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Everything posted by Carnith

  1. I've been having fun with bringing 20 guts and only around 12 bolt boyz.
  2. I've been enjoying 10 Symbaresh. A few games on table top simulator has them definitely blast some units with the weight of attacks. 4+ rerolling hits and 5+ ward makes a fairly durable unit. I bought 2 boxes of models when I was holding out for a twin, but one hasn't shown up yet, so I started building the models for real. One squad will be normal, but for the second 5, im mixing more myrmadesh as the second half of the squad is beginning to get more daemon like.
  3. Played this list vs Sylveneth on TTS. Allegiance: Slaanesh- Host: Lurid Haze Invaders Host (Host of Chaos)- Grand Strategy: Hold the Line- Triumphs:Sigvald, Prince of Slaanesh (265)- Host Option: GeneralBladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot (265)- General- Command Trait: Feverish Anticipation- Artefact: Oil of Exultation- Lore of Slaanesh: Born of DamnationLord of Pain (155)- Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)- Host Option: General- Lore of Pain and Pleasure: Dark Delusions11 x Blissbarb Archers (180)10 x Symbaresh Twinsouls (370)- Reinforced x 15 x Myrmidesh Painbringers (160)5 x Slickblade Seekers (230)5 x Blissbarb Seekers (220)5 x Blissbarb Seekers (220)Total: 2065 / 2000Reinforced Units: 1 / 4Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 122Drops: 9 His list (new player to sylv) Gnarlroot Alarielle, Warsong Gen, knight-inc 1 spite 2x5 tree 6 bownoths aetherwings Ended with a warlord a nd hunters of the heartland (slicks, myrm, sym). Mission was Tectonic Interference. He takes turn 1 and decides to kill the blissbarb archers with everything. I think he overestimated them. He moves onto each of the objectives with his revenants and takes monster takeover on the far right objective with some tree's blocking for him. Score is 0-6 as he takes all 3 objectives and gets his tactic. My turn I have blissseekers on the flanks and they run up. Sigvald deepstrikes in back to target warsong and bownoths. Everything else moves up to 3" from charge range. Every charge is made and Alarielle ends up caught in combat, but can't fight, so gets stuck in pile in. Sigvlad did 3 damage to bows. Score is 6-6 Turn 2, I take the double. I have everything that can attack alarielle go for it. She has 9/10 seekers shoot into her. Slicks charge her. Symbaresh were within 3" and pile in to her. Lord of Pain charges. SIGVALD STRIKES! and does no damage. Slicks go first and get reroll hits from lord of pain. They manage to do like 7 damage to Alarielle. She has 2 wounds left at this point and swings at the lord of pain, who gives her a wound back from his ward. Symbaresh finish her off with 6 damage still going through. Opponent conceded here. Moral of the story? Why doesn't Alarielle have a ward save?
  4. Shame we have no access to Holy Mantle, a priest keyword adding ability.
  5. All brutes looking better and better!
  6. They aren't. One's a prayer that I can't interact with. The other is subject to poor dice rolls and opponents usually having wizards to counterspell.
  7. Also I keep seeing how busted IJ's teleport in when it comes on a fragile caster, or thorugh a warlord battalion with often no buffs to cast on a 7+ and spend CP to get a move. Compared to... a 2+. Yeah okay.
  8. I was messing around with lists. I'd love to come back to Slaanesh as another army to play. I still don't know if it's there yet. The foundation I think is cracked. Nonetheless, here is what I thought of taking some suggestions I had read for people. Allegiance: Slaanesh- Host: Lurid Haze Invaders Host (Host of Chaos)- Grand Strategy: Hold the Line- Triumphs:Sigvald, Prince of Slaanesh (265)- Host Option: GeneralBladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot (265)- General- Command Trait: Feverish Anticipation- Artefact: Oil of Exultation- Lore of Slaanesh: Born of DamnationLord of Pain (155)- Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)- Host Option: General- Lore of Pain and Pleasure: Dark Delusions5 x Hellstriders with Claw-spears (135)10 x Symbaresh Twinsouls (370)- Reinforced x 110 x Symbaresh Twinsouls (370)- Reinforced x 15 x Slickblade Seekers (230)5 x Slickblade Seekers (230)Total: 2020 / 2000Reinforced Units: 2 / 4Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 111Drops: 8 I think there is gas here, but not a lot in terms of mortal wounds. I'm thinking you'd yeet the herald's artifact to get rerolls for the game. All of those attacks rerolling wound be good. You could also flaming weapon for dmg 2 nettes on the chariot.
