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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. Yeah I use shades to well... shade so if anyone can point me towards the alternative company to buy shades that will continue to act like the current shades do that would be appreciated. I mean sure Nuln looks good for when you ONLY want black lining but all in all... meh. As others said I could dilute shades myself for cheaper.
  2. Mathematically I think dual axe is best in bounty hunters but of the two I'd say great axe. I'd say blackened armor all the way. 33% of doing some mortal wounds on the charge just cant beat negating half the mortals he takes himself. I'm really uncertain about battleline bulls. Yes swinging in an extra rank is everything they ever wanted but I'm not sure it's worth taking double damage when everyone is going to be bringing that batallion. With bestigors I feel it's worth it because they NEED to swing in 2 rows but a unit of 6 bulls is usually fighting with at least 4 until you lose one guy so it doesn't feel as necessary. That's all theorycrafting of course and who knows how the meta will shake out. I would invest heavily in screens this edition since it feels like it's going to be a big game of "who's bounty hunters hit who's bounty hunters" Edit: Here's what I'm thinking of running as a rough draft. - Army Faction: Beasts of Chaos - Subfaction: Gavespawn - Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs - Triumph: Bloodthirsty LEADERS Beastlord ** - General - Command Traits: Unravelling Aura - Artefacts of Power: Mutating Gnarlblade Dragon Ogor Shaggoth ** - Spells: Hailstorm Slaves to Darkness Daemon Prince ** - Mark of Chaos: Khorne - Hellforged Sword and Malefic Talons Great Bray-Shaman *** - Spells: Vicious Stranglethorns Great Bray-Shaman *** - Spells: Wild Rampage BATTLELINE 20 Bestigors * 10 Gors ** - Gor Blade and Beastshield 10 Gors ** - Gor Blade and Beastshield OTHER 6 Bullgors * - Bullgor Great Axe 6 Bullgors * - Bullgor Great Axe 5 Centigors *** 5 Centigors *** 10 Ungor Raiders *** 10 Ungor Raiders *** ENDLESS SPELLS & INVOCATIONS 1 x Wildfire Taurus 1 x Doomblast Dirgehorn TERRAIN 1 x Herdstone CORE BATTALIONS *Bounty Hunters **Battle Regiment ***Battle Regiment TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000 So tons of screening with raiders, centigor and gor to allow my punch to get where it's going. Same principle for the shaggoth and prince combining hailstorm and bloodslick ground can really neuter a key unit. Fun fact the beastlord with gnarlblade does more damage than a shaggoth or doombull with the blade and if I can get the bull in there it's safe for him to swing first to activate his buff. I like gavespawn because it has that awesome +1 attack command (even if we cant stack it anymore) which really bumps up damage potential. Obviously I need to summon spawn quick but summoning them upfield in range of the combat you want to buff isn't entirely unfeasible. Double shaman may be unnecessary but their spells arent bad and their automatic speed buff makes the centigor insanely mobile while also buffing the beastlord (who is no slouch with the artifact) and bestigor. The horn is really there to fill points but I discussed it above.
  3. I feel like living city was never the best shooting city anyways and skirmish isn't really something we can do with our fairly short ranges as opposed to other stronger shooting factions so the ability to strike and melt forward made us a viable melee skirmish army. Now that's gone and Tempest eye shoots better in our own book so unless you want Sylvaneth for fluff reasons (like me) there's not much reason to take living city. The wanderers (living city) suffering for the sins of the stormcast (fulminators) lines up perfectly with the lore at least lol
  4. That's quite a claim when the majority of NPE complaints are demonstrably leveled at a particular armies rules. Do you have anything to back up that claim besides personal anecdote because the statement "most online complaints of NPE are related to LRL" is something we can all see wheras "most NPE is caused by a bad (as an opponent not bad at the game) player who just so happens to 9 times out of 10 be playing a particular army" is... less demonstrable. Now I grant that we can easily see that there were claims of NPE before LRL and there will most likely be claims after so in that regard I consider the claim "bad players will cause bad experiences regardless of what rules are available" to be both true and demonstrable. What I do not agree with is the idea that that somehow ignores the fact that LRL's rules represent the majority of complaints and thus presumably is the rule set the majority of bad players are using currently to cause the bad experience. Further it is no defense of the NPE rules of LRL that the bad players will use other rules if LRL are fixed. Rambled a bit but in summary, bad players will use bad rules or bad attitudes/actions to cause bad feelings. We can't ask GW to police attitudes but we CAN and should expect them to police bad rules.
  5. 30 points for the horn/flock are both interesting. The horn is a nice little debuff that's kind of short ranged and easily dispelled but you can get it in place at least once on a key combat at 15" The flock is equally easy to get rid of (more so kind of) but the "no inspiring presence" rule can be strong and it's range is somewhat unlimited. The black souled cowardice rule means the turn you summon it you just have to put it close to a unit of yours, move within 1" and then you pick it up and put it wherever you want. Alternatively on your opponents turn they can pick it up and move it to an empty corner of the map if they end within an inch but you can maybe use it to dictate the opponents movement or use your dispel in their turn to get rid of it (if you're within 30") and resummon it on your turn. All in all I think the horn is more generally useful but the flock is maybe more interesting and tactical?
