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Everything posted by EccentricCircle

  1. Apologies oh Pharaoh! The mighty sphynxes of yore were indeed fine beasts and the greatest steeds a Tomb King or Queen could ask for. Mine sit in pride of place in my display cabinet, and I hope that you are one day able to get so e of your very own. There are a few other companies which make tomb kings counts as, but I don't know of anything that quite replicates those kits. I feel like I've see some 3d printable options maybe from one page rules. May the sands consume whoever let those beasts go extinct, and may Nehekhara never be forgotten!
  2. I wouldn't be so sure. Its a specialist game rather than a major one, so they won't be allergic to printing rules for models they don't sell. This is true for LotR where you basically have two big compendiums covering every unit in the game. I also do think that some cross compatibility is inevitable, even if the GW accountants would rather that everyone had to buy two of the same model to play the two different games. I posted this breakdown in the old world thread a month or two back, but I think it all still holds true: There are a lot of AoS factions which in whole or in part replicate classic WFB armies, and it wouldn't take too much work to get the majority of the game back up and running. Ready to go, just need some heroes appropriate to the era: Warriors of Chaos (Mostly still out there as S2D) Beasts of Chaos (All still in production as themselves) Skaven (All still in production as themselves) Lizardmen (All still in production as Seraphon) Ogre Kingdoms (All still in production as mawtribes) Dark Elves (Almost all still in production as part of CoS) The Empire (Almost all still in Cities, but might need an update to match the aesthetic of the earlier era, if Dawnbringers are coming, expect there to be Crossover potential!) High Elves (Half the Lumineth range is usable as updated High Elves) Vampire Counts (Half the Soulblight range is usable as updated VC) Night Goblins (Half the Gloomspite range is usable as updated Night Goblins) Still have a core of models, but would benefit from more variety Wood Elves (Still a few in Cities, and half of Sylvaneth covers the tree spirits, mostly. New Glade Guard, Ariel and Orion, and Tree kin, and you'd basically be there. I could see that and a few other shiny things coming with a "battle for Athel Lorenโ€ campaign book, and us being done!) Dwarfs (They still have a core of stuff in cities, but are missing enough that they would need a fairly big release to cover the gaps. You can't really use fyreslayers as slayers, we need thunderers, quarellers, regular dwarfs, and of course heroes, if dispossessed are coming, expect there to be crossover potential!) Savage Orcs (You could make the case for expanding bonesplitters and making a more solid Savage Orcs army at the same time, but they were always a subfaction anyway, so I don't think its that likely they'd get devoted support) Can't really use anything currently on sale, so would need a rerelease: Tomb Kings (None of the current undead really fit, but you could put the Sphynx, Snake and Tomb Guard kits back into production, and then you'd basically just need skeleton archers and some updated chariots. Since we've not got skelly archers in soulblight there could even be some crossoever potential there if they did a Nu-lamia update paired with an updated Tomb Kings release.) Chaos Dwarfs (but there are all those rumours right? I'd expect that if they do come, half the range will match their old loadout while the other half with be realms-y like the elves and vampires.) Brettonia (This is the first big one. Like Tomb Kings they have a lot of old kits, but I feel like fewer hold up, and would be likely to be rereleased as is. I think that a Kislev style campaign/expansion where they really update and expand them would be sure to get them brownie points with the diehard fanbase though. I could see it being one of the earlier campaigns. Until then though people can probably muddle through with old models or knights and peasants from other manufacturers. Somewhere a GW accountant would be crying, but the fanbase would be ok.) Orcs and Goblins (This is the other really big gap in the line, and in my opinion the most important one. We could get by without Bretonians or even my beloved Tomb Kings until such time as they saw fit to do an expansion centred on them. Classic orcs and goblins though are such a central threat to the old world that I think they would have to do something with them. Again I'm not sure that the old kits hold up too well, and its not long since they were phased out. Unlike the other recently updated armies Kruleboyz just don't replicate the classic army. So they wouldn't be usable as proxies I don't think. We've not heard much about orcs in the previews so far, but if I had to pick a faction to be invading Kislev in the starter set, its they and not chaos whom I would choose.) So there you have it. All three Chaos factions already have pretty good support, as do High Elves and possibly The Empire, who were always the other most popular hero factions. It would take a few solid releases to get full coverage, but not out of step with the kind of support blood bowl or necromunda gets, averaged over a year or two.