  9. The FAQ for the FAQ is when will it be released. We're finally getting an answer. My guess is it won't be what people like, and with how much the community at large has built up this balance patch, we're getting disappointment delivered regardless of FAQ or not.
  10. The problem I can see with fighting pure ironjawz is that they are almost guaranteed to murder something when buffed, so much so that they keep stringing combats out. a game I played Saturday had brutes charge skarbrand, kill him, the maw krusha killed a unit, and led to another unit dying before my opponent ever swung. id be fine with in going to like 1 extra combat. That’s where it can get oppressive. Also I run one set of pigs that just end up being an annoyance. 6 pigs with spears should be 180. Pigs with boring choppas? Still 150 IMO.
  11. Had a game vs Beasts of chaos. Sludgeraker - Supa Sneaky Smelly Amulet Mirebrute Killaboss on Gnash Killboss, shaman, murknob 2x10 Gutrippas 6 bolt boyz 10 hobgrots 1 killbow it was around 1800. Mission was the Vice. Tried to keep out ambushing, took first turn and moved up a unit of guts to try to take a point, which didn't work. Thought I was done for when my opponent doubled and I was really out of position, but a kruleboy waaagh helped turn the tide as the sludgeraker throw out a lot of damage. Highlights were a beastlord attempting to charge my shaman and with my single boltboy boss remaining unleashed 6 mw's. Sludgeraker moved to the center, got surrounded by a big group of bestigor and only took 3 damage out of a potential 20, then the sludge raker casually did 8 mws to another hero. Sludgeraker is definitely my mvp. It's ability to help proliferate mw's on units is great.
  12. I'm glad to see the Slaanesh forum being active again. I've been taking a break from the faction and enjoying my orcs. It's fun when your 160 points of models gets buffed from 115 support hero and they actually go and do work. Hopefully when points go down, I'll try out the army again. I'm considering the box. As much as it's just looking to be pain and no pleasure, maybe things will change.
  13. I get people being excited by the one rumor guy liking posts, but c'mon...
  14. You certainly didn't have to type out any of those words.
  15. Choppas only works on ardboyz and brutes. This would be better off in Ironsunz so that you can always be charging maw krushas in
  16. So I took the following list to a 1250 random team mate 3 game tourney. I was fortunate enough to get paired up with Sons of Behemat player who took a gatebreaker, kraken eater, and one baby, though I did not know and had to take the best list I could create. The list I had been practicing for a few weeks was Maw krusha, 2 units of 10 brutes, and a warchanter with get'em beat. I felt my list had no magic and so my revised list was Maw krusha, 10 brutes, 5 brutes, warchanter, shaman, ironskull's boyz. However, my ironskulls never came in, I was going to change 5 brutes to 3 pigs and take the Brute Team, but it was too late to really make changes. So I ended up with the first list as Da Choppas. Took Hulking Brute, Mean'un, and Amulet of Destiny. ------------------------ First game is mega scuffed from the start. Our first game was supposed to be Krule Boyz and Nurgle, however the nurgle player shows up an hour late. Kruleboyz get paired up instead with a fyreslayer player whose random'd partner dropped last minute forcing the TO to join. So Game 1, Power Struggle. Kruleboyz list. Gobsprakk, shaman, mirebrute General (super sneaky, amulet, I don't remember what if any mount trait), 2x10 gutrippas, 6 boltboyz. Fyreslayers: (Lofnir) all 3 magmadroth flavors, 10 berserkers with flails, 5 berserkers with flairs. Kruleboyz set up on our left flank, fyreslayers on the right. my ironjawz in the middle. Giants flank the sides. ---turn 1--- Kruleboyz/Dwarves They move up and take an objective but leave no screens really. Uneventful top of 1. Bottom of 1, we move up and I call my shot on killing one of the magmadroths that does the prayers. Gatebreaker moves up to kill runeson. I waaaagh, and with a 3d6 charge, I get to where I need, and gatebreaker moves in. Two dead magmadroths. and both middle objectives under our control. Priority goes to IJ/SOB ---Turn 2--- I call for broken ranks on the 5 man squad of hearthguard and partner takes Slay the Warlord. Brutes catch up but by bad positioning, I don't get my maw krusha in line to kill the unit I wanted for a bonus point. Maw krusha engages the 10 man, and 10 brutes engage the 5 man. Needless to say, the fyreslayers are wiped out. Krakeneater moved up and killed the his bolt boyz. Score at this point was like 26-5. Bottom of 2, Fyreslayers are tabled at this point, so just kruleboyz. We know the game is over at this point, but we want to see the giant die. 20 gutrippas and the mire brute do kill the mega though. it's a consolation prize. Turn 3, we've expected to fully table them, gaining at least 15 more points. Score would end at 45-8 with all the objectives and dead monsters. According to TO, if your opponents concede, you gain VP for the following rounds