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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. There are also a lot if non competitive players who mostly care about playing models they emjoyed painting or just liked their look
  2. I mean there’s the special bravery rule the skaven have, which and yet no skaven unit in the book has that special rule😂. truthfully, I think either gw has to break their own oath of not updating these legacy faction for at least once, or we might have to make our own small faq, that deals with those problems. personally considering that most armies had an 8th or 6-7th edition book, taking inspiration from those books and trying to figure out what unit should get what rule might be quit helpful. and as for rules we think are clearly wrongly written, i’d say we’ll just go for the rule ofhow it should probably be rather then how it is written
  3. I… actually don’t know. but if they are offering, hopefully this also means the return for monstrous arcanum units for legacy factions. I’d love to see a return on the brood horror
  4. Officially yes…. But I don’t think that should be too much of a problem. for example me and my buds are holdimg of a 500points path to glory in aos, and basically chose to house rule the restrictions slighlty
  5. You know while this legacy rules update for skaven is quit restricted, (and has some rules that apparently no skaven can use (very certain that’s a mistake) it actually feels like you are writing a list with skaven. in comparison to the current aos 3.0 book, this legacy pdf actually got some love for the skaven
  6. Just 80? i’ve got like 300paunted and 400….400-500ish unpainted clanrats😂
  7. Oh I wouldn’t worry there is already some list scheming happening in the under empire.
  8. While that is true they did mention zombies in the horde explanatory section😂
  9. Nah mate, they’ll probably just put sharks onto the behemoth list. Can’t have those models be spammed after all😂
  10. Well I I’m guessing that they don’t want a 3 tower scenario back. Which was apparently also a thing way back. personally it still opens the door to having 2 grey seers or 1 of each in a 2k game, and personally that’s good enough for me. grey seers are after all agents send by the council of thirteen to lead or support and army, and it is really seldom in lore that you see more then one grey seer in a skaven army What I’m personally not too much of a fan though is the removal of the mounts for our Warlords and chieftains. personally I would have loved seeing them being added back in.
  11. Ah yeah now I see what you mean. the grey seer or Skaven warlord are quit restricted.
  12. What do you mean not able to soup the four clans? have I read something wrong? i actually thought the only restrictions are that some units can only be taken if you have that specific hero in the skaven roster
  13. Yeah personally I’m not quit a fan about it. Aos personally doesn’t feel like a competitive system especially not with the double turn. So I’m even more amazed how gw seems to try and get into that competitive environment, with a system that does not seem to be made for that environment. I have nothing against the idea of playing competitive, but when it destroys the fundamental concept of an army, then I’m just not interested in partaking in it
  14. Personally I’m going to say this. so far we have hopes wishlist and some rumors hinting towards skaven. will it be the faction that will finally see some sort of update this year? maybe. i actually don’t know we are certainly the army that is direy in need of an update. And hes I would even say should have the right before any other eldar faction to get an update at this point (sorry eldar we just have more units that need one then you.) but gw is quit unpredictable, and this wouldn’t be the first time a rumor of the skaven would have been false. should you keep your money for the rumored upcoming skaven release. Personally I can’t tell you what is best for you. I’m personally keeping some money on the side for the chance the rumors might be true, but at the same time I might go for auxilia if it isn’t. in the end you would have to decide by yourself if it is worth the wait for something we don’t know is coming
  15. If I remember correctly, @whitefang never said anything about chorfs. he merely liked a comment where some dude had the honest wargamer mentioning chorfs in it.
  16. Personally I mostly agree with you there. although I don’t quit agree on the battletome front, but my reason for that is mostly skaven so….. take it with a grain of salt. i’m not a fan of that book, and while aos 3.0 has been a fund system to play in skaven just weren’t a fun faction at all. the book didn’t support the lore of the book, ignored the entire concept of what a skaven is and how a grand allegiances should be build upon (apparently holding hands and dancing around a campfire is the new norm for skaven), and half of our books pages from last edition where ripped out. Personally this is mostly the thing I didn’t like about this edition and I’m really hoping should skaven get their update in 4.0 that gw really should think about what the skaven are before writing something a Skaven lore lover would puke over
  17. Same. I’m incredibly and probably only excited for the horus heresy announcement of the auxilia (very certain it is them at that point. as for the rest… I’m not sure, aos doesn’t seem to be getting anything interesting unless somebody plays one of the army that new dawnbringer book brings with it. And as for 40k….. I haven’t really been concerned about at all. I guess we’ll see the next two armies getting their books. So custodes and orks… or tau?
  18. Well truth be told seraphon, slaves and gloomspite gitz (as well as ardboyz) could as well be made for old world. Most of their units fit the description of old world units perfectly. edit: of course there are units and factions that probably never will fit into old world, like the fish-things, the fantasy space marine-things, the flying beard-things, but those are like the exception.
  19. Because the skaven don’t follow any of the fours lesser chaos gods not even nurgle. the goals clan pestilence attempt to reach are quit different of that of nurgle. I agree skaven in total are in desperate need for an update / addition for each clan. I’d love to see more support between the clans instead of them being their own thing. we’ve laready had moulder making pack-deals with skryre to craft the stormfiends, why shouldn’t we have that back for verminus and moulder or verminus and skryre. weapon teams and poisoned wind globadiers where actually made in the thousands to be sold to the highest paying skaven. Personally when it comes down to the clans that have the lowest potential as they are pretty much already a done clan would be the master clan, which isn’t quit a clan to state at the first time but more of a place grey seer get trained and can call their home. in the end they could probably use some mounted heroes as the other clans as mounts are something we really haven’t seen with skaven also stormvermins, and clanrats should have an all clan keyword. clan skryre , moulder are known to field many of their own of these lowly warriors to battle, not just those the hired. the only clan that gets mentioned that they don’t officially have clanrats or stormvermins is clan eshin, and even they have their own follower clans
  20. Considering the lack of lore in total for the skaven. I’m not that suprised the council of 13 hasn’t been mentioned too much. i mean the few times skaven where mentioned in aos, was mostly just to fix a problem gw wasn’t certain how they could come out of without destroying the world of aos in the lore or to just have stated that skaben got mentioned once (like for example the kragnos campaign book)
  21. Personally I disagree with you there. but I think skaven are one of the faction that’ll have a wider audience of people who are split on both our opinions. personally I’m quit happy they chose to put skaven as an army together and I do hope it won’t get split again. but that’s just my opinion
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