  3. That spear definitely looks seraphon to me. The dangling tags are a classic lizardmen design cue, as are the macahuitl spikes on the sides and the geometric patterns. I know we've just spent pages getting our hopes up about ogre s and skaven, only to have that crushed, so I'm not even going to speculate on range refreshes. That said, wr did get Kroak durung broken realms, so that has to mean something!
  4. I ordered a couple of bands, and some of the 40 k models that went at the same time. In the past stuff has dispatched pretty quickly, even when it says 180 days. This time though, nothing 's arrived yet so they are likely through their reserves and casting them up to fill the orders.
  5. I wonder if GW have the same problem with Skaven that the Empire of old did. I bet there are a couple of designers who keep putting their hands up in meetins, and saying "we should probably update skaven" and then their bosses just laugh, and say "Don't be silly, everyone knows there's no such thing!". I was initially dismayed that the Horns of Hashut were humans rather than dwarves, but thinking about it, it does make some sense for the Chaos Dwarfs to send their disposable minions out to scout, rather than their own people. I never got many hobgoblins, but the idea that the faction consisted of a ruling class of Dwarves, served by numerous slave races did make them distinct. I could see them having essentially armies of human Janissaries, not just slaves, but essentially legions of soldiers sent by the realms that pay tribute to the Dawi Zharr Empire. The less armoured models shown off do have the look of slaves, but they don't all look as ragged and beaten down. I guess we'll have to wait and see. This preview has been excellent overall. I've liked a worrying amount of the stuff previewed. Sylvaneth are definitely the highlight, and I love the lady of vines. Chaos I'll be happy to wait and see how it all fits together, but any suggestion that the Dawi Zharr are approaching is alright in my books. I've always been a dwarf fan, so am very excited about each squat preview. The idea that we might get both them and the Chaos Dwarfs delights me immensely! I also think that a lot of the chaos soldiers shown off in 40K are great. I've always been put off by Chaos in that setting, since its just more space marines, but the idea of squads of cultists, mutants and regular soldiers really expands the theme in interesting directions, and could be great for AoS conversions too.
  6. I really like it. Its great to finally see a female dwarf from GW, even if she is for 40K! Hopefully this means that AoS will follow, whenever we next get new dwarves.
  7. You know Moon Knight and he's a warhammer fan?! How did he feel about the tomb kings being squatted?
  8. I'll echo what others have said. In terms of actual usable stats and mechanics, there is no real advantage to trying to convert from Soulbound vs trying to convert from mass battle scale AoS stats. In both cases you will be looking at a profile which describes how things behave and having to pick D&D stats that match, or evoke the same feel. Its all doable, but starting from the RPG won't be any easier than starting from the wargame. Where getting the books is most likely to be of use would be as inspiration, background, lore etc for you and your players. Even if converting an actual adventure would be too much work, you could still use locations, ideas etc. with little difficulty. Its also a great set of books to read up on the world, and what adventuring parties do in the mortal realms.
  9. Shucks. That's an odd choice. Thanks for the update.
  10. What's all this about Chaos Dwarfs? Have I followed the thread religiously for months only for the thing I'm most excited about to be confirmed on the one weekend I wasn't online? Or is it just speculating based on a contents page? Its hard to tell without reading more than ten pages by the looks of things?
  11. Magmadroth has always been weird. It originally cost ยฃ60 if i recall correctly, so when the Start Collecting set came out at ยฃ50 it was cheaper than the original kit. Everyone stopped buying the original kit, and it got replaced with the SC set. Of course the price eventually crept back up to above it's original level, but that took a while.
  12. Its risky to read too much into the Chaos Iconography, since that's basically the same between AoS and 40K. An eight pointed star could easily be for either, or both.
