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Everything posted by Carnith

  1. So wish listing for our mortals. I'm hoping that we get our own mortal keyword, but I guess hedonite might just be the catch all for us, which i guess helps for the keeper to buff more dudes. But what I'm hoping for our second book with mortal release (I'm banking on that the LoP and hellstriders won't be it), is an expanded model range. If we're going by what usually new factions get, I'm going to guess we'll get around 4 new scrolls. A chaff option that will come in a box of 10/20. A dual box 5 warrior elite option. Similar to the LoP, probably either maces and swords as gear, with a second build that will either be an elite ranged unit, or elite support unit (think whips). Our last option is either a heavy cav option, or... its a redone chariot for a slaanesh lord on chariot like from the one malign sorcery story. I'd expect like.. 2 more heroes. A foot wizard, and if we get a chariot, a chariot lord as an option. We need a mounted mortal, and I dunno if a Lord on Seeker is the way they will go, or if we get some new fantastical slaaneshi beast, but I think a chariot lord would feel somewhat safe of a bet. I think the above could be practical to giving us mortals and would put us mostly in line with other god special units. If I REALLY wanted to be super wish listy though... Slaangors? Please?
  2. Welcome to the god of excess, we are on a big down swing since gw sought to quad nerf us (december nerf to summoning and mechanics, ghb nerf, relics nerf, loss of syll'esske host) So right now, the common builds for Slaanesh are going to be hero centric, or some form of horde. For Hero centric builds, A keeper or two, exalted chariot herald, and a contorted epitome are all popular for heroes. Battleline comes in the form of 3 hellstrider squads (likely claw spears for easier transporting since the other option is whips), and daemonettes are really not touched as they are outclassed hard by Marauders and bestigors. Horde builds include 40-80 Slaarauders with a chaos sorc to back them up and give them tons of attacks, or going depraved drove with 30-60 bestigor to be your hammer. In both builds a keeper is at least around as it's a scary model that will put the pain down on enemies.
  3. funny that all the slaanesh stuff can be made into battleline with the chariot becoming a seeker chariot. I'm excited for this and our underworlds warband.
  4. Daemonettes have been mostly outclassed for awhile. Being stuck on a 4+/4+ profile whereas other power hitting units we can bring in just do the job better (bestigors or marauders) and cheaper since the points nerf. What buffs they can get is costly, (190 battalion that gets them mw only on 6's to wound and costing around 60-85 points per squad for this buff is harsh unless you go in with a lot of chariots) whereas marauders just need one hero support piece in the chaos sorcerer to buff their damage into the stratosphere. Bestigors get the shaman to go with them for a buff piece so that they zoom across the board, and with the large amount of attacks, 32mm bases for them aren't really that bad with their pile in as well. Also going BoC, you do get to bring 3x10 ungor for cheap objective chaff that pure daemons don't get access to.
  5. Could be that Hallowheart abused them in with several realm spells and spamming endless spells. A lot of those are gone now.
  6. So we've seen STD point changes. 320 for 40 marauders vs 330 for 30 daemonettes. Marauders still better than daemonettes. Probably break even with 30 bestigors.
  7. Battlemage got nerfed for no real reason. Might as well take a Lord-Exorcist since its just now a better fighter and more defensible. Wood elves saw zero point decreases, which is disappointing, because WWR are no where near worth 130. Oh well. I mostly have my forces done, maybe in a winter point change some more stuff can come down.
  8. Vampires, Lizards, OBR are my top 3. I don't think slaanesh mortals are coming here. That'll be wave two of the book and probably season 5.
  9. So thinking about shields and how they just feel redundant. Some shield options, all should cost 1 dp. I'd also probably make a change that Ethereal units shouldn't probably be allowed to have more than a 4+ save, or that shields do not work on etheral units (would be hard to do though, since a lot of these rules can easy be fluffed as something like impenetrable armor and not that you just a spooky ghost). Buckler +1 save in combat Pavise +1 save from ranged attacks (crossbowmen shield to protect themselves from ranged fire) Parry Shield Reroll 1's in combat. Heavy Shield +1 sv, but only costs 1 DP since you are forced to take a worse off weapon, still can't bring you a 2+ but you atleast get something Rune shield 5+ MW save Bladed Buckler - it's like the buckler in +1 sv in combat only, and has kick back mw on save of 6's. Probably worth 2 DP.
