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Everything posted by Sharkbelly

  1. One more member of the Arabyan Adventuring party: And some camels to carry their gear:
  2. We played the next game in the campaign today. The heroes ventured into the Caverns of the Ghouls to recover a magic sword. Ghouls, bats, and a couple Vargheists guard it. Although two heroes fell in battle, they carried the day.
  3. Two Skaven Deathrunners all ready to go. The only enemies left from Silver Tower are the Tzaangors now. Almost there!
  4. Finally finished the Ogre Mage (Ogroid Thaumaturge).
  5. I must have missed something. What is the Soulrender?
  6. We played the first game in the campaign today. The heroes searched a village looking for a seer woman whose powers of augury could help them locate the secret lair of the vampire. But the enemy was hunting for her too...
  7. I finished up this guy just in time for a game tomorrow:
  8. Awesome! I love the variety on the stones.
  9. I heard a rumor that we may soon get back to talking about rumors... ?
  10. No sign of the Mistweaver in that video, as far as I can tell.
  11. That would be very cool. Multiple spell options for different lores.
  12. The Idoneth look awesome. And that spikey purple ball is going to be converted into a giant Pufferfish.
  13. If there is a Warhammer Quest update coming, I hope we hear about it before then!
  14. That would be awesome! Although I think a heavily converted Beastmen force could do the trick as well.
  15. That's an interesting idea, and it would make sense. Creatures that live under the sea could venture onto land if they were surrounded by enough mist to keep them wet and enable them to breathe.
  16. I'm still not sure what trollish means in that context...
  17. And for skirmish scenarios (or games of Warhammer Quest) you could use a quarter or a half of it.
  18. I think some Arcane Ruins would look pretty good on either side, too.
  19. Agreed. I plan to add my Ophidian Archway and Numinous Occulum to this as well--and maybe pick up a Realmgate or two.
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