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Everything posted by EccentricCircle

  1. I reckon we're right in the middle of the period when all the lockdowns impacted their R&D two or so years ago, and that slump is coming down the pipeline. The smaller games have really taken off because they are likely designed on a shorter timescale. Most of the endless stream of necromonday reveals are for traditionally sculpted resin models from forgeworld. Those have a quicker turn around than anything we get for AoS so were likely designed after the bulk of the lockdown. We have a longer lead time, so are seeing a focus on warcry and underworlds. I suspect some of the heroes are old sculpts, that were on the back burner. It's frustrating that they seem to have prioritised 40k, which by rights should have had the same issues. But that's not really surprising.
  2. Simple systems are good, complex systems are good so long as that compexity serves a purpose and is structured with some aim at elegance in mind. The problem with modern warhammer is that they actually made it too simple at the start of AoS and didn't leave themselves room to justify endless expansions. They've had to keep adding endess layers of extra rules to that simple core until the whole thing has become an unwieldy mess. What they should have done from the start was planned a better framework which they could expand as much as their corporate overlords want. The core would have been slightly more complex, but the overall cognitive load needn't be as huge as it is now with all these tacked on extra layers of situational rules. AoS original design was great, but they've messed that up thoroughly. We'll have to see what 10e 40k looks like, and whether that strikes a better balance, as that is the shape of things to come for us too.
  3. I don't think its a case of saying we want regular goblins instead of night goblins. I personally like both. I'm keen for them to bring back regular goblins because they don't currently make them, and to be fair I have quite a lot of Night Goblins already.
  4. Well, that one model solves a lot of rumour engines in one fell swoop. Appropriate, since ghouls like their fell swooping!
  5. You don't need gangs of the under hive anymore, that was the old edition, and is no longer sold. Basically the group needs a core book and then you each need your faction book. Still more books than stargrave though!
  6. Frostgrave is the original in a family of skirmish games written by Joseph McCullough and published by osprey. It was followed by various spinoffs adapting the rules to different genres, and is now on its second edition. The X-grave games are campaign driven skirmish games about a small band of warriors going into a dangerous place to recover treasure. In that respect it is a spiritual successor to mordheim and necromunda, though it does does not copy their rules. It is a much more streamlined system than most GW games, and is very rules light and easy to learn but hard to master. There are plenty of campaign books, but no rules bloat. All you need to play is one fairly cheap and accessible rules book. It does have a range of minis, both fantasy and sci fi. They are made by north star and include numerous plastic kits which are great. They frequently make two versions of their kits, one with male soldiers, and one with female ones, so have better gender representation than a lot of wargames. The kits are really varied, with tons of customizability. Note though that the game itself is "miniatures agnostic" you don't have to buy their minis, and can play it with any models you like. The core frostgrave game stars wizards and their apprentices and bodyguards , meaning that a lot of AoS models look great for it. There aren't factions, rather the look and feel of the warband comes from what spells you choose. So aos Chaos models could be used as demon summoners, undead as necromancers, and sacrosanct stormcast as elementalists etc. Stargrave is about crews o space pirates. The most novel thing is movable objectives. You run to treasure markers, but then your soldiers have to pick them up and physically carry them off the board while the other player tries to do the same, and you end up ambushing each other to steal the treasure. Ths and ai controlled monsters, makes the game very dynamic. The game works best with lots of terrain, typically multi level ruined buildings like the ones you see for warcry. This makes it popular with crafters and modellers as you can actually fight over big diorama boards like you see for armies in parade. Much simpler terrain alsi works just fine as long as it blocks line of sight and divides up the board though. So you don't need huge or elaborate boards to get started. Its played on a similar table size to warcry, so a regular aos tables worth of ruins crammed into the smaller space tends to work well. Anyway, its a great game, well worth checking out.
  7. Yeah, for all intents and purposes frostgrave is the modern counterpart to Mordheim. It's a better game than anything gw would put out for that niche. It woul be nice to see a new wave of mordheim minis though. If Underworlds and warcry are anything to go by, they'd make some cool stuff. I am collecting necromunda minis, but mainly using them in stargrave.
  8. I would be surprised if we get new witch hunters, because the current kit, while marketed as specific characters, actually has a lot of variety in it. You can mix and match options to build quite a few different witch hunters, and while its not on the levels of the battlemage kit and its ilk, or the stuff frostgrave gets, it is more than good enough for them to tick that one off the to do list.
