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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. If we look at other similar Duardin factions, probably one hero
  2. I want the new Cado Ezechiar Command to be in the main AoS core rules. Focus on 5-8 wounds heroes without mounts and with a Pilein of 6" to allow them to engage!!
  3. We can look at Drekki Flynt Warscroll!! I'm happy about him, not an autotake but it seems really fun to play: He is from Barak-Mhornar (I didn't listean/read his previous adventures, but his colors already hinted in that), can't take artifacts if it's in a Garrison, no Admiral keyword and his Frigatte buffs seems to be a bit meh. But I love him!! I hope that he lasts a bit more than Dagnai!! Q3k1CwxzAiZNJAyt.pdf
  4. I love Drekki! He can steal an enemy artefact on a roll of 3+ XD
  5. I don't play or know enough about Warcry, but anyone know if there is any option to see a Kharardon or Duardin warband?
  6. Anyone think that the Legionaris Warscroll is crazy?
  7. Yes, you can. There is even a FAQ making it clear that you can set up a unit in a Skyvessel even if both are set up at the same time* using a Battle Regiment: *Take in mind that one-drop battalions are still set-up one at time: "If a core battalion has the Unified icon (see below), then after you set up a unit from the battalion, you must set up all of the other units from the battalion, one after the other, and you are not allowed to set up units that are not part of the battalion until all of the units in the battalion have been set up."
  8. Pre-orders next saturday!! At last, our beloved Drekki will be available with his own rules. I can't wait to read the book, I'm really hungry for more KO adventures! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/08/14/sunday-preview-black-library-heroes-on-the-page-and-the-tabletop-amid-an-arcane-cataclysm/
  9. Right now, I'm realy, really happy. Thx Gw
  10. Rotmire were not in the S2D book, and we don't know anything about an order battletome. And even if we assume a new Nurgle Book or Dawnguard Crusade will e released in 2023, they are 6+ months away to be legally playable.
  11. No AoS rules for the new Witch hunter band or the two new warcry warbands?
  12. The Immortal Empires trailer just droped! I must say that it looks AWESOME!!! Btw, still waiting for Chaos Dwarfs (I don't like how Dwarfs play in TWW)... coff coff
  13. It sounds a bit rude, but I don't care about Grand Alliance. If you collect KOs, you only have 1 hero and 1 Underworlds warband as new releases. If you collect skavens, you will still have 2 heroes and 2 warbands. Doens't matter how many Slaanesh or SCE kits are released each year, you will not care about them.
  14. I partly agree with that sentiment. The thing is, that people that plays exlusive AoS 1.0 armies seems to be in bad shape. First AoS armies (2015-2016) were SCE, Khorne, Seraphon, Chaos (everchosen), Fyreslayers, Pestilense, Ironjawz, FEC, Sylvaneth, Bonnesplitterz and BCR. So, from all of them, the only ones that started with an AoS exclusive roster were Fyreslayers, Ironjawz and Sylvaneth. 6 years later, Fyreslayers and Ironjawz are still the same roster with a few random Underworlds bands or a hero...
  15. 1 Fyreslayer's Hero was close to an insult
  16. I'm not a fan of the Valkia trailer. I get what they want to tell, rage and more rage that can be turned in to a moral burst yadda yadda... but appart from a few wallpaper frames and the proto-painbringers, it's a bit meh, for me at least. I'm #TeamAzazel, I hope to see him again in TOW or AoS.
  17. The whole chain is right but take in mind that attacks produce damage (profile), damage is transformed in to a pool of Wounds, and Wounds can be saved by Wards.
  18. I like the concept but GS & tactics are another layer to track in a game with already a lot of layers that usually need bookkeeping. Not sure if a wargame with more than 40+miniatures needs this kind of stuff.
  19. The revealed model is the Skullgrinder Herax! We don't know how the slaughtermaster looks... yet!
  20. That's one of my main issues with AoS. An entire faction following a king means nothing, the king can die and another one will rise, you can have a shift after shift in the top of the hierarchy, or even a Civil War between kings, warlords, wannabe-emperors, etc... for a big brawl that everybody will enjoy, but it's a bit more dificult in a setting has gods of an entire civilizations and/or races. But what will you think if I say that there is an AoS army full of little stunty pirate atheist dudes/ettes that don't care about gods...
  21. I just want to add that religion in a setting is just a cliché that perfectly suits Warhammer. Organizations appointed to/by a God/Emperor to control humanity is what Warhammer is about (and knowing how stupid it sounds). AoS has a twist on it. Gods walk among mortals, and that makes the whole setting a bit diferent because they are not oniric entities that control civilizations: they can die, they can ascend, they can run for their lives... it's a twist to the main cliché. AoS Gods are just BIG active players, not the omnipotent and omnipresent (or not) entities that a church uses to control masses (that doens't mean that we don't have something like that too). We even have atheist that know that gods exists, but they know that they are just big powerful dudes.
  22. Before pandemic, GW usually showed some teasers between desember and february with a big release at the end of March and April. I just hope that they don't release another micro-army and they start releasing wave 2 for the old ones.
  23. I'm still viewing the whole report, but I want to add a bit of criticism! Of course it's just an opiniom of a random dude from a random forum, but here I go: I think that the 3D statues and other "embelishments" makes the whole report a bit teddious to see, at least for me. Better to use static images without VFX from the 90's unless the whole report uses this kind of esthetic. Another thing that I really enjoy inthis type of reports is to see their units when they are presented as part of your lists. I suggest to not change the typo in the same report if it's not a derivation of it: if you go with a gothic typo, stick with it until the end and use bold/italic/regular/medium/etc to create your own hyerarchy (Titles= bold+caps, Rules= regular or medium, Story=italic, etc...). Another suggestion is to buy a gimbal or cheap steady-cam to stabilize your own camera/phone. Something like this Btw, if anyone is interested, Los Escribas del Viejo Mundo (Fantay fans) made a "documentary film" about The Battle fo Blackfire Pass (one of their biggest games with 18000 points on the table). Take a look because it's awesome (only in spanish):
  24. Fixe'd. Adjectives are written behind the names in spanish.
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