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Everything posted by EccentricCircle

  1. Yeah, I voted for the Light of Eltharion, because it is the most striking of the new AoS releases. There are other models which I have enjoyed more, but I figured the less we split the AoS vote, the more likely we are for it not to just be another space marine (a fools hope perhaps, but a hope nonetheless...)
  2. You see, this sort of exchange is why this forum is such a fantastic community!
  3. This is fascinating. I'd never considered that the elements of modern models which you describe might be anti-counterfeiting measures, but now that you've pointed it out, it makes so much sense! No wonder they are in love with very thin strands and tiny little details these days!
  4. Witchfinders are notably absent from the game at the moment. Given how prominant they are in the lore and background, its slightly surprising that they didn't even leave them a single model. Clearly the model development is quite decoupled from the lore, particularly where black library is concerned. However, it does seem like quite a big oversight!
  5. Yeah, I'll add my voice to terrain as well. Hobby materials can be good, but they probably know what kinds of brushes they like. Buying paints can be very hit and miss, as they might not need those colours any time soon. Buying models can be good if you know what they like, and what they already have, but it can be tricky if you get them something which doesn't fit their collection, or which is surplus to requirements. Terrain though is pretty evergreen. If you know they like 40,000 then you know that they can basically find a use for any modern or sci fi scenery. GW make various kits, as do other companies, so there is a lot of variety to choose from. If you get them something they already have its not a big deal, as having a second building just means you're that bit closer to having a street, whereas having a second copy of a special character would be harder to make use of. You can basically never have too much scenery and duplicates just add to the possibilities in how you can arrange it.
  6. My understanding is that the majority of bald vampire models aren't just copying Manfred's style, they actually were once all different models of Manfred.
  7. I'm surprised more people aren't saying dwarves of some sort. It really looks a lot like the more down to earth hammers in older dwarf kits. The spike is slightly odd, and almost makes it look like an anvil being used as a hammer, which would again fit with dwarves of some sort.
  8. If by "Xenos adjacent" you mean they have to get close to aliens in order to shoot them... then yes.
  9. The skaven planned 2020 all along? I guess that would explain a thing or two. It's somewhat terrifying to see the thread catch up with the year, because I can remember quite clearly when we were on page 1066, and it doesn't feel as though I've been obsessing over rumour engines for quite that long...
  10. I've been doing some sorting out, since I'm just about to move house. Mainly putting assembled work in progress models into proper carry cases, and organising sprues more compactly into fewer large boxes rather than lots of small ones. Now I just need to find a good way to transport larger work in progress models (like things which I'm painting in sub assembly. I usually have them on the desk in trays, but need something more secure!
  11. "Slaaneshmas" has been predicted for a few years running, originally based on the fact that the other three gods had gotten big new year updates previously. The difference is that this time around we actually know they are coming!
  12. This raises an interesting question. Has there ever actually been a middle earth themed rumour engine? I honestly can't think of one at all? Most of the Warhammer systems seem to come up from time to time, but it feels like that one is more or less never included... then again it doesn't get that many models these days, and they are pretty distinct in style when they do arrive...
  13. That is very true, but AoS has the slight advantage that there is no single protagonist faction. Sure Sigmar and the Stormcast are the "heroic" faction, but everyone has at least a bit of agency, so if someone else wins for a bit, its not the same as the unthinkable situation of the Space Marines actually losing for a change. Its just another shift in an ever shifting status quo. They've shown they are willing to actually change that status quo, and that puts us in the great position of never really knowing what will come next. I've said it before, but I'll start paying attention to 40K properly the day the Emperor actually dies, and the Imperium descends into civil war. Until then I'm happy playing Xenos armies around the edges!
  14. To be fair I've never seen one in real life. The pose has always looked quite awkward to me, but no one I game with has one, so I've made no particular study of it. Looking at the images on the webstore properly I agree that its pretty dragonny, so am happy to retract my criticism!
  15. I was thinking about the lack of dragons in modern warhammer the other day actually. I think part of the problem is that GW didn't really update most of their dragons beyond the old metal/resin S shaped beasties of yesteryear. Whereas basically every other fantasy mini maker has been doing far better dragons for a while. Forge world had the best GW ones, but has discontinued several of them. The remaining ones like the Star Drake, and Magmadroth aren't quite your classic dragon. That really just leaves the Dark Elf dragon in cities to fill that niche, now that the High Elf one is gone. Meanwhile Reaper and Nolzurs do lots of various designs, with far more interesting poses. I really want to make an entire army of dragon riders, haven't figured out how to go about doing it yet though...
  16. My first thought was Seraphon too, but on closer inspection its actually far too gothic to be an artefact of the lizardmen. The few Aztec cues like the sun and the rays don't really carry through the actual staff. There is no serpent motif, instead a more mechanical feel. I'd say its a 40K item, much as I'd love more stuff for my beloved lizzies.
  17. I've had a similar experience with 40K, though perhaps with a more positive outcome. I have never really had much interest in space marines and have never wanted to start an army that revolved around them. I instead collect Xenos armies, and while they don't get much support this means that I can be a lot more casual in my interest in the setting. I'll basically just ignore the setting unless a new Necron, Tyranid or Orky thing happens, and even then I'm content to hear it second hand most of the time. The armies are there if my friends want to play 40K with me (Which who am I kidding, is all the time, barely anyone plays AoS around here). I don't think I could be as focused on 40K as I am on AoS lore, without not having any time to read all the lore, or paint all the models.
  18. "Aelf thread?" The Aelves may have won this round, but Anvilguard Endures. We'll see this grudge righted, you mark my words!
  19. Don't let him hear you say that. I'd love to see more Fyreslayer models, and while I don't expect Grimnir to return completely, I could see the fyreslayers combining their runes to summon a massive flaming Eidolon of their god, in much the same way as the Idonenth do. That would make for an amazing centre piece model, and I'm now slightly sad it doesn't yet exist. While I am all in favour of having destruction Dwarves and Destruction Elves, I don't think that any of the existing factions are a good fit. They could make something that would work much better, if they decided to go that route. Undead units for other races are just a no brainer though. I don't know why we don't have those yet!
  20. Well now you folks have been and gone and done it. They'll be resetting all of them!
  21. Thinking about it, I actually did ultimately repaint my first ever warhammer models. They are the old monopose Gretchins for 40K, which I got from a friend. When I first got them I naturally painted them with normal human skin tones, because it didn't occur to me that space goblins should be bright green! Later when I got into warhammer properly. I expanded on them to make a full Ork army, and at that point they did end up being changed a bit to fit in with the rest. I do sometimes wonder what my Orks would have looked like with tan skin though, and whether I should have stuck to my guns rather than going with what the book said I should have done!
  22. I prefer to keep old models as they are. I love them to bits, so wouldn't dream of selling them on. I could strip and repaint, and would for second hand models. Things I've painted myself are a great way of seeing how far I've come though. I think if I didn't have them to look back on, I'd lose sight of the fact that while i.I'm still not the best painter, I do make progress year on year. Some of my conversions from 20 years ago have a charm to thdm which I take things far to seriously to replicate now!
  23. Yeah, I've been listening to the early Gotrek and Felix stories on audible, and the main thing I'm taking away from them is that while Gotrek is a great character for instigating the adventures, he's not really what the story is about. Felix is the far more interesting character, and it's his response to Gotrek's hijinx that really sells it. I've enjoyed the new Gotrek and Malineth stories well enough, but they really lack that dynamic.
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