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Everything posted by Sangfroid

  1. Would need new underwear if they renewed the Black Orc Big mob. Bojangles the Gargant has seen the light of day for just over a year now.....
  2. Some peeps use 40mm all the warchiefs tokens are 40mm as long as it's clear and agreed with opponent it's cool
  3. You have certainly picked a good one to make your debut at :-)
  4. @Chris Tomlin don't worry you have made the right choice GHB2017 = win win ill be eagerly pouring over my GHB2017 the Saturday before and fully expect to be painting late every night in the preceding week just adds to the fun doesn't it ?
  5. Room for a little one @Chris Tomlin Da Ghostwulfz are chomping to get a good Waaaagh! On under GHBtwentyseventeeeeeeeeen!
  6. @Chris Tomlin In the story the MawKrusha doesn't so much as fly as jump glide a bit and then land on things with a squish, you could easily just have him leaping about and landing on stuff claws out like the Jurassic park movies, but in any event AoS or 40k it's a great conversion Gorkamorka is a proud deity seeing this As for counts as, Its not exactly a piece of cardboard stuck to a tuna can is it ?
  7. Looks great Chris you should also get yourself a Mawcrusha sized base as this is also screaming out to be a "counts as" Mawcrusha outside of friendly campaign fun! Could 2x crusha be a thing in GHBv.2..... I for one hope so :-)
  8. Might is right! Make this happen @Kaseliegth
  9. Great posts all (as always) regarding the brutefist @Chris Tomlin as it's a campaign game it will be fun but it's an interesting idea to not take any chaff and load up on characters as they will really help the brutes bring the pain. Only thing I would say is every time I've use the Brutefist I have had the Megaboss as general and used a waaagh everyturn because IP is largely irrelevant. If you can't do this because of campaign then you should load up a 10/15 Megabrutes unit :-) also don't forget the stupid 10" rule all units have to be 10" from Bruteboss to be able to charge and do mortals I've found a 2 wave formation works with choppas at the front jagged Hackas second line.
  10. yes please the chump has to work or something ridiculous like that!
  11. Hey mark please change rob Perrin name to to red as I paid for him after I sent you mine and Carl's :-)
  12. Great report Chris, I honestly felt the green waaagh energy building in my stomach reading it, I literally now cannot wait until I can get a game with the IJ again!! Gorefist some thoughts based on what you posted (for all our benefit tactical discussions) 1) stay away from khorgoraths with goregruntas, they have rend -1, now do 2 damage and worse have a -1 to bravery buff (and a shooting attack) you are unlikely to clear off all 8 wounds in a single charge with 3 pigs so the more likely outcome is a second round of combat, if things don't go your way and you lose a model or worse 2 then you on a 5+/4+ bravery test to lose the unit. Ideally the crusha goes for this, shoots it first and does some damage then destroys it with bulk on the charge and then goes to charge again! Or if it's close to other units does the above but splits attacks to clear it off and assault a second target. 2) skullcrushers, these guys in a 6 were a prime target for the gorefist, even if they had glaives I reckon it could have taken maybe 3 or 4 rounds of combat (unaided) for them to kill the 3 pigs, if you had shielded on the way in as well. This would have pinned the massive unit in place for your cabbage or Megabrutes to advance and smash to pieces on your terms. Worst case is you hold him up and commits other units to clear them out of the way basically meaning even if he double turns you he hasn't actually moved forwards with enough to really threaten you because you have pinned him back on his deployment line for his turn one. Then You have the double turn chance back going into T3. 3) wrathmongers, another prime target (as you said) 3 pigs with a chanter buff should kill 3 of these on the charge (losing 1 to attacking yourself and maybe a second to the 2 guys attacks back) depending on how things play out and the threat they pose to cabbage and Megabrutes you could have sacrificed the pigs to neutralise or even destroy the wrathmongers as a trade off. As the battle enfolds his army has to engage both the cabbage and Megabrutes so without wrathmongers to make you hurt yourself gives you more chance to win out in the grind. Btw not any criticism here just some observations before a Weirdnob makes my head explode :-) Khorne was alway tough now with a new book even tougher! I am quite pleased the gorefist (could have) worked and has some legs for further testing!