anyways as if you completed all of your battletactics, so score ended up 74-8. Now if your game went to time, it just ended there and you called it. I don't think I agree with this rule. Game 2 vs Khorne and Beasts of Chaos I forget the name of this plan, but theres 5 objectives in a form of an X, and one objective can be killed off, and you can only gain objective points after holding for 2 turns. BoC: Shaggoth, Shaman, 2x20 raiders, 2x10 gors, two ghorgons. Dumb bull endless spell. Khrone: Two giant axe bloodthirsters (one with +2 attacks on their axe), 1x10 bloodletter, 1x20 bloodletters, 3 bloodcrushers. Khorne Daemonprince. -Deployment- Because of khorne player's alter and the Herdstone, they have to field seperate from each other. I face off against khorne and Sons vs Beasts of Chaos. but I keep my maw krusha in back to that it can counter move where it needs to go and help support. They win on drops and force us to go first. ----Turn 1--- ---Top of 1--- We move up a little and stop the Boc player from deploying in our backlines. Kraken eater runs up with the intention of kicking back the objective. ---Bottom of 1--- They move up but don't engage, but 40 shots into the giant causes a lot of hurt. The Bullspell comes out and causes a fair chunk of mortal wounds. We hope to win priority to kick the spell back to be in a better position... we lose. ---turn 2--- ---Top of 2--- BoC calls bring it down, and I forget what the khorne player calls, but moves up to engage the giant with his 7 attack bloodthirster. we both redeploy away, knowing we won't be able to kick the objective away, and I move my orcs away so they don't get splashed in mortal wounds. The giant gets obliterated by the bloodthirster, but denies the beasts of chaos player his battle tactic (It was ruled early that the player themself has to complete the tactic, your teammate completing it for you does not count). ---Bottom of 2--- I move up to the advancing khrone line. Theres a bloodthirster and 3 blood crushers that are protecting the khorne daemonprince and 20 blood letters. Maw krusha makes a tactical retreat as it has no where to go. Gatebreaker runs off to take care of some gor that showed up. The baby giant at this point is just getting pinged endlessly with mortals from the bull spell. I get all of my charges off with a 3d6 charge for the brutes going after the bloodthirster and an 8 on the brutes for the blood crusher. Both get flatlined. end of the turn, it's looking rough, but we're around even. one or two points away. We win priority to double them back. ---Turn 3--- ---top of 3--- The Khorne DP still has his aura up. I call bring it down on one of the ghorgons that is stuck in the middle from killing the kraken eater. It's going to be a tough charges, but with the bullspell around, I don't want it moving and blocking a charge... so I go for broke and mighty destroyer charge both units. I roll a 9 and a 10, so effectively a 4.5 and 5" charge, exactly what I needed to get into the ghorgon and the khorne daemon prince. Maw krusha uses his last MD to move up. Bull spell moves to make sure both brute squads fight last. Movement phase, maw krusha moves up to kill 20 brutes, the plan being I will smash and bash my way out of all of the fight lasts. the Khorne DP cuts down a few brutes before dying, the bloodletters evaporate with taking 8 mw's before combat and dying handily to mighty fists, which causes brutes to kill the ghorgon. The other ghorgon though gets pulled in... and in some amazing dice rolls... kills 5 brutes. My plan to steal the center objective fails as I'm now 2 models short of holding it. ---bottom of 3--- We get told 10 minutes until dice down, so we rush a bit. my 4 remaining brutes on the center get killed, but khorne player calls broken ranks on my brutes that killed the DP. We know the maw krusha will get pulled in regardless though for the purposes of VP as it will kill the bloodthirster. A summoned bloodthirster is brought in, and the brutes are softened up with more arrows. It looks dicey. Charge phase... his normal thirster arrives and makes it, tagging brutes and the maw krusha. While his charge was long enough to not engage, he hoped his summoned thirster would add additional attacks to get the tactic. It fails a rerolled charge. He does not kill the brutes, and with the victory point they gave us due to time... we end up...17-17. We go to kill points and its 1050-950. It's such a narrow victory, but we win. Honestly? Best game of the entire set. It was high melodrama. The khorne player had taken 4th place at Michigan GT, so an extremely skilled player. My friend who I've battled constantly with against and with his BoC is never to be taken lightly. ---Game 3 vs Sons and Stormcast--- Tectonic interference (Shifting objectives) These guys were next table to us the entire day, and they were cleaning up shop. I've only played against Sons once, and that was with my friend vs old slaanesh. I'd seen what my partner could do, but I still felt nervous for the match up. For the stormcast player, I'd played against their same exact list a few times, so I knew what