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Everything posted by Carnith

  1. Sword of judgement on the epitome is good. She’s fast. Hits on 3’s and can get rerolls easily to fight the turn after she takes the fanes offer. Sure we don’t get a depravity for her damage on a 2+ but she can go to town. Also she can attack give with a keeper.
  2. Agreed, language clearing up is important. The enrapturess issue is a problem that could've been easily cleared up with "In the hero phase, this model generates 1 depravity point" which allows it to stack with multiple enrapturess and not creating an issue where people obfuscate it to allowing X squared depravity where x is the number of depravity.
  3. I like the horrorghast with bravery bombs with soulshard slice.
  4. Overread is right. There should be things to block line of sight. It’s completely fair to ask especially because stormcast can just drop anywhere to shoot you. Really hoping ghb 2019 brings their prices up since 2 units of 9 vanguard raptors is only 540 and with anvils of the heldenhammer, they throw out a stupid number of shots.
  5. With that wording, I’d wait for the faq to Be explicit in allowing it. That’s too strong to allow
  6. Since you want your keeper alive when in combat, the hand is a good choice as it allows you to heal. An Invaders general KoS with skintaker and the hand will heal at least 2d3 following combat it killed a model, and you can heal in both combat phases, along with Progeny of Damnation. A pretenders keeper with the Pendant of Slaanesh, and Progeny of Damnation, can heal in just hero phase, but it could allow you to sacrafice yourself to the Fane, and heal that damage immediately for Depravity. You are less likely to get the heals you need in pretenders, so you are risking it for having 2 traits and taking big squads of guys.
  7. Well if it’s loose skin they did a bad job in conveying that. I think on the back of the box they call it hosing for her legs and the not cloak is attached via metals. It is a manifestation of the daemon to give the appearance though.
  8. It was super clear before hand. The core book says treat mortal wounds like wounds for all rules purposes. It was clear how it worked, and when it was erratad it made no sense.
  9. The thing with endless spells is you don’t cast them on the enemy. You just cast them and they become their own entity. The closest way to allow this would be only on the turn they are cast.
  10. Endless spells are not considered spells I believe. But we will have to see with an faq. I will play it as it doesn’t generate depravity so my opponents don’t get salty when the wheels run over a wizard in a drive by.
  11. Keeper and epitome are a must have, while the rest of the hero choices are up in the air. I definitely want soul shard and phantasmagoria as spells to nuke a hero or a unit. I might put back my manticore sorcerer since his spell is good at hero nuking.
  12. So we’ve all been talking about lists and while some contention has occurred, I want to apologize for my behavior in sounding hostile when it is not my intention. We are all hear for slaanesh, and I wish to contribute to that. Hows everyone’s painting and modeling been going? My goal is to crank out my keeper of secrets this week. Heres three WiP pics. I need to fix the inner cloak as I noticed a part that I don’t like. But overall this is my favorite face/head I’ve done. How is everyone else’s projects going?
  13. As ebony said, it’s buying an artifact for 70 points. There was a list in the hosts thread that was 3 keepers in a pretenders list with 2 supreme battalions just for artifacts. Can be done in pretenders easily as you can run light on heroes for the artifact.
  14. I still don’t get the argument of fiends bad cause no depravity when they were taken before our book dropped which only added mortal wounds to how we generate depravity points. Either way, I can see the merit of going 6 leaders and trying max out how much we can summon, though I see most people resummoning heroes for more depravity. I can see the exalted chariot herald being popular for this ability to do 2d3 mortal wounds on whatever he charges. Granted no depravity there, but to knock down a hero or into a touch squad like hearthguard, the extra mortals is nice
  15. Note, the double pile in is for Hedonite's only which none of the beastmen get. Also the locus of diversion is hedonite heroes. So to get the strike last debuffs, you need daemon heroes.
  16. The new endless spells are out for slaanesh and if you take depraved drove, you can take out endless spells too.
  17. @Kaz hitting them with mortal wounds will help. Blood boil them can reduce their numbers. Hit them from ranged. Their debuffs only come from combat. But if a player plays as aggressively and defensively as I do, I will be bringing hellstriders and fiends to that fight with a blood thirsters so that you only hit on a 5 or 6. Ranged damage will murder them so a skull cannon that hits will go right through their armor. Use of your guys endless spells will hurt them as another source of mortal wounds. To get around locus of diversion at the moment would be placing high priority targets 2.5” from chaff so that you can try bait slaanesh into putting the debuff on the hero instead allowing the keeper to murder chaff and giving you a pile in to attack. This could backfire and they place the diversion on the chaff forcing you to activate your hero early. Someone like khul with his insane pile in could get around this.
  18. Hello from slaanesh world! Another thing to remember for us degenerates are some of other favorite units. Fiends will want to go after your monsters as well so even if one plays pretenders for the solo monster mash, bringing support when the game calls for it will always be the call. For myself, if my big monster that has come to ruin your day may be threatened, they will definitely have support and then go off on their own till they are ready. Hellstriders, unless massively changed, are what helps slaanesh survive currently as they hand out a bubble of -1 to all hit rolls. I used to play pretenders for big squads but still took these guys as they were absolutely pivotal to winning games.
  19. The cloth patchwork with face is probably new fabius bile. He has a face on his cloak
  20. Only a new keeper? No word of a time or a mortal faction?
  21. Also wondering about Slaanesh. What are the loadouts for the keeper of secrets? Are there mortals?
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