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Everything posted by kenshin620

  1. Huh, I don't think in my years on the internet I have ever seen orc heads on ogre bodies. Looks pretty good!
  2. I'm pretty sure thats how it works,Legions of Nagash is the same thing. Other undead factions cannot ally with LoN (or the other legions), only a few select keywords like Deathlords or Deathmages. Also man I LOVE the different realm color schemes they had examples off. I never thought of glowing eyes like the Shyishan one!
  3. Sorry for going off the NH topic, but this (and wow they did even say "use them as skeletons") So you can only use the Sepulchral Guard actual rules in a GA Death army. At well at least the new warband is an actual Allegiance unit.
  4. I thought people like the Knight Azyros? Especially in a mixed Order army.
  5. Yea I think thats a good description, they're a decent choice. Not a must have, but I think this at least isn't a weird throw away rule, and can actually be used by a proper Death Allegiance! Seriously what were they thinking with that Sepulchral Guard FAQ! They mind as well have printed "use these models as grave guard/skeleton warrior proxies" In comparison I am not sure how much use the SCE rules will be used. 300 whopping points in an already point strapped army, for 3 models (and the evocators still need to have 2 models to count as a wizard), and they're Hammers of Sigmar too. I think they may be firmly in "use as model variety" territory unless I missed something.
  6. Ouch! The new shadespire warband is a whopping 300pts for matched play comprised of 1 unique Knight Incantor and 2 unique Evocators. That doesn't sound too good because the Evocator team still has the "only a wizard at 2 models" rule so someone can quickly shut down the usefulness of the duo team. Granted they have 5 attacks each and can reroll to hit rolls of 1 against all chaos and death, but it's still only 2 models with 3 wounds each. The unique spell sounds a tad interesting, but a normal knight incantor + normal evocators costs only 40pts more with the added bonus of a full unit of evocators. Oh and of course, they are a Hammers of Sigmar unit. Because thats the only stormhost GW likes!
  7. Interesting that rather than a banshee scream ability, she just straight up has a shooting attack. Would be useful against other pesky Bravery 10 things. 150pts for a wizard and a distraction unit doesn't seem too bad. In fact other than giving someone a Midnight Tome, isn't the Briar Queen technically the cheapest wizard now for Nighthaunt? (technically, if you assume you pay like 120pts for her 30pts for the chainrasps or something)
  8. You realize he was telling a joke? ? On the topic of beasts, I wonder how effective a maxed out hero list in hopes of extra spawns will work out. I'm guessing something like 2 shamans for magic and 4 beastlords in a 2k list?
  9. Maybe its because I like old school ogres, but I like Ravenous Maw. Its both true for hungry ogors, and also is a call back to The Great Maw from oldhammer. Honestly I kind of want the Great Maw to come back in one way or another (though I wonder if its still rumored to be a tyanid hiveship). But I'm just one person, might need to run a poll with a number of ogor players! Speaking of special weapons, I find it very interesting they actually packed bases for the grots that come with the ogors. Maybe incorporate those into some sort of profile? Though the problem is that the stats blocks are obviously different. Could be a "summon" mechanic kind of like how a few models can "summon" a griff hound. Sure its only 3-6 grots most of the time, but could be very useful as a charge or deep strike blocker. Like maybe something like "Packer Grots", you may place a unit of Packer Grots with a number of models equal to the number of ogors in a unit.
  10. They have always been Battleline for GA Chaos. Even Lesser Daemons are Battleline.
  11. "Hey [Chaos God], we dedicate this battle to you!" - Beasts "Thats neat!" - Chaos God "Also we lug around this big ol magic rock! Awesome isn't it!" - Beasts "Ahhhhhh.....thats not gonna look good for my image. Get rid of it!" - Chaos God
  12. Now I'm imagining the Art of War...written by GW. ? "Ignore page 36, instead refer to this errata on sieges."
  13. Welcome to warhammer! ☠️ I mean could be worse, could be 40k Space Wolves where they printed an entire page that they immediately replaced with an online document! And they did that before the book was even out!
  14. I'm still chewing (hah) through the fan rules but it sounds cool so far. Though Bloody Banquet sounds a little too refined for Gutbusters, I could easily mistaken that for a Legion of Blood or Flesh Eaters Court kind of rule just from the name. Just a gut feeling though (hah 2)!
  15. This actually reminds me, has ANYONE ever ran the Shadow Hammer Compact? What a strange battalion that was.
  16. It's not a 100% warhammer proxy (it is sold as their own games), but there is the North Star Figures (they are both a reseller and also make their own games). Most models are single metal wizards and other RPG adventurers, but they lately have been making some pretty neat plastic sets including a Cultist set that many people have been using to convert into 40k. There currently are 3 "ranges". Frostgrave (northern/snowy theme, their original sets), Oathmark (typical fantasy temperate climate), and Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago (Jungles, Reptile People, and Pirates)
  17. Well I already mentioned this a while ago but I think power wise it's a 7.5-8.5 until we find out weird broken stuff. Like I don't think BoC will be DoK levels of power but definitely seems to be in a better spot than say Fyreslayers. Mostly everything in the book seems usable, kind of like LoN (technically LoN is very limited in competitive play with a few particular units being used over and over, but in fun games they are very solid). Still wished Warhounds were a tad better.
  18. Yea some quick googling found me some of these pics then theres one that interestingly used a HE chariot And heres one that uses a corpse cart I think as long as it's a decently looking chariot with a Bestigor and Gor crew, anything goes!
  19. I think the chaos warrior chariot though looks a bit too high tech, full of plate armor and wotnot. The orc boar chariot might be a better fit, though it is quite old. If allowed 3rd party stuff, maybe the mantic chariots, they already come with boars that could just use some extra horns to make tuskgors. Not to mention the usefulness (in theory) and inexpensiveness of Battalions makes it easier for BoC to choose a subfaction, in contrast to SCE who are already Points Strapped as is in addition to their Battalion power problem. And the Hammers of Sigmar problem, but thats an issue involving special characters...
  20. Plus, what if someone is still rocking with ye olde metal bestigors! They'd probably like it if you bought some tzaangors then! But yea good to see that it's not like one is clearly superior to the other. It's all dependent on what else you're running. Unlike say Evocators vs Paladins in SCE.
  21. Well yea I knew it was mostly paranoia, it was just a tad annoying if you accidentally said something like "sword of might is 25 points" and then a big ol moderator warning was in your inbox making you feel bad.
  22. Yea, remember the book technically isn't even out yet! Last weekend was the pre orders! We've just been running off with Leaks and Reveals. Though it is quite nice how far more relaxed both GW and forums are with this kind of stuff (or at least with AoS). I remember when talking about point costs and other army book contents on forums counted as violating copywrite laws, so we all talked in "Skaven Slave" numbers since they were 2pts a body.
  23. I remember when that was the Wood Elves/Wanderers job!?
  24. I'm pretty sure normal Ungors will stay battleline, it would be utterly bizarre if they weren't. ESPECIALLY because they are GA CHAOS Battleline. How many units lose GA Battleline? However it seems Raiders will lose their Battleline, unless thats a weird oversight. For Raiders in old Brayherds, I've seen units of 20 park next to the shaman.
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