreadblade 8x Glaivewraith 20x Reapers 6x Spirit Hosts 40x Chainrasp 10x Hexwraiths 1x Black Coach Any list suggestion?
  8. Hey there! Getting back to AoS and need help with a list building! I have the following: 1x Arch Warlock 1x Grey Seer 2x Warlock Engineers 2x Skaven Warlords 3x packmaster 1x Verminlord Warpseer 60x Clanrats 40x Giant rats 10x Skryre Acolytes 2x rat ogors 2x poisoned mortars 2x Warpfire throwers 6x Stormfiends (magnetized) 1x Warplighting Cannon 1x Doomwheel Hoping to have the Warpseer in a list but the rest I'm open to opinions!
  9. I was thinking of having the SH together with the Spirit Torment (as my general also) and bring them from the underworld. The reapers would run around with the vampire lord having the extra attacks in. The horde and GoS would do whatever would be needed, and try to push Lady O up carefully using the palisade also. The glaivewraith could probably cap objectives, or if he places some artillery alone to a corner, jump them.
  10. What makes you like the top one more? Feel free to explain stuff!
  11. This weekend I am going vs freeguild, and am unsure of what to take! I was thinking one of these lists (i have SW box, spells, and some odd heros) Guardian of Souls Spirit Torment Lady Olynder Reikenor Vampire Lord 8x Glaivewraith Stalkers 20x Grimghast Reapers 6x Spirit Hosts 20x Chainrasp Horde 20x Chainrasp Horde Chainguard Battalion Chronomantic Cogs Prismatic Palisade 1990/2000 Or Guardian of Souls Spirit Torment Lady Olynder Reikenor Vampire Lord [Dreadblade Harrow] 8x Glaivewraith Stalkers 20x Grimghast Reapers 6x Spirit Hosts [40x Chainrasp Horde] Chronomantic Cogs Prismatic Palisade [Quicksilver swords] 1950/2000 Any suggestions?
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