  13. If only I had that many goregruntas.... however Chris does have 12 made now (and 6 more to make) so.... Gordrakk 700 chanter 80 6 pigs 3 pigs 3 pigs 3 pigs 3 pigs gorefist 120 = 1980 turn one charges on 3d6 plus 2 attacks extra each or Gordrakk buffs himself for a turn one charge as well
  14. I'd love to take the cabbage, but it's either him or the gorefist as I feel brutes are the actual auto include in every list because they needed across all armies (wish we could take both!) and cheers fella I never went away (for example I never once posted on the order section :-)) bristol smash is 3/4 of June £35 a ticket mark "donkey d" is TO and it will be great!
  15. Also yes back on the green wagon of glory, I've enjoyed the tin-men but Bristol Smash might be the last chance for the Megabrutes competitively so I can't let the ladz down!
  16. i was thinking of this while we can still field Megabrutes (10 could easily be a 15 I just left it that way so more D3 mortals on the hero phase charge) it's also not optimum :-)
  17. @Chris Tomlin love the thread and always read your stuff (even the emo moaning stuff ?) I'm thinking of trying out the gorrefist at Bristol Smash as it may give us an answer to aetherstrike and skyfire spam armies because the 26"+d6 movement (Ravager trait on general) maybe enough to get either so close that aetherwings cant move to intercept or around the screens with 3 units so you can gets some charges off. with a Warchanter buff 3 choppa pigs should on average do 8 wounds to skyfires and 6 wounds to raptors (assuming no buffs on them) that's a dead unit of raptors and a 4+ bravery pops the skyfires (both min sized) Even if they then can deal with 45 wounds of prime pig meat, they then aren't dealing with the real threat of the brutes and Megaboss hot-footing it across the board to do the real red work! Not sure yet if it's a good plan and I'd need to paint 3 more.... but the ideas are are washing about in my head again!
  18. Sounds like good games! for ironjawz the damn mourngul is such a pain in the neck I find :-( as for your list I think it's as optimum as your gonna get in an Ironfist under scgt pack only change you might consider is ditching ardboyz for second gorepigs their speed and toughness and board control but is that better than 5 extra wounds and 10 models... not really sure tbh
  19. @Chris Tomlin ogors are great battleline units arguably up until bonesniffers were release the best point for point in destruction. The ogres are fast enough anyway and your going to want to keep them all close with the ironjawz so how about this list to pay with?
  20. If this isn't the next release then someone tell GW to make sure it's the one after!
  21. Hi @Kaseliegth I also paid for Carl smith and rob Perrin fella if you could update them as paid when you get chance please :-)
  22. Read fury of Gork, one of his grunta-bosses starts getting antsy so Gordrakk says fine go off and lead the assault (With an inner monologue to say he hopes the silly old fool gets himself killed) so to could our Megaboss allow an underling to "lead" a battle while he goes and shows the boyz who is really the boss by breaking heads if the bruteboss succeeds he is still an underling because he can't take on the Megaboss, if he succeeds then it actually because of all the bashing the Megaboss did, right, who ere is gonna step up and say otherwise ;-)
  23. The "fluff" argument annoys the hell out of me "oooooh your Megaboss should be the general as he is Da biggest" meanwhile you have a celestial hurrcalicalllaammaiiiiiiim (you spell it I obviously can't) in a sylvaneth army or 3 huskards mooching about with Bonesplittas who would/should turn about and start bashing their own monsters from a "fluff" perspective. Anyway it's obviously hyper offensive to the majority of the player base of AoS simply because they have to then actually play a bit to get their easy wins over us poor ironjawz :-) looking at the lists for Alliance tourney coming up 1 ironjawz player...... sad times
  24. @Chris Tomlin Carl isn't on TGA for some unknown reason so I'll pass on the good news! Moar Chiefs :-)
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