  6. I don't think poor timmy with his all melee army is comforted by the fact that the fox spam list he can't do anything against isn't doing well at tournaments.
  7. I'm not actually salty but the idea that LRL need another new book (and mini) to fix the NPE is funny because it's like some elf player at GW was like "my friend only collects for the lore and painting and I'm really bothered by the fact that I can't ruin his experience as well!" Introducing new and improved NRE! (Negative release experience* *patent pending)
  8. With confirmed points changes I'm definitely bringing the wildfire Taurus all the time (am I correct that the strikes last is not dependent on the 2+ roll since it's a separate sentence?) Also centigor seem pretty good in general with their insane mobility and the herdstone changes. With no outside buffs they average 6 wounds on a 5+ save (enough to kill most support characters and some chaff) and more importantly if you put them in the new bounty hunters batallion they deal 14 wounds on the charge against a 4+ save from turn 3. Sure there are better bounty hunters but with a 22-36" threat range and only being 85 points they seem to punch above their weight class while not being important enough for the enemy to focus down. Edit: Bestigor in the bounty hunters batallion average 22.96 wounds against a 4+ save (if it's a gallatian veteran with 10 or more models) and also benefit from bestial vigour and run/charge so they might be better than bullgor? I knew this coming season was going to be killier but that's insane. It's worth noting the bulls dont need to be Gallatian veterans to do their damage wheras the bestigor do need to be battleline to benefit from fighting in more ranks.
  9. Wildfire Taurus at 70 is much more likely to get used by me.
  10. Someone just ping me when beasts or khorne show up. Much like GW it seems whoever is leaking these points forgot about them T_T
  11. I sure hope so. Honestly a 9 man squad of bulls seems promising if the increased range rules leaks are accurate considering we have rally on a 4+
  12. I wish I could see what his list looks like without the double spells. To see what he rates best. As for the Taurus I think it's just too expensive for how unreliable it is with our weak magic. As for the Sphiranx I love the models but I don't own them and since they cost the same as a cockatrice it becomes a question of which one I'd rather have and I THINK it's the cockatrice personally. If I was going to use sphiranx I'd probably like to try to squeeze the direflock spell in alongside them. Watching nighthaunt has shown me "cant inspiring presence" is pretty strong. I think the Chimeras real selling point is the +2 to charge. Out of ambush that's a 7 inch charge instead of a 9 and that's a big difference.
  13. Any idea why all his casters have 2 spells? Surely not a mistake but I dont know the cause. Edit: I'm dumb, he spent an extra enhancement on it duh. That's a novel idea actually.
  14. This will lead to... In the main game as well. "It's a luxury hobby! If they can't afford it they shouldn't play!" (Not quoting you) ignores the fact that this game lives and dies on the availability of a game. I mean the models are nice usually but almost no one here has not went looking for a better rule set only to find one but with too few players to justify. Warhammer can and will become the same kind of ghost town if prices continue this way. Just a bunch of whales playing the same game against the same guy over and over because nobody can afford to keep up let alone start from scratch.
  15. Idk I see Seraphon topping tournaments still. I dont know them very well and First Prince is also topping tables but I wouldnt say Seraphon arent winning anything.
  16. I recommend greenstuffworlds fur texture plate ( also their chainmail one). I used them on my guys.
  17. Was it hard to do? Where did you source the loin cloths from?
  18. I mean the kragnos base decoration that looks completely divorced from the rest of the model matches KB shields and stuff but the KB banners otherwise depict a monster with huge TUSKS not horns and doesnt really look like Kragnos to me at all. Ah yes my vote for some of the most egregious "marketing said we arent pushing these guys so make up some reason why not" writing of early AoS. "The elves uhhh fled to azyr because they were actively unable to survive nurgle diseases so they are hated. What? Oh I mean yeah Alarielle herself did also eventually give in to despair and retreat in ways they couldn't but that's different... and I suppose that yes Sigmar is famously described in every intro as having abandoned the mortal realms for safety just like the wood elves but of course the Sylvaneth like them. They're on the cover!" I mean the living city specifically calls out how wood elves arent allowed in the city proper because they ran away but also Stormcast have seats on the city council I'm sure and according to the lore the living cities armies are often led by a wanderer so I guess they just have their meetings at the edge of the city so the general of their entire army can you know... come.
  19. If I ever need more than 10 I may do that same thing. My problem with my centigor is they're actually a little too beefy and awesome to be what they represent.
  20. I like my beasts kind of "disciplined" which is why I was drawn to skullfray. The dichotomy where worshiping khorne makes them MORE disciplined rather than less like most of his mortal followers.
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