  9. Oh for sure. That's the main reason I don't think they'll do it. As a consumer I'd be perfectly happy if they take their time, get it right, and then make a single solid product that will stand us in good stead for years. Basically do an update every time they release a new faction, and then it stays like that. I'm not a competitive player though, so I'm perfectly happy just having a working game on the shelf forever. I know that others will feel differently.
  10. Controversial opinion, I want all of the rules of the game in as few books as possible. Give me a single compendium like Warcry, or at worst one per GA like in first edition and old warcry. Put everything up front where I can find it, and don't dole it out over the course of dozens of books. By all means give each faction a dedicated lore book with lots of juicy information about them, I am the sort of person who will absolutely buy campaign books, lore books, art books, or codices for factions I don't play if the lore and art are good enough. But what I object to is planned obsolescence. I don't want to have to rebuy the same thing every couple of years with minimal changes because Games Workshop's share holders wanted more yachts. The best way to achieve that is to decouple the lore from the rules. They won't do that, because they are terrified that if they do so then people won't buy it. Maybe they are right, but the fast Codex cycle is self destructive, and sooner or later it will come back to bite them.
  11. The wood elves were the Asrai, so its possible. I wouldn't expect them tp have such a dark elvish icon though. That mouth grill is pretty distinctive. It's been bugging me that I'm sure the name Arenai is familiar and was one of the old elven nations of the old world... The I remembered they are the undead elves in Eberron, so not a warhammer thing at all.
  12. My head canon is that chaos marauders are used to wearing shirts and trousers in the frigid chaos wastes. This means that when they go south to balmy kislev they get too hot and have to wear loincloths.
  13. Thanks for the summary, I was just wandering what was left. 40k battleforces must be next week now ours have dropped, but it looks like one solid week of specialist games should do it. I wonder what the hold up with those jet bikes was,everything else from Necro us out.
  14. A beastmen warband for necromunda perhaps? It's not like they'd actually update an old AoS army!
  15. Its an expansion for Critters and Keys obviously. About time too!
  16. Maybe try the wings from a 40k tyranid hive tyrant, they are maybe a little bigger, but the big advantage is that many build the no wing version, so you should be able to find spares or get them from bits sites easier than wings which are integral to a model.
  17. Long, long ago when I first hearf there was going to be a game called "age of Sigmar", my hope was that it would be set in that early age and chronicle the formation of the empire. That was very quickly proved wrong though! Still it's something which would be cool to see.
  18. The rumour engine is specifically a holser from the biker scouts but upright, so I'm going to go one further and say that its from pioneers on foot, since they are one of the gaps in the first wave, the bikers have a very distinct look, but the duster coats etc aren't seen much in other units. I think this is a sign that that whole subfaction will be expanded on.
  19. Same. That gloomspite box would have been great for me two years ago, but these day's i have more than enough squigs. The skaven one looks cool as a way to bulk out my troops, but I don't need any more warmachines etc. Same goes for DOK. The last thing i need is another cauldron a nd doomfires,even if more snakes and harpies would be cool. on the 40 k side I was more at risk as I have a few factions I'd like to start, but I only play xenos, so that's a hard pass from me. Undivided chaos might have tempted me, but not what's on offer. That's good though, as now I can save for the next warcry set without worry, or just maybe pick up the S2D starter... ...also hilarious that Fyreslayers have still never got a battleforce.
  20. Interesting selection. Some good sets there, though nothing that personally appeals to me.
  21. Just to clarify, i 'm not one of the folks complaining or thinking one game steals another's releases. I'm actually of the opinion that GW need to slow down their edition cycle and that a quiet year is no bad thing. it was just that someone asked how many kits necromunda had got, and since its been my main game the last year or so I went, "ooh I know the answer!"
  22. I think by my count Necromunda got maybe 15 new plastic modela this year, including 4 terrain kits, and the ridgehauler being split over three sets now that the fuel tanks are out. Nomads, nomad bugs, squats, orlock bikes, goliath bikes, gunners, ridgehauler, trailer, fuel trailer, fuel tanks, hab blocks, gantries, big hab, undehive market, Hive scum. Still no sign of the escher jet bikes, so that might bring us up to 16. I'm less sure how many forge world releases its gotten, but maybe ten or so?
  23. My guess is that the English speaking world is their main market, so they need a lot more of those books, and start printing them long before the translations. Thus they were able to update the other editions even though the English ones had already gone to press.
  24. This sounds amazing and I would love it to be a thing. I have one 28mm scale ship for D&D which i have played warcry on before now. Getting a second for boarding actions is pricey though...
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