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Everything posted by Honk

  1. Like I said... strange and crazy people! ? good work
  2. The cruel overlords ability really got a buff. No more rebellion, you always shoot and already at 3+ twice...
  3. You can magnetize the flayer/haunter/vargheist Kit if you’re up to it. I tried and it kinda worked. I recommend at least one side 3x1mm to 2x1mm, my 2on2 set is not strong enough. I‘ve heard/read about people magnetizing the Tg/ZD, but don’t see it without major skillz. And I mean beyond some green stuff adjustments. The head/neck is a three part design (left/middle/right) and the arm/wing attachments are turned. Madness...
  4. Doing a nightshift building a list against nurgle tomorrow... menagerie style: gkotg, gkotg, gkozd, 3x10 ghouls with courtier and 3 horrors going for ghoul patrol ghouls grab objectives , starting with 3 cp summoning in 2x3 horrors with their varghulf and the big guys up through the middle tying the opponent down... deadwatch: infernal, varghulf, gkozd, 3x6 flayer(or 9/6/3), 10 ghouls and deadwatch... summon a second varghulf turn one and start the massacre, not sure how to objective, but fast and furious might win the day...or kill at least bosslike can‘t really make up my mind maybe even a take on Kings ghouls... gkozd, varghulf, horrors courtier, ghoul courtier, 6horrors, 30/30/10 ghouls and the battalion (pile in &attack in herophase for the ghouls) ghouls Grab objectives and prepare to grind, varghulf probably as general with dark wizardry and the king with the horrors up the lane to strike into the festering heart of evil!!!
  5. Do not listen to naysayers and internet-trollz (probably seraphon playerz anyway) just play it... *whisper* three flayers are not enough...12wounds 5+ melt like a snowball in hell
  6. I was going to say : in this list, you don’t need a king, take another infernal, but the king comes with internal ghouls, so... that‘s quit a nasty list! to consider/weak points Might struggle against hordes f.e. Skelli horde or nurgle filth with only 6-7 big models, you’ll never claim an objective your scream ends against bravery 7/8+(Stormcast/fyreslayers), with the garland mw on 5/6+, better than nothing, but depending on your opponents (demons, death, seraphon) might be just noise... Heavy shooting on a large board will really mess you up. Played against kharadron once and they shot down my varghulf turn 1 (20 baseline dwarfs), got fast and hard retribution. Still, everybody 5+save To end positive: I really like the redundancy in your support, the list is very fast and Black Hunger buffed flayers really hit hard. The scewering strike got buffed to „showing a 6“ for mw i think it‘ll be fun. Not hardcore competitive, but fast and furious
  7. So you spotted my deception ? yep, 48x48...still not really nice to bring 2 pieces of Artilleriy and always whip that ogor, he wears dark shard armor, feels almost nothing ??
  8. It doesn’t... You can summon twice with majestic horror for one cp. royal family let’s you call in a new king, if you have less than 6 on the board...which of course can call in his unit instantly. Got to have all the command points for that of course...
  9. If I remember correctly, the ghoul patrol units enter the game from a board edge after the first moving phase... fully within 6“, min 9“ from enemy could use your own edge or side...
  10. Just had an interesting match against a tzangor horde... 1k, „hold and conquer“ as scenario, playing on 24x24 very nice game, felt bad for bringing big guns to the small table...got kinda scared with the low bravery, normally playing undead, but the armor of our ironsworn is really great. 4+, ignoring the first damage while doing mortals back on a 6 the k‘daii are awesome glass cannons against low save opponents. very tight game, won 15:14 almost wiping him, was really in my face turn 1, but endured and slowly but surely pushed back, capturing my winning objective with a 10“ command run last round.
  11. Can’t really say for sure. Against low bravery opponents flayers do their work, while being fast. Supported by a varguhlf or the infernal, They can even hold their own on a flank which is really fun, if being summoned in. if you want to cave in some heads, take six horrors with a king and watch them gravestones work. With a bit of planning (right arm sets for the bodies) and 3x1 round neodymium magnets all is possible, although my wings and arms got mixed and I only used 2x1 magnets...so they are a bit whobbly.
  12. Sometimes I get the feeling, that our GA is a hot mess of crazy... if you try to use the ally system all hell breaks loose
  13. Not quite sure why we get kicked in the nuts, while the whole nurgle bunch gets a 5+ The ways of gedubs are mysterious indeed
  14. It works on blood knights and they are no lords...
  15. Don’t have my book with me, but I‘ll work on a rebuttal... f.e. Deathless minions works, some abilities carry over to allies, so I‘d rather double check
  16. The list is classic... it turned out to be a draw, but my 2x2 morghast brawled with a whole nurgle army until it was to late for him to do anything relevant. Sadly only 1,5k list so no terrorgheist and no vlozd and yes, please 2-handed blades for the guard
  17. GkoTg is great: good melee, scream and heals d3 each round... within a legion of blood even the flayers could perform, not to mention the tg-scream and it gets even better, he has the vampire keyword XD
  18. Well, together with the gkozd you could summon an elite Unit with a varghulf... that‘s pretty scary. and the barefooted one then only costs 40 points aaaand they enter from a board edge... but you need to get all the command points from somewhere
  19. The command abilities of the flesh eater court was mentioned in the sneak peaks and faction focus... haven’t seen it printed yet XD https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/05/27/27th-may-faction-focus-flesh-eater-courtsgw-homepage-post-3/
  20. They wanted their pets back, but BBQ was already in full flow... turtle soup in own shell, stuffed with shark finns... not pc but tasty
  21. Well, they are spells, and the ability says : ...can increase the range of their spells by 6“... so yes, it should be affected
  22. Well then, as feared, there you go... thx for all the fish XD The attendants battalion also doesn’t really tickles my palate, since all summoning is once per game... so back to dead watch or menagerie as usual but a gkotg and gkozd combo might be interesting too... flayer/horrors with a varghulf into the backfield sounds nice
  23. Can‘t read a ****** thing, except the headlines XD I fear a lot of broken madness (chain summoning of suicide GKs in royal family or such) will hopefully be clarified in the next faq... and instead of wreaking the alliance (rotn nerf) write well balanced rules. I can’t wait to hold the book in my hands
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