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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. Don’t worry I already saved thousands of pounds, for the next skaven release? (and that since 2015)
  2. Well good luck to you than. Say, if you get an answer from the team, could you maybe send it to the discussion?? thanks in advance
  3. Yeah, but there is no rule stating, that a successful attack can’t have more then one hit or wound role, so in other words it should be possible and the shock gauntlets ability only says that a to hit of 6 or more will count as d6 hits instead of 1 and not d6 attacks
  4. Yeah but if I understand the rules right, an attack consist of at List a hit Roll and a(or more) woundroll(s), in other word those 6hits would be a part of the attack. if you also wound all 6, and he didn’t save any, you would have done a possible 18damage.
  5. Probably with warpfire projectors or warpgrinders. If I’d Go full out on skyre. luckily I usually go for a mixed skaven army. if you’re interested in fielding rattling guns, I would take a t least 2plague priest with them, give your warlord the lord of war trait and take an chaos sorcerer lord to your army. now you have a unit that those 9d6attacks which hit on 3s, wound on /2s and you can reroll ones to hit and to wound. This unit will now obliterate any Unit. the combo also works rather good without the sorcerer lord.
  6. Yes it is possible also if you trigger the ability and make 6hits from the one attack, which all of them also wound and go through the armor, you can easily put out an additional 6damage thanks to the warpstone sparks.
  7. Shock gauntlets with 2-3packmaster behind them. they will kill-slay any foe, with a 3+, 4+ etc save.
  8. Anyways are there any rumors about some new army or older ones being renewed (like maybe skaven?)??
  9. Cunning this man thing is yes-yes. but it only see-knows halve of my cunning plan thinks we spie for beard things, thinks we kill-stab for them. wrong, it is. but beard things will die-die soon yes-yes. from beneath the danger awaits.
  10. Nah just a plain daemonic Verminlord who misses the good old times. ah how I miss the end times. when the skaven still owned a army book.
  11. Ah dont worry, Skaven haven’t gotten a battletome as well the only thing we can do right now is wait, grumble, and write grudges. ?
  12. Hopfully skaven will get theire release soon (hoping for skanuary also known as the 13th month?)
  13. Wholly within?? did Gw change the rules for the crown again? i thought it was only within “6”
  14. Ok you got me ?. i myself would probably not feel bored, if skaven would be released through the year 2019. (Although my savings wouldn’t be too happy about this?) Anyways I think Muphinman did great clarifying what I tried to say. (Thanks)
  15. Look I think it is a great idea to mix up some other faction into the release dates. yes I understand that this year should be the year of death, but it would be very tiresome, if you see only releases for death for a whole year. how would you feel if Skaven and only skaven will be released trough the whole year of 2019. wouldnt it get boring? (Oh a just one more thing the year 2019 was only taken as an example and doesn’t necessarily mean that skaven are coming in 2019. Although I would really like it having some kind of an skaven release, than ???)
  16. If we’re lucky they might get the same treatment like death, did with the named prince on zombie dragon ((what was his name again vodrake, voidrake .......?))
  17. Well if your friend played pestilence, and his full army was immun to battleshock, and didn’t use any command points. then I would recommend you to maybe have a look for yourselve. because I do not really know of any kind of rule with the exception of maybe some realm magic and the grand chaos allegiance artifact “crown of conquest”, which can do something like this. anyways have fun playing, will be joining you soon on your beast of chaos conquest?
  18. I see that you have never (or not too often) played a skaven army before. Two skaven warlords wont do a thing to your skaven hordestyle army. w What you need is at least 2heros and 2commandpoints, to keep some of your army save from battleshock. we do have the crown of conquest, but loosing the Deathrunners ability, just made it, a little bit worse. as for the allegiance ability’s known as “strength in number”, does only apply to pestilence, which really helps them a bit out, but loosing a few guys (5-11) can still be a big problem to them, and for skyre, which has no real horde unit.
  19. It looks good, just remember that rat Ogor’s have a very bad save and less wounds than a unit of 40Clanrats. They will be slaughtered easily, if you don’t use some kind of a unit which fits the role of meatshields perfectly. so in other words, you should at least take a unit of 40 giant rats, to assure that your army doesn’t get whipped first or second turn.
  20. Well I played a almost only clanrat army with some priests and a warlord. they literally ganwed a mawcrusher to its bones in one turn and killed the rest of its army at the end of turn 5. holding objectives wasn’t a big deal, since my opponent was fighting against 320 rats (240clanrats and 80giant rats) map yes if it comes done to who does the most damage, plague monks are definitely the winner. but only taking sixty clanrats is just a no go mostly. i always go for at least 120 and than take some different kind of units to my 2000p army’s. (I really like my meatshields when there are plenty)
  21. Sadly said skaven didn’t get anything new, since aos came out. (With the exception of a Shadespire warband, and pestilence) (than again we are still standing somehow better than other factions (talking about the high elves etc.))
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