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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. Yeah I don’t know either. i mean for 40k I’ve been using mostly just legacy units, but for some reason everybdoy else who isn’t a part of the club I’m a memeber of currently seems to consider those units dead, yet they aren’t they have rules and work pretty well in that system. I mean they are not broken in any way but fun to use also slightly weaker then some other units in comparison I doubt it, personally I have a feeling that an aos skaven redo will probably look like the gloomspite gitz redo or slaves to darkness redo. And pretty much all models in those range are useable in tow. Something newer aos players often forget is that fantasy didn’t die (only) because of their rule set, rather that the speed of updates we got was quit bad. when you’ve got an army that hasn’t seen any balance changes or a new book for the last 8-10 years, yeah that kinda kills the vioe for that army. If gw chose to go that route in aos as well. It wouldn’t be a sustainable system either
  2. I agree. If tow was part of the 40k universe we’d definitely would have seen space skaven at this point
  3. Yeah gws words, where picked poorly. something I also noticed they mentioned was how these legacy armies are a good way to start the edition, but if somebody wants to stay in that system for the long term period, they’d have to change their army. that isn’t inspiring either and personally, I will ignore it. after all nobody can tell me which army I have to play to be a long term tow player. and as for tournaments, well gw did mention they won’t be tournament legal in total…. Personally that’s something they can’t really decide for every tournament or event that will be organized around the world. I mean just look at the horus heresy events. faction like the ruin storm daemons or imperial militia are also legend and officially not meant for tournament play, and yet I haven’t heard of any non gw hereys events that didn’t allow these armies to be used Yeah well that’s what gw wants to tell you. but man look at all those warhammer army project players. A good amount have been using those new seraphons or chaos warriors for that system since release. I doubt that a few words will stop anybody from using new models in tow.
  4. To put it blatantly, I believe tow can probably be compared to horus heresy. And while I’m certainly probably more considered a new player, I so far have been to an events and talked to a lot of players. The horus heresy players are quite chill and the events I’ve so far gone too as well as my buddies (who have played a lot more games then me) have mostly seen legacy u its being allowed, considering that I’m guessing we’ll see the same happen for old world. I have no doubts about it and personally I’m incredible hyped playing my skaven long term in the world, no matter what one of the warhammer community writers wrote in their article.
  5. They are all just waiting for the right moment to stirke-kill. yes-yea
  6. I might not agree on the word solid, but prediction yeah sure why not sounds interesting. I’ll have a look at it afterwards
  7. I doubt that halve a good looking range will be removed because they came officially from old world and it is back now. There’s a good chance that some models will be able to be used on more then one system.
  8. I tjink those bonesplittaz rumors are likely just the wish-listing of a minority of aos fans who consider all old world needs to be removed. personally that of course doesn’t mean bonesplittaz are save. truth is nobody really knows if they get removed. they have certainly been one of those faction lacking of support by gw lately. Although considering on the popularity on orks in total. I can at least say that I have seem more bonesplittaz fans then kruelboyz. Even now kruelboyz at least in my area are considered not interesting enough, although some of us skaven players love there monster although for other reasons I think some of us have had or still have that wish. If it is expected….. well that depends on the oppinion of each player, but I’d say personally yes and at the same time hope it’s not. Players of faction that are just now getting their battletomes won’t be happy for such a chance. We have after all seen it happening in 40k
  9. That there aren’t any stormfiends makes sense. But verminlords? I mean they always where part of skavens society, and while thanqoul didn’t exist back the. Or at least unlikely, he wasn’t the only grey seer capable of summoning verminlords. -no slaves I guess they fear a return if the slave spamm that existed in 8th although maybe its possible that the base size for clanrats will also be that for the slaves since slaves are what basically halve the skaven box comes with. it is sad to here that no bas size for fw stuff is announced, not so great but I’m not really worrying. as for no special characters, I was hoping we’ll see ikitt, since he was leading the skryre forces back in the skaven civil war
  10. Uff, I… this truly is sad. Yeah those misfire charts have been missed. as for stormfiends, I doubt they’ll be back. same could be said for characters like Queek headtaker, Tretch craventail, deathmaster Snitch, and the named master moulder (not throt though). After all they weren’t norm back then. although character like Ikitt could and hopefully will see a return. After all he was the one who took skavenblight in Morskittars name. he is one of the skaven characters that we actually know existed back then. personally I’d love to say the same thing about thanqoul. But his past live and age is just unknown. as For throt. I am not certain if he existed back then. He doesn’t get mentioned but at the same time we have stories where he has access to the drug that can make a skaven lives for centuries and longer
  11. 😟 what currency is that? 435.00? i actually thought I’d heart that those boxes came ay a price range of 250euros + a bit more for the tomb kings box
  12. So I should mention, skaven currently (this might change in the upcoming edition though) have a rule that increases the skaven melee weapon range by 1 inch for every 10 models they have in their units to a maximum of 3inches. considering that you’ll often have with bigger blobs of clanrats or stormvermins the change to basically attack out of 4 ranks.
  13. All the way skaven. Nothing but skaven. that’s my choice . yes-yes So in case of this year it was pretty much the pestilence underworld warband
  14. Currently my biggest project, is painting and building/converting my iron warriors for horus heresy. as well as my imperialis Militia force I’ve started building. they’ll be my iron warriors meatshields, yes-yes. as for aos….. well I’m currently writing a homebrew skaven faq, so I might be working on that as for models….. I’m not really motivated to paint any of them. I guess I could see myself starting a small paint project on skaven again once the old world has there pdf released, but aos just took my joy away from playing skaven in total, which is probably why I started writing a homebrew faq for the skaven
  15. Yeah some of the metal models are quit expensive. the plastic once although seem to be skightly cheaper them the aos ones
  16. I’d probably be guessing the same thing. although hopes here is is if that truly is a skaven warcry warband, it won’t be the skaven update for 4.0
  17. Oh yeah I’m really digging the mew website just for that. Last time I was at my local store they told me that they are now capable of ordering from forge world, so while the website isn’t that amazing it did bring something great with it
  18. You know what’s the sad part. the swiss franc is currently almost at an equal value to the British pound and I’m certain considering the experience I’ve had lately that I’ll be paying the prices as if the dollar is at an equal valye of 1 to the swiss franc for those kits🤮
  19. So I took a good look at your comments and they are very inspiring. if those runours didn’t exist of skaven getting an update soonish, I might actually be enticed flipping the entire book and making my own new crazy skaven rules. Currently though I’ll just write something that can still be used tjis edition and still gives us the skaven feeling, with which your comments will be very helpful. As for the command trait overseer of destruction I have rewritten, you suggested that I should make it like a buff that helps weapon teams from the start instead of being a buff being given to those weapon teams. I really like that although in this case I was wondering if it would make sense to instead of limiting it to only 3 weapon teams that it would instead be a buffer for all weapon teams in the army. This should at least make it a bit more interesting for those player who would like to use a few more weapon teams then just 3. it would also be a justify-able command trait that can be considered taking when compared to others. what do you think?
  20. So I just had a look how those dirty tricks work, and you just brightened my day. I think I finally found something that I can exchange three clawsteps for (I dislike how the ability’s feels more like a three dudes holding hands thing) with a few tweaks I think I might be able to make some plan-schemes for my homebrew faq that can be used when fielding 3 grey seers, just gotta make certain it won’t feel like three rats holding hands
  21. I’ll happily do that in a week😂😅. ps: happy new year guys🎉🎉 IMG_3104.mov
  22. I’ll have to take a look at the dirty tricks. Don’t really know what they do, but till them cheers and a happy new year
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