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Everything posted by Acid_Nine

  1. well, remember that most of our army is on foot. He could just shore up the line and attack chaff / heroes that wander too close.
  2. Oh my gosh, this guys is bloody amazing. Ignores Rend, only takes half damage, hits like a truck ignoring all modifiers, two really damaging weapons with some sort of shooting attack.... only downside is I think we now know that this guy is not an avatar like the spirit of durthu?
  3. Eh, another misstep in my opinion. I knew the new lord pack in total war would have been Eltharion just to match the lumineth hype that is coming out, but I am disappointed we have something on zoats on the day the dlc news dropped. I will still say that I am still very excited for any news with eltharion, and I am dying to see his stats more than anything.
  4. True! I may be taking the perfect aelf trope a little too seriously then. Still, it’s all for teclis, so I think I can practice a bit more. i also got to do a second sample using the dollar store foam board, and will see how that looks side by side. Also made a Papercraft obelisk thing, so I may post some pictured of it later.
  5. Finally, a spear unit with a sensible spear length. I mean holy ****** compare that with the Freecity spear length and it's night and day! "Dang it! Your spear is too long, I can’t get my Orks into base to base contact!” "yup, that's the point!"
  6. I can honestly envision ethereal or some kind of regeneration sort of thing, where he takes damage but heals it. I’m excited to see it, but I hope I don’t get my hopes too high. also, found this today, thinking it was a really old video. Turns out it is from yesterday, go figure. I am going to build at least two of these things, just for the hell of it
  7. School is keeping me from casting more molds, so slow on that front. I am working on a sample for my idea on the temple floor, but I don’t really know how I like it. I made this by tracing an outline of the Hysh symbol on some pretty crappy poster board that didn’t tear the paper off all the way, but it left a good imprint. Too bad I am really sloppy with my painting
  8. I never thought that I would be sad to see new Admec news over something AoS related, but here I am, sad that there is no AOS news on Eltharion... I just hope this guy is good. I would take an expensive model points wise if he is a monster in close combat and spell casting.
  9. Thanks for the help @Deadkitten! I am pretty happy with my first building, but I think the next one is going to be better. I don’t think I have enough money to create my own molds just yet, no matter how much I want to. I think I will try some day, but for now I will work with this one mold and the future one, but I will keep it in mind. will say, the foam stuff is a bit confusing but I think I will try it soon, as soon as the world goes back to normal or I have enough money to try. I want to make a two tiered hill, with one for the way shrine and one for the top. I think I also want to make a road, which I plan on making out of foam board I don’t know right now, but I want to work something through.
  10. I still am waiting for the Sufracant, so not going to cast stones yet... but I have been thinking about how the heck I plan on making the rest of the display board. I want to build a hill and a road / stairs leading up to the top, but I don't know how to build a hill. I know it's pink foam 101, but I never attempted it before so I'm a bit lost.
  11. Get out of my head! I have been doing just that recently... gonna paint up the old teclis to be a golden statue, and then i’m Going to work on the bigger temple using what I learned from the smaller one.
  12. Honestly, I just want there to be legends about him doing Zeus stuff, but every time someone asks him about it he's just "What? No!" and denies those myths even exist.
  13. Sounds like you may need need to party with Dionynus... Lighten up, it was a joke and nothing more. I know there are ample differences in zeus and teclis, it was just a funny thought I had. Teclis was known to have slept with human woman, had a book where he was introduced in bed with two aelves, and who knows who else. I found it amusing that he became a god and likewise that some of those tendencies could transfer over. It wasn't an attack on you, Zeus or Teclis.
  14. not when you've been reading a lot of mythology for college... I dunno, I just thought it was funny, seeing as outside of malekith he may be one of the main womanizers among the Gods.
  15. So what I am interpreting from this is that the new godly teclis may have taken up some of the mannerisms of Zeus and his... 'love' affairs?
  16. did you use actual stucko for the walls? or did you just use plaster or something?
  17. Finally finished all the columns (except one unbuilt one, bleh) and arrayed them on the mini temple. Probably only going to use 4 of them for this, but it’s still fun to see. anyone have any tips for painted a golden statue? Should I just cover it in retributor gold with some agrax earthshade wash? Or should I do a shiny bronze as a well kept statue for teclis?
  18. if you think this is bad, try taking a course in healthcare. I had to have a note card with every acronym on it just to read a chapter in a book on all the organizations and commities involved... Anyways, I am excited to know if that dude meant the named character being badass, but I hope the regular battle cattle is amazing. I love monsters, and I think it would be fun to play one or two of those. I just want more rules, as I'm dying without knowing how i'm going to build my army!
  19. ironic, the very thing that split the fandom for this faction being the only thing ensuring that the people who want the box set enough can get the box set
  20. @Lorax thanks a ton! I just hope I can do everything I want for armies on parade. I only have to get, build and paint all the lumineth, design a display board, create a few roads, build the larger temple, and finish painting the skeletons that are going to be attacking the lumineth’s temple. All while starting radiologic technologist clinical this summer! anyways, finally received the old OOP metal teclis model yesterday. I am going to paint up as a bronze or gold statue, make it the Focal point of the larger temple for teclis. Already designed the Dias and everything fit him, which is just the pedestal I used as a test structure built with proper corners. Still a little crooked, but i’m Not a perfect elf so it’s what ever. For the current temple i’m Thinking that i’m Going to have the focal point be a spare head from the mountain spirit, make it an offshoot lesser temple of a sort.
  21. If I may be selfish, I just hope they have enough realm lord boxes for everyone who wants one. Would be pretty bummed out it they didn't. still, this is pretty good news overall, and the slow open is going to mirror most places economies as we recover. there will probably be some pain to start out with, as people have markedly less disposable income depending on how hard they are hit...
  22. @Sttufe thank you! Only thing I wish I did better was to try and fix that gap on the right side. I think next time I may apply more modge podge, maybe with some crushed plaster to act as a sort of spackle... Finished the simple granite grey dry brush on the model and I am pretty satisfied with the result. Going to build some pillars and think about building the open space roof or just leaving it pillars and the base. It is a temple to the light gods, so no roof does make sense in order to get the most amount of light.
  23. So turns out that the modge podge stuff over the foam core worked, and the floor is now spray painted, so I’m pretty happy. Yesterday I had to spray the bottom, but my tray had some stones on them still and it I dented the surface, which I don’t know how I feel about that. Still, all that is left to do is dry brush the base, paint up some more columns, and maybe make a roof. and then it’s time for the big boy...
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