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Everything posted by Honk

  1. Aaaand as icing on the cake, within 18“ they know each other’s spells... as well as from all other death wizzards. So both could hand of dust, both could soulsteal or CoY... and both can reroll deathly invocation ( for max 9 units...) madness for 1120 points... I would recommend 5 wolves and 2x40 skellis with a necro and a spellportal for 1910 an extra command point and a triumph. I don’t play nighthaunt, so I have no idea if 30 grimghast or chainrasp thingies with a second wolfsquad is an option
  2. So first of all, you did the right thing, joining GA:Death. Nagash is pleased, from here on life/undeath is peachy... just build your models and mush them into a list and start playing, the competitive side of AoS will come in time afterwards. playing big N is very straight forward and might be a bit tricky scoring points. You give him vile transference, overwhelming dread and since Arkhan is there soul harvest(9“ mw Aura spam with 5+ regen). That should regenerate him pretty fast. Nagash is not really fit for heavy close combat, so you need to watch his flanks and prevent countercharges. He can and has to punch some faces to reclaim his points, but spirit of durthu and things like that can cripple him pretty fast. Same goes for heavy shooting, he does carry a big hit me first sign...maybe first cohort then, if local meta is shooty first addition might be a necromancer, skellis with van hels are pretty good. arkhan is good, other mortarchs kinda fail against the vlozd in points/performance especially playing realm rules with ethereal cloak and some generals ability... first rule: enjoy the Rest is kinda trial and error ??
  3. Singing : you’re a mean one Mr.Grintch... at 750 those 320 point outrider squad with 100 points backliners surely will mess up some people. And I love a good horror charge... gravestones to the face!!!
  4. Tricky customer indeed... personally I haven’t played blood yet, only GH, LoS, LoN XD FEC but, since there is a lot you don’t want to play, because everybody else plays it and is better with it too... the non-meta rule of cool list: neferata, coven throne, necromancer 2x5 wolves, 2 morghast, 60 zombies with corpsecart and a batswarm 2 Terrorgheist this has it all... high profile character, awesome chicks, evil magician, bats and wolves and evil monsters together with a horde of zombies this list is trve as **** and brings a lot of stuff to the table nobody dares to field, while it should also perform pretty solidly
  5. Well, Nagash rocked Nova... FEC was up there too, no LoB to be seen but at 2250 double morghast, terrorgheist blackknights could be doable. Then some grimghast and done is fast&furious. With high bravery debuff also the mortis engine could be crazy or you play it trve: 2x VloZd,2xnecro 2x10 bloodknights, 3x5 wolves 2240 baahm in your face
  6. Good plan, generally speaking. get a dragonlord and some vargheist, just for starters. I‘m not really enthusiastic about your graveguard and 20 skellis, they are too fragile. So, I‘d recommend 20 more skellis(10 if you demote the gg) with a necromancer, the classic block. Since you‘ll need baseline troops, you might think about the grimghast new hotness, which I hate for unknown reasons or more skellis or some wolves... I personally prefer fast wolves for elite armies and skellis for mob-heavy lists. Large units of graveguard really wreck face and also huge zombie hordes (60) can cause damage, not to mention board control. But that also depends on where you want to go with your army. If you want the fluff...do whatever, if you’re more into competitive gaming, zombies are just not doing it, skellis only in 40s and grimghast for smaller units (what i‘ve read so far). And please be sure to magnetize neferata, so you can play the other mortarch too... Arkhan is always a good option, manni too expensive, but also nice
  7. So, again congratulations to your mighty performance and good to hear that it all boiled down to your tactical acumen and razor sharp brilliance at AoS... And priority and HoD are things, that sometimes makes AoS not that balanced or really prevent a comeback. I can happily fumble again and blame the subpar rules XD Will still borrow the list for a ride through the club.
  8. Well then do it... she is decent. first half thought through list: neffi, lord on dragon, necro 10/5/5 wolves, 10/10 black knights terrorgheist 1910 points, I would suggest 40 for a vortex and cp, or 60 for cogs... Black knights hit good on a charge, wolves fill battleline and are sturdy objective grabbers
  9. All hail to the victor... i‘d mess up so bad with this list. Can’t see it winning against nurgle, but a lot of guys/gals and links verify the deeds of Mr. Souza. would really love to hear about the general tactics. Do you murderball all 3 Kings? Do you split your summoning? Is it all dependant on scenario and opponent... why? How? Awesome!