to expect. Sons: Two gatebreakers, one tiny. One had amulet... the other had some 6+ ward artifact. Stormcast: Astral Templars. Lord-Aquilor, Knight Judicator, 3 longstrikes, 5 vanguard-hunters, 3 Palladors, Aetherwings, Chariot. Holy Command is hero phase shooting. Our plan was to take 3 objectives early and be hard to shift with me on the right flank, and the sons player was spread to take the others, but my maw krusha would up either flank. Stormcast deployed against me, and the other sons against our sons. However, stormcast player makes a mistake and places his ranged units down first, so I change the plan and hide my maw krusha so that he can sneak up a board edge and can't be shot turn 1. First Alpha object was in front of me. We give our opponents first turn. ---Turn 1--- ---Top of 1--- Sons player takes the running tactic, stormcast player calls to get two units inside out territory. However, he didn't premeasure and can't get two units in anywhere. He drops instead on 2/3 objectives, shoots some brutes, but attempts to charge off the objectives. He dropped his chariot on the center, and palladors on the alpha objective. Fortunately for them, he fails the palladors, but does make the charge with the chariot. The chariot does kill half the brutes, and the brutes can't even swing back well enough to kill it. ---bottom of 1--- I can't really make use of 3 mighty destroyers here. Warchanter pops off +1 damage on brutes, get's MD'd up. Mawkrusha MD's up. Movement, Brutes move up, maw krusha moves up to 3" of palladors. Kraken moves on center objective, and gatebreaker and baby move on the left objective. Brutes get the 3d6 charge buff... and roll an 18. Unfortunately coherency won't allow them to make the full charge, but it's still a great charge. Kraken charges the chariot while holding the objective. Maw krusha also gets in and murders the palladors, which triggers the brutes to finish the chariot, leaving 4 left. A scary turn, as objective shifts towards the gatebreakers, which has the enemy sons rolling up on it. Score is 9 to 5 Priority roll, goes to us though. ---turn 2--- ---top of 2--- Taking the momentum, we surge ahead on the stormcast side. Brutes move up, maw krusha has poor targets though. Our Sons and myself both took savage spearhead and moves into their territory. Kraken and brutes take out the ranged battery of longstrikes and knight-judicator, while the maw krusha gets a snack in the form of aetherwings. All the stormcast player has remaining is his Lord-Aquilor which hasn't been placed yet and his 5 vanguard hunters. Score is 18-5. ---bottom of 2--- The rest of stormcast arrive, vanguard hunters move to our deployment as to not get destroyed. Sons move up to engage our gatebreaker. Friendly Gatebreaker takes a thrashing, but lives for the time being. Lord-A charges 4 brutes but doesn't kill enough to take objective. Score is 18-9 I want to say at this point. They win double turn. ---Turn 3--- ---Top of 3--- Giants continue to pummel and throw rocks at the gatebreaker killing it, but are too far away to charge. Stormcast fails to kill the brutes holding center, they retaliate and kill the Lord-A, but on his death, triggers enough mortal wounds to finish off the last brute. A good way to die. Vanguard hunters moved up on the right objective and fight the warchanter. He tanks like a boss. I do not remember how much they scored. ---Bottom of 3--- not much to do here, the survivng brute squad repositions with the kraken to hold the center objective, but not catch the ire of the gatebreakers incase they take priority. Maw krusha charges, fails to do mortal wounds on his charge and massively whiffs. The least amount of damage he has done all tournament. Warchanter holds on to dear life. We gain 7 points. They take priority. ---Turn 4--- ---Top of 4--- Both gatebreakers walk over to fight the kraken and do not engage the brutes, the kraken has gone for all out defense, mystic shield, and finest hour. It tanks a lot of damage, and brings one of the megas down to 8 wounds remaning. Maw krusha kills its way out of combat. The writing is on the wall though, we are on our way to victory. ---Bottom of 4--- Brutes move, getting ready for a charge with +1 damage. Maw krusha (sitting at +3 attacks by now) moves over to get ready to charge as well. Kraken eater casts flaming weapon. I WAAAAAAGH. Kraken eater resolves attacks first, killing the wounded mega and scratching the general. Brutes go but don't do nearly enough damage, does bracket the giant. The enemy general mega has 14 wounds remaining. Enemy Gatebreaker finishes off the Kraken, tabling our Sons. Maw krusha, comes in for the KO punch, and kills the last Mega Gargant. All that remains is one baby giant who cannot get away. Ending score however is 33-24. -------------- And with all of that, 3-0, The maw krusha lived all throughout and only took like a total of 15 wounds the entire tourney. It was a tactical buff piece that moved where it needed to. Brutes did a lot of heavy lifting and can opening. Had a lot of fun, TO said next year is build you own team. Hoping some rules get ironed out.
