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Everything posted by CarkFish

  1. Possibly ... But remember, if that happens everyone else looses their crazy toys too
  2. How did you get to that? Seems odd aye.... figured it out .... wounds
  3. How do the two new KoS characters feel to you guys .... Dexcessa feels a bit better to me
  4. Thank you!!! ... Tess the slickbkades we're in 10 ... I'll break them out... With the KoS artifact they'll get a 9 inch pile in I think
  5. Looking to run this tonight .... It feels "right" .... Thoughts welcome ++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Chaos - Slaanesh) [1,990pts] ++ + Leader [750pts] + Keeper of Secrets [340pts]: 0. Contest of Cruelty, 2. Monarch of Lies, 2. Pendant of Slaanesh, Arcane Bolt, Elegant Greatblade, General, Impaling Claws, Mystic Shield, Sinistrous Hand, Wound Tracker Shardspeaker of Slaanesh [150pts]: 0. Contemptuous Brand, 3. Dark Delusions, Arcane Bolt, Haze Staff, Mystic Shield, Shadow-cloaked Claws Sigvald, Prince of Slaanesh [260pts]: Shardslash + Battleline [520pts] + Chaos Marauders [160pts]: 20 Chaos Marauders [160pts], Barbarian Flails, Drummer, Icon Bearer, Slaanesh Chaos Warriors [180pts]: 2x 5 Chaos Warriors [180pts], Chaos Hand Weapons and Chaos Runeshields, Hornblower, Slaanesh, Standard Bearer Chaos Warriors [180pts]: 2x 5 Chaos Warriors [180pts], Chaos Hand Weapons and Chaos Runeshields, Hornblower, Slaanesh, Standard Bearer + Battalion [720pts] + Battalion: Seeker Cavalcade [720pts] . Blissbarb Seekers [180pts]: 5 Slickblade Seekers [180pts], Blissbarb Bow, High Tempter, Steed of Slaanesh's Poisoned Tongue, Sybarite Blade . Slickblade Seekers [400pts]: 2x 5 Slickblade Seekers [400pts], Slickblade Glaive, Steed of Slaanesh's Poisoned Tongue + Allegiance + Allegiance . Allegiance: Slaanesh . . Pretenders Host: Faultless Blades + Game Options + Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost ++ Total: [1,990pts] ++ Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
  6. If I take one of the wrsth if the everchosen faction i.e. "The faultless blades" .. do I also get the pretenders abilities from the main book?
  7. I did notice the keepers Command ability and think.... This has play :).... A few questions .... How do you rate the archer units? ..... The slickblade seekers look pretty awesome ... Would the battallion that gives me 6" pile in mean i could walk them up to 5" ... not charge... and still get to attack? The greedy dude on the wagon seems great .... but 400pts is an awful lot?
  8. im just looking at the book now.... Figure ill start by choosing a sub faction then build from there.... Thnkin "pretenders" at the moment... but im only 5 mins into the book Tips welcome
  9. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this..... I have a TTS game tonight, so I might throw a list together and see how it goes
  10. That's great thank you .... How well does it synergise with Slaves To Darkness?... I love my knights and warriors
  11. 40k Battallions dont affect drops at all ... they are just a way of organising a list in a manner that prevents spam to be fair... they do grant (or rather subtract now in 9th) command points though ... It's actually an extremely good system
  12. Hi chaps .... I've been constantly changing my mind about which faction to play going into third.... I adore the Slaanesh vibe.... but.. I've heard some pretty awful things said about the ruleset.... How bad is it really?
  13. Thanks guys... Personally I think this is probably a positive move... I find the battallions somewhat restrictive as they are.... Some are just so good that if you want to play the faction you literally have no choice unless you want to be beaten alot.... Im hoping more general battallions with standard buffs will let us be more creative with our list building
  14. I might have missed this, had a really busy bank holiday!! .... Do we have any official confirmations if what's going on with faction specific battalions?
  15. I missed this ... Are you able to link me to where they day battalions are gone?
  16. I finally managed to sit down and look at all this tonight... I'm going to preface this by saying that individually I think all the models are stunning... Even kragnos However .... This whole new destruction thing feels badly contrived, rushed and poorly executed ... Kragnos doesn't "belong" .... And it's a real shame. It feels like the design meeting went a bit like this: "Guys, destruction focus for 3.0! ... They need a huge centerpiece... Thoughts!?" "Well, Steve, Destruction all pretty much worship gorkamorka, how about a massive god scale model of him?" "Great idea Kevin! .... But, we don't have time to design that! .... Is there anything we could use now?" "Well, I guess I've got this weird centaur guy, he doesn't really fit with anything .... But if we scale him up 309% maybe no one will notice how half arsed it all is? "Kevin you've done it again!! .... Great work! ... Can you add some kinda orky totem thing to his base? ... Might help us sell this codswhollop to the fans?" "Leave it with me Steve!"
  17. Kragnos is unplayable at 760pts .... I certainly wouldnt take him to a competitive event at that price
  18. When people say Gotrek.... do they actually mean that wee dwarf fella.... or do they mean Gordrakk?
  19. I'm pretty convinced at the moment, based on what we've seen.... and what/ how @Whitefang has responded to a few posts, that we are in fact looking at a few new units for greenskins, and that most (maybe all) greenskins will be rolled back into a single Battletome. .... Battletome greenskins / Battletome Orcs & Goblins. I also wouldn't be surprised if this included the Gloomspite Gitz. I'm not sure how i'd feel about this.... but... It's possible that a unified book will allow for more unique choices and flexibility, and that has to be a good thing right?
  20. I suspect this is the "pot" we've been told the snotling is stirring?
  21. I think this has legs ..... Before the battle starts, but after both players have chosen territories. The "Kruel Boyz" player may roll a D6, on a 4+ the "Kruel Boy" legal team have used lot of extremely complicated documentation and sent some very strongly worded letters, suggesting serious legal ramifications to the opposing players faction. Do not proceed with the game, The Kruel Boyz immediately win a major victory Might speed up a few tournaments 🤣
  22. Best post this week, well done!! 😂😂🤣😂
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