  13. I've just grabbed the last few that I wanted. I've never had any interest in playing underworlds, but I love the warbands just as painting projects, and have made quite a few over the years as little tasters of armies that I like. I was very excited at the prospect of being able to use them in Warcry.
  14. Why must they tempt me with so many big boxes? I still haven't saved up for Thondia yet!
  15. 2 Battalion boxes formed the core of my Lizardmen, Tomb Kings, and Dwarf armies back in the day. They were the perfect way to fairly rapidly get into WFB after years of just collecting LotR and 40K.
  16. 2 Battalion boxes formed the core of my Lizardmen, Tomb Kings, and Dwarf armies back in the day. They were the perfect way to fairly rapidly get into WFB after years of just collecting LotR and 40K.
  17. I think what's thrown me most about this is that its basically shot down a lot of our tactic assumptions about the function Underworlds warbands conceptually serve in the wider ecosystem of the game. When talking about rumours we often speculate that underworlds is a good way for them to do a "stealth" refresh of something from the main game: Hunter and frostsabres are both old kits which presumably sell badly, so they bring out an underworlds band with newer sculpts for both. DoK heroes are locked in a big warmachine kit... now you can get a hag queen in an underworlds band too. Its seemed like a great way to gradually shift away from the older resin models, and add a lot more variety to the ranges in the process. The fact that an underworlds set has for a long time been the same price as a single hero didn't hurt either. The fact that they are not scraping them, however temporarily, suggests that we were wrong. They really don't see these models as being anything but pieces for a spinoff game, with the token stats that they tend to give everything in the name of cross compatibility. I probably shouldn't be surprised, since they've never officially said anything else. But, I'm sure I'm not the only one who this is catching off guard. The really weird thing is that they literally just released warcry stats for all these models. Its like the canons all over again, where one hand doesn't seem to know what the other is doing.
  18. Thanks for confirming. Hopefully they stick around till payday. I've just been planning to try out the warcry rules for these, and as a xenos player over in 40k thus could be a pricey month. At least I think I'm close to having all the AoS finecast I'm ever going to want at this stage, so they can do what they want with that!
  19. Yikes, thanks for bringing this to our attention, there are a couple in there I'll want ti get. I'd hoped they wouldn't need to do this, as they're quite happy to just squat fantasy stuff they no longer want to make, so I thought everything in danger of being rotated was probably gone already. I guess not... With LotR amd now 40k they always set a deadline for When the models will go, and honour orders up to that point even if it means casting a few more. Did they specify that in the email you got?
  20. As I've said earlier in the thread, there are a ton of AoS units which could be used as is in TOW. I would be astonished if the refreshed vampires weren't designed with a view to half the army being something new for AoS, while the other half were classic Vampire Counts for TOW. It doesn't really make sense to make two versions of say, blood knights, with minimal differences, when you can sell one kit to two player bases. However, GW being GW, I do worry whether they will let me use the same specific models for both games. I can't see them saying "you can't use blood knights for TOW" but I can absolutely see them saying "you must buy two boxes of blood knights and base them differently, or paint them in different colour schemes if you want to use them for both games". Thankfully, even if they do come up with stupid regulations like that, its a table top game and we're free to ignore them.
  21. Nice! Do the Mods know what happened, or is it a mystery?
  22. Who else was getting rumour withdrawl? I didn't think I was that obsessed, but I miss being able to see what everyone thinks about things! I'm surprised the new underworlds set is coming out so soon, but had no way to talk about it!
  23. The Realmslayer: blood of the old world radio play features Gotrek questing for a portal which will lead him back in time through tje realm o chaos. (To try to rescue Felix from the end times naturally.) Avoiding spoilers, it doesn't have time travelling stormcast though.
  24. Does the army of scantily clad chainmaille bikini elves actually appeal to female audiences though?
  25. It's fine that you don't like it. I don't either especially. But I disagree that it's just a waste of resources. Some folks out there probably think the same in reverse... Why focus on AoS when bloodbowl could be a main game? I'm glad they make lots of different things. Some i like, some I don't, but it broadens tje appeal of the hobby as a whole, and gives more people than ever an avenue to play.
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