  10. I don't wanna always game the system, as it's meant for narrative, but there are times where the idea of a character becomes cost prohibitive that to make him decent, just doesn't work. In my warscroll on the previous page for Delsear, he's got two swords, but to add two swords, and make his main weapon a strong attack, I'd be spending a lot of points. And the idea for him is that he sword fighting skills are meant that he finds openings for additional slashes. To get all of that, we're looking at a really expensive character. But all I ended up doing was taking the great sword, called it two blades. Honestly, if i wanted more out of him, I'd give him the great axe for that additional rend. Also, my custom fighter, is as many points as Eltharion, doesn't have as good of a save, no ethereal, no rend 3, no mw ranged attack.
  11. Shields have value. Perhaps you want your dude to have a shield. It's modeled on there. There's rule for it. Now, I wish there were different shields. A reroll 1's to save shield (or maybe a rule for a parry dagger), or a 5+ MW save like chaos get.
  12. No, because both modify the characteristic. The Shield does turn the 5+ to a 4+. That's what improving the characteristic means. Both have the same wording. You change whats in the top left of the warscroll, this is not modifying the dice roll to have +1, otherwise it would say "Add 1 to your saving throws".
  13. So both shield and extra armor have the same wording. Weapons and shields are in step 3, and hero characteristics are in step 6. So if you had a duardin, with a base 4+, and added a shield, you are at a 3+. You've improved your save and your extra armor cannot add anything more since by the time you got to step 6, you were already at a 3+ save due to the shield improving the characteristic by 1. It's pretty clear by intent that a 2+ is not meant to be possible, and attempting to get it in a narrative system just feels power gamey.
  14. So I think in Anvil, the max the save can get is 3+. You have to buy the shield first, then you buy the extra armor's thereafter. So if you start with the dwarf and buy the shield, you can't buy armor cause your save is a 3+.
  15. Here are my two warscrolls created for my Cities of Sigmar. Twins who are cousins to the royal family of my aelven kingdom.
  16. The ignoring rend is only on the Alarith. What will hurt is when our units get into fighting those spears and if they are in shining company. -1 hit on our daemonettes will not make them a threat.
  17. Because why not have point changes for anything past Cities? They said those point changes were not in the book because it had already gone to print. If the point book was printed so soon, then those changes could've also made it in as well. Since they have said that around Cities would've been the last book to come out before the book went to print, it leads me to believe that points were finalized around that time. OBR isn't that much later than cities, so why no point changes for them when we saw how well they were doing? Also they even say this. "Like in last year’s edition, we’ll be ensuring that armies released after the General’s Handbook went to print (that’s everything since Cities of Sigmar) will have their matched play profiles updated for free with a set of downloads in the very near future. " That tells me everything was pretty much final and went to print around that time, and December FAQ was more pressing things or to drip some of those changes.
  18. in boredom, I've made the blender lord. Points spent are found below. He is 400 points under new hero system. Play in Aqshy for new rage blade. 6's to hit on his weapon are 4 hits.
  19. The book was written and finalized back in august. This is the reason books around CoS and beyond have no point changes. If they were increasing our costs while releasing armies that countered our army, then why touch the mechanics in december and not just do the points there as well? They knew the points were going up in december.
  20. Most things that were used saw 10-20 point nerfs. The best thing that happened was Exalted Herald Chariots didn't get nerfed.
  21. Yeah, Slaanesh got hit for really no reason. We were down in terms of tournaments, and with the loss of realm artifacts, we lost a lot of tools that we used. It just feels bad to play the army as the book intended, and I don't feel like buying marauders (probably nerfed) or starting a full Depraved Drove army just to play slaanesh. At least I got this army for 40k, hope the new edition is kinder.
  22. So Archers just seem so so? What can be used to help them do more?
  23. Anyone got what the aetherquartz abilities are?
  24. When i look at everything, I see daemonettes are doing the most damage per point. They are the cheapest unit and hit just as hard as everything else. Also you can buff them up to 2/5, which you can't do with fiends. Our quad ability is a real shame and I wish it was either add dice value to crits instead of half dice value. I wonder what the math works out for bonus attack and move vs half dice on crits. Also str 3 and t3 on fiends was a really weird choice, they should've been s4 and t4 I feel.
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