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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. That would be awesome. Warhammer Fantasy already has an inifnite number of books, games and it's an IP well recieved by everyone, but that's exactly why I think that a RPG about AoS would be better. Make this IP stronger with an easy entry level for new players, and videogames is one of the best ways to accomplish that.
  2. I'm not sure what to answer, I like most of the games that are GOOD. And that's my only issue with AoS games, they are cumbersome to play or uninteresting that, after a few hours, I don't want to play anymore.
  3. No more AoS articles this week? I have a ton of questions about the rules...
  4. To be honest, I think Stormcast Eternals is a bit complicated for a faction. It does not translate really well to other languages: Los Eternos Forjados en la Tormenta (spanish).
  5. Cataphractii instead of Tartaros termies, interesting (they did the same with Deathguard termies I think). I expect at least a new double kit with generic/special hero, a sonic dreadnaught would be so cool.
  6. A bit disconnected this days. Btw, who are this dudes?
  7. Anything more appart from cultists? Lucius, phoenix guard, noise marines, etc...?
  8. Something like the Imperial Armoury would be a dream come true.
  9. It's weird because most people think that SCE are one of the worst armies, and their BT and Strategies are not that competitive, but their stats and some units (mainly dragons and mw-spam) seems to be good and can throw a lot of mw on the right side of the table. Nurgle corruption's points rack up so fast, and we can't mitigate any of their mw, and S2D have awesome hammers if buffed correctly. And all 3 armies are hard to crack with no mw or low rend. Btw, 24-25 seems an awesome scrore, both players fighting till the end. Good job! Edit: So, 4.0 is around the corner, what do you think GW will change? Imho, I think that some USR would be good for our special weapons. I can see some Anti-infantry (-1 rend) for our multiple volley guns. Skyhooks with Anti-Monsters seems to be a must, and I think that cannons need a bit of punch or e more clear role. What would you like to see?
  10. I'm really curious about what are they going to do with vehicles, fly high and all this stuff.
  11. Question A character can only buy one magic ítem from each category (weapons, armour, etc...). Runic weapons are magic ítems but they are inscribes instead of purchased. Can we inscribe runes in a Hand Weapon and a Great weapon in the same model?
  12. I think that it would be the opposite. Big stuff behind a destroyed wall, house or a forest should be easier to be shot (aka, be a legal target for shooting) than someone small that is hidding there. A keyword dedicated to LOS interactions with terrain (appart from FLY) could be perfect in this case.
  13. I think it's good. If faction terrain is still free and can be set-up by the player, at least let the opponent have the option to destroy it.
  14. I read the same. Btw, nice update with terrain. It gives players an awesome tool system to craft their own terrain pieces. Btw, I love that our units can jump from high ground without the need to stop in the middle of the air.
  15. I think that there are some subtle changes there. We don't have any roles (mainly Artillery), but we still have some role-like keywords like War Machines: We know that Chariots are War Machines in 4.0, and most of the upper row keywords have some gameplay utility. Some are just there for Abilities, but others have strightforward rules like Wizard 9, Fly, Ward 5+, etc. We know that there are multiple USR tied to weapons, and just look at how many ranged weapons we have: voley guns, harpoons, drills, gas-thrower guns, multiple-barrell guns, cannons, catapults, bolt throwers, etc... that's a lot of stuff to showcase that will be drastically diferent than 3.0 weapons. Pretty sure that some people (like me) would be really interested in a bit more knowledge about range and shooting.
  16. Don't be that guy. We need some ranged profiles, a brief explanation about Artillery and some talk about range (appart of being cut). It seems that snipers will have 24", and bows 18", what about artillery or pistols? And I'm really curious about an Auto-Hit USR (if any) for gas-breath like weapons or weird stuff like lightning ammunition or volley guns.
  17. And shooting!! We need a showcase of some ranged warscrolls!
  18. For anyone interested (mainly dwarf players), I had the opportunity to travel to Warhammer World this past weekend and there was 3 exclusive dwarf models!!
  19. That sounds like a sub-theme for Sylvaneth
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