  10. Legion of blood would give „all“ of them +1 attack and can revive the puppies... and at 1k they will wreck face. as Soulblight with the swift death bloodline are crazy fast and can fly, hard choices. but you will struggle to hold/ claim objectives, with that highly elite list... so, you almost cannot do anything wrong with either choice, against shooting I would bring the bat swarms
  11. Depends on your overall goals... to have fun, yes, just go for it, especially when going against 2 other „friends“ who are not getting salty. played Nagash at 2k first cohort, and at 1,5k, he is always fun to bring and can take as good as he dished out. You two really need to have a plan for objectives, but Nagash with 10 puppies grabbing one, 5 on watch/flanking duty... you should be allright. Strong melee or nurgle grind might just hardcounter you.
  12. It’s 160 points... that’s a pretty solid price tag. And you need a bunch of supplementary units. But : Comes with an extra CP and you‘ll need it to run your 10 strong skellis to somewhere interesting. Really suffers from low body count and slow footslogging. also, instead of being able to run 2x2 harbringer separately away from big N, they’ll all have to stay in one big murderball... devastating but no board control whatsoever
  13. Don’t want to be rude, but come on, really?! Yes, he does sing, but his real might was shown at the bass guitar... Well, try it. Not sure if a big hero is the right thing for a Nagash list, you’ll always struggle to claim objectives. Also I fear you will struggle to get all the command points you‘ll want. Big Ns command ability rules supreme, armywide mystic shield and more. Maybe neferatas 400 points are better spend elsewhere, but I haven’t tried the combination yet...
  14. My undead wouldn’t complain about heavy artillery... but I‘m not sure how they could be tied to Big N. And even though it hurts my non-beating heart, I see them more in the destruction GA. Death and Order got a bunch of new models (they could of course get stuck in order with the crazy aelves ?), Chaos will get a brayherds reboot after the tzeentch and nurgle hype... so destruction with orcs and BCR are the ones who should get some support
  15. It sounds so good and is a charm when it triggers, but it never does and I usually forget to roll, because I make strange munching noises and tell my opponent, that meat is what’s for dinner XD
  16. I think it is just fluff and a nice bonus firework if it goes of. after destroying an enemy unit it triggers on a 6+ so more or less once a game if you table your opponent. And while it triggers for a second pile in and attack there needs to be a second unit for the attacks. so yeah, might be interesting for a deadwatch who charge in wide and start murdering..., but nothing to write home about
  17. Triple 30 ghouls with 2 ghasts and a king... 1200 points of fun and will hold on to objectives like bubblegum under your sneakers or 40/10/10 with ghoul patrol for 1180 that leaves you with 800 points for double GkoTg, who could summon in 3 units of elites. ooor GkoZd with 6 horrors, summoning in two varghulf (with the patrol even an extra CP) and as usual, the way I play FEC... ghouls hold objectives, the rest is smoke and mirrors
  18. You could ally in a screaming scull catapult...
  19. Your zombiedragon can shoot, and your terrorgheist too XD
  20. Nope... infernal has dark wizardry, meaning s/he is general making flayers BL sooo, lots and lots of options for FEC to rock a 1k list
  21. Nobody told me there was Math involved... darn, 40 over, yes *rolleyes
  22. Maybe sneak in a Dragon... while your general summons 2x3 H/F he could bring in a much needed regaining hero (varghulf) otherwise the list looks brutal, depending if the ghouls can do the work aka holding objectives... surely got target saturation ;-D
  23. the likeage goes right back! ghoul patrol at 1k starts weak, but every round the ghouls survive, they gain killing power... and maybe with the chalice and a bit of careful play you can keep your king alive till turn three and you opponent busy chasing him ( by then your ghouls should be going strong 10+3+4+3...)
  24. At 1k I usually go for a „pure“ horror list... At that level, there is little that can withstand a charge from 6 horrors with black hunger and a king nearby... ghast goes with the summoned ghouls to one flank, the other horrors to another. Straightforward into your face, with courtier and varghulf keeping them in play (~4 regaining), so if you get more than 16 wounds per round into that unit things get messy... Your list is pretty cool too, but that ZD really has to work, for the ghouls to secure objectives. As artifact I would recommend the chalice for max healing, since he will get the heat. So just play it and see how it works, kinda depends on your opponents too ?? And: NO DOUBLETURN!!!
  25. Never was, never will be, never concerned me... just go for it and have fun
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