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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. Didn't read the Bjorgen warscroll!! It seems that he can target units that are in ships? Maybe we can build some shenanigans around that?
  2. Hi fellow admirals. Another question: If I use the aetheric augmentation on a unit of thunderers, and that unit just embark in a frigatte, can they shoot with re-rolls of 1 to wound if they are garrisoning the frigatte?
  3. That's hard to swallow @Kramer Barak-thryng non-KO duardins gain the Grudges (rerolls of 1 to 3 enemy units) and the footnote for 400 points of duardin allies (and if we want to bring a mage, a lot less and extra drops). Not sure if it's worth btw...
  4. Are we 100% sure about that? Core rules: An army can have allegiance to a faction instead of a Grand Alliance if all the units in the army have the keyword for that faction, including any units that you assign a keyword to during set-up. The barak-Thryng amendment: 1 in 4 units in your army can be a DUARDIN unit that does not have the KHARADRON OVERLORDS keyword. Those units gain the BARAK-THRYNG keyword. They cannot be the army general and do not count towards the number of Battleline units in the army. Can the bold part just overwritter the Core rules? Plis...say YES!!!
  5. It's a bit weird, I don't know why they didn't give both keywords (Kharadron Overlords and Barak-Thryng) with that Amendment. Being part of Kharadrons only allows them to have Aether-gold, and Barak-Thryng interpretation of the Code already worked on them. They still don't have the skyfarer and the marine keyword (so 90% of our Command Abilitites or buffs don't work on them). I dont' see anything really powerful for having the Kharadron Overlords keyword on them...🙄 wow, that hurts to write.
  6. Old miniatures just need some pages at the end of the GHB to still be legal. That's the "magic" of AoS, you don't need to remove anything, just sculpt new miniatures and make better rules for them. People that have old miniatures will still have the oportunity to play with them, but AoS will give a lot of reasons to buy more miniatures (that's their thing). At the same time, Cities seems to be the most fleshed out faction to me: Soulbound is 100% based around cities and how they work, 85% of BL new books have cities being the main place where things happen and the new battletome is just awesome... I mean, if they want to get rid of Cities, they are doing a really poor job. Imho, Cities will be part of the future of AoS. With the option to soup some micro-armies in one battletome and giving us a new reason to buy new material (plastic or new books) is awesome. I really hope to see new Cities like the Floating City of Baatar or Lumnos!!
  7. It sucks, but at least we are in the low side of the price rise. I wanted to buy a second Ironclad but I will wait for the GHB2020.
  8. Oops, I misunderstood your post (english is not my language)!!
  9. I'm only talking about internet here, and if that's right, you are the luckest person alive. And I'm not joking, even a good argument will start a flame war if there is just one dude that hate that argument.
  10. In conclusion: People Trash talk and get a trash-answer. Not going to lie, that will happen everytime that someone answers or throws their opinion in a negative way. If you just develop a good criticism, sometimes you will recieve a good answer, but sometimes it will be a trash-fest that mods will close the thread. And I completely disagree with the bold part. From my point of view, nobody answers about that bad if people don't start trash-talking. And I must say that Dakka is a "moderate", don't even start with old schools forums...
  11. Can i ask what type of complain do you usually read? I only saw 1 complain (and I mean..the one repeated in a lot of diferent forums): -Frozen weapons shoudn't be part of a more grounded setting (TOW). Then I saw people supporting both arguments and bla bla bla... but the point is that I never read someone saying something like: "-only frost weapons and bears? kislev should have werebears riding bears with frost bear-weapons! and bear-dragons!!"
  12. It seems that warhammer is just an ongoing produt that can change from one swing to another (and everything in between) based on the way that their own company wants to follow 😲 Of course, if they change previously established background without giving any rason would be a total miss too, but for that, we just need to see the whole product and not just two concept arts from an underdeveloped old faction...
  13. It's a bit of both worlds. I didn't play a lot (my friends were the ones playing 2 games per week in that time), but big scary monsters were just a big magnet for canons and a centerpiece for your army. If you liked to play without any monster, you could, and I think that should be the case for TOW too.
  14. Golemkin was mentioned too in some battletomes. Btw, I really hope to see Grotbag Skuttlers!!! Just the feeling to make a naval battle in the skies seems awesome... make it happen GW!!!
  15. Really nice. I really love Soulbound core book. Can't wait!!
  16. 100% agree. Eltharion was the clear winner from the begining.
  17. Not sure about that. Riding hypogryphs seems perfecte imo for an elite and unique unit. Don't get me wrong, some armies still should have the same John Does with pikes and shields, but it's in the "unique units" that the game wins it's flavour.
  18. I hope you are all wrong 🤣🤣 I prefer an heroic scale game with massive ranks and files and based on campaign books and whatever armies participated in it. With a mix of "grounded" units that you need to buy a lot of them to make big blobs (and you can use your old ones) and over the top ones (ex.: militia near a mechanical steed/demi.gryph knights or some pikeman near flying dudes of catratzza, that type of things...). Go big, or go home!!
  19. Imho, people give to much credit to an underdeveloped Kislev that only was used to support some narrative and an old Army Book. GW sells minis, they are going to fit them in their own story, creating new narrative for an underdeveloped eras to support whatever they want. It's exactly what they did before.
  20. Time will tell. It seems that they are not far away. I hope you are right, the game doesn't need a whole new subfaction with "ignore rend -1, can stack" ability.
  21. Yeah, but I wasn't talking about "their" ability, I was talking to the second bonus that upgrades to -2 rend.
  22. I read that the second bonus of -1 rend (to -2) is from Ymmetrica. Seems to be a batallion or Sub-faction. of course, that's still ar rumor, so better wait for the whole picture.
  23. I didn't know that i wanted... needed some dwarfs riding bears in my life, until now!!
  24. Brightspear isn't part of the main book to play. It's part of the Starter Set: Introduction to roleplaying in the Age of Sigmar 48 page learn-to-play introductory adventure 64 page Brightspear City Guide 5 pre-generated characters Rules reference sheets Soulfire and Doom tokens A set of six-sided dice
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