  17. So I fought Slaanesh yesterday using my Ironjawz. His list. Lurid Haze Glutos -Extra spell... i had no idea what he was taking, I know one was Dark Delusion, don't know what the other spell was. Sigvald Masque Lord of Pain -General with lurid haze trait and Artifact Warstomper Mega Gargant Ally 3 Myrmadesh Warlord and Battle Regiment. He said he was basing it off of the list that went 4-1 but added in the warstomper for some resilency. My list was Maw krusha with tons of MW capability on the charge and amulet Megaboss on foot with a once per game +3 dam 2 warchanters 15 brutes 2x5 brutes 6 gore gruntas. Scenario was shifting objectives. I won to choose priority, so I allow him to go first. Turn 1 Top of 1 Sigvald is the only flanker Glutos casts only shield, gargant is too far away to receive it, so it goes on glutos (this will end up saving glutos as he really wanted it on the gargant). Gargant moves on to my right most objective, while the myrmadesh form a small shield wall with glutos somewhat protected, masque and lord behind one wall of myrmadesh. It's a V formation with a terrain piece forming part of the blockade. Sigvald flanks my boars and kills one, I do 2-3 damage back to sigvald. He scores 5 points (Running battle tactic) Button of 1 Battle tactic, take objective 15 brutes and maw krusha receive +1 damage. Everything moves up. Maw krusha gets 3" away from his front move. Boars retreat to take objective from the giant. 15 brutes moved 8" through mighty destroyers and walk.. I give the brutes a 3d6 charge and WAAAAGH'd. Maw krusha erases 5 myrmadesh and 15 brutes make it into other myrmadesh and glutos, dealing 8 wounds to glutos. Score 6 points. Score 6-5, Ironjawz Priority for 2, Slaanesh. Glutos casts shield, and casts Dark Delusions, casting it on an 11... then failing to beat bravery 6 on orcs. (It's a bad spell, continuing to be bad). Sigvald moves up to re-engage boars, masque moves out to try to pin my boars (Opponent did not see the GHB faq about fixing piling in again). Giant moves up to charge boars. Glutos retreats. Because maw krusha is unengaged, I charge the masque who failed to charge herself. Sigvald attacks some boars, Brutes kill more myrmadesh leaving 3 myrmadesh, lord of pain, and glutos to hold his center and the left flank agaist the remenant of my 15 brutes (down to 5 at this point and 2 5 man brutes in back up). Giant piles in to my maw krusha and megaboss and does 4 damage to my maw krusha and 6 damage to my megaboss. Megaboss has activated destroyer, piles in and deals 20 damage to the giant. Bottom of 2, Giant has 15 wounds remaining and in combat with the maw krusha and megaboss. Glutos has 11/18 wounds. Sigvald is half dead. lord of pain and 3 myrmadesh are still in combat with brutes. At this point I have lost 2 boars, and 10 brutes while most everything of mine remains healthy. After the game, he admitted he over committed in the center instead of leaving just a myrmadesh squad to take the objective. He was always short on command points as I never really killed his generals and he kept going first, putting a lot of pressure on him to all out defense a lot to counteract the rend 2 on the brute squad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In other news, while I don't like going super monster meta, Thinking of this list. Allegiance: Ironjawz- Warclan: Ironsunz- Grand Strategy: Beast Master- Triumphs:Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (480)- General- Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa- Command Trait: Touched by the Waaagh!- Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)- Lore of the Weird: Bash 'Em LadzMegaboss on Maw-Krusha (480)- Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa- Artefact: Amulet of Destiny (Universal Artefact)- Mount Trait: Fast 'UnOrruk Warchanter (115)Orruk Warchanter (115)10 x Orruk Brutes (320)- Pair of Brute Choppas- Reinforced x 110 x Orruk Brutes (320)- Pair of Brute Choppas- Reinforced x 15 x Orruk Brutes (160)- Pair of Brute ChoppasTotal: 1990 / 2000Reinforced Units: 2 / 4Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 123Drops: 7 I didn't add in the battalions but It'd be Battle Regiment/Entourage (mag)
  18. So I fought Slaanesh yesterday using my Ironjawz. His list. Lurid Haze Glutos -Extra spell... i had no idea what he was taking, I know one was Dark Delusion, don't know what the other spell was. Sigvald Masque Lord of Pain -General with lurid haze trait and Artifact Warstomper Mega Gargant Ally 3 Myrmadesh Warlord and Battle Regiment. He said he was basing it off of the list that went 4-1 but added in the warstomper for some resilency. My list was Maw krusha with tons of MW capability on the charge and amulet Megaboss on foot with a once per game +3 dam 2 warchanters 15 brutes 2x5 brutes 6 gore gruntas. Scenario was shifting objectives. I won to choose priority, so I allow him to go first. Turn 1 Top of 1 Sigvald is the only flanker Glutos casts only shield, gargant is too far away to receive it, so it goes on glutos (this will end up saving glutos as he really wanted it on the gargant). Gargant moves on to my right most objective, while the myrmadesh form a small shield wall with glutos somewhat protected, masque and lord behind one wall of myrmadesh. It's a V formation with a terrain piece forming part of the blockade. Sigvald flanks my boars and kills one, I do 2-3 damage back to sigvald. He scores 5 points (Running battle tactic) Button of 1 Battle tactic, take objective 15 brutes and maw krusha receive +1 damage. Everything moves up. Maw krusha gets 3" away from his front move. Boars retreat to take objective from the giant. 15 brutes moved 8" through mighty destroyers and walk.. I give the brutes a 3d6 charge and WAAAAGH'd. Maw krusha erases 5 myrmadesh and 15 brutes make it into other myrmadesh and glutos, dealing 8 wounds to glutos. Score 6 points. Score 6-5, Ironjawz Priority for 2, Slaanesh. Glutos casts shield, and casts Dark Delusions, casting it on an 11... then failing to beat bravery 6 on orcs. (It's a bad spell, continuing to be bad). Sigvald moves up to re-engage boars, masque moves out to try to pin my boars (Opponent did not see the GHB faq about fixing piling in again). Giant moves up to charge boars. Glutos retreats. Because maw krusha is unengaged, I charge the masque who failed to charge herself. Sigvald attacks some boars, Brutes kill more myrmadesh leaving 3 myrmadesh, lord of pain, and glutos to hold his center and the left flank agaist the remenant of my 15 brutes (down to 5 at this point and 2 5 man brutes in back up). Giant piles in to my maw krusha and megaboss and does 4 damage to my maw krusha and 6 damage to my megaboss. Megaboss has activated destroyer, piles in and deals 20 damage to the giant. Bottom of 2, Giant has 15 wounds remaining and in combat with the maw krusha and megaboss. Glutos has 11/18 wounds. Sigvald is half dead. lord of pain and 3 myrmadesh are still in combat with brutes. At this point I have lost 2 boars, and 10 brutes while most everything of mine remains healthy. After the game, he admitted he over committed in the center instead of leaving just a myrmadesh squad to take the objective. He was always short on command points as I never really killed his generals and he kept going first, putting a lot of pressure on him to all out defense a lot to counteract the rend 2 on the brute squad. What's nice though is the club I went to, he's the only Slaanesh player, so we talked about a 2v2 slaanesh vs beasts of chaos.
  19. I was thinking a Fast'un megaboss with 2 flanking maw krushas could really do some work. a 36" move up the board could get them to the flank they want. 🤔
  20. Kicking myself right now. I completely forgot I was Ironsuns. When he kept retreating out of combat, I could've just charged back in. I used to plan Clanless, so I'm chalking it up to not being familiar with an ability that I can now do. He intentially left my maw krusha alone, and I could've charged back in and smashed them again. A second lesson learned.
  21. Played vs new stormcast. I misplayed on the turn I waaagh by not full commiting the army and getting destroyed by Stormcast Fulminators. It ended up being a costly mistake as my maw Krusha couldn't be a part of the game when I needed him to be. Lesson learned.
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