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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. Maybe I'm wrong, but they seem strong but not obnoxius (unless you are playing magic without Nagash-like units). Some mechanics are really interesting (sniping models, unit formations, auto-casts, a lot of wholly within in an elite army, etc...). My only complain is that they seems to have a lot of tools to do mortal wounds and Imho, it's one of the most boring mechanics.
  2. I don't think it's black or white. I think that there are a lot of "out of game" layers that we don't take in consideration. I'm pretty sure that sales, stock, new campaign books, or what's in the pipeline can have some impact on the rules. Sometimes it's just that, a bad rule broken the game, sometimes it worked as it should (even if we don't see that). But we are just players, so we care for what happens on the table. If something is broken/OP/UP, we assume that the testers did a poor job or the big company just ignored their feedback.
  3. Ouch... didn't see that incoming but our spell in the bottle seems to be auto-include vs Lumineth 😝
  4. So, a little recap from what we know about Lumineth: They can use Aetherquarz to enhance their abilities. They can activate two units in his fight phase instead of one to fight before the enemy. Alarith Stoneguard with 3+ saves and ignoring -1 and -2 rend using their enhancements and battle traits. Alarith Stoneguard can move enemy models in the fight phase (away from them?). The Vanari Aurelan Warden's spears have 3" range. Teclis can auto-cast 4 spells Protection of Teclis: 5+ FNP to a 18" bubble. Storm of searing white light: Mortal wounds on chaos units (18" bubble). Total Eclipse: Enemy CA uses 2 CP instead of one. Light of Eltharion is a monster: Etheral and half the dmg inflicted by melee and raned attacks. Ignore negative modifiers for hit rolls and every 6 to hit= 2 successful hits. 4 attacks with 2+/3+/-3/D3. +1 to wound if it made a charge move and for every 6 to wound, 1 mw in addition to his dmg. 2 attacks with 2+/3+/-1/D3 He has a ranged profile too. Sigil of Yndra (Endless Spell ability): -1 to hit from enemy attacks and +1 save (garrison-like) and can do mortal wounds in the combat phase to enemies within 3". Reservoir power (Endless spell ability): Can storage some charges if someone cast an spell within 12". Turn to stone (Endless spell ability): Mw at the start and end of the movement phase (on a 4+) and -1 from run and charge rolls to units within 6" (Lumineth modes ignore that). Maybe I missed something but from the look of it, it seems that they are going to be really hard to beat.
  5. But we already know that there is a " GHB2020" and a "GHB2020 Warlord Edition"!!
  6. Hope you are right, I want to start a 40k army and I can't decide 😝
  7. And beasts of chaos have 4 battalions that can mark their own units too!!!
  8. Maybe another SC box. Having an Irocnlad/Frigatte, 6 balloon boys and 2+gunhaulers gives you a lot of good units/battalions to play use. Another option could be to split half of the Aether-war box: 6 more balloon boys and the leader that makes them battleline.
  9. Nice!! Good luck with the tournament!
  10. Nº 13. I've played the same list 1 week ago, that 1970 pints... we need GHB2020 asap.
  11. I find that our gameplay wants to be with low model count (btw, 90-100 wounds). It's hard for some battleplans, but I had more success with lower count than 40+10+10 blob arkanauts (I had them because AoS 1.0... nothing personal). With TTS, I'm switching a bit between some build, and I just use 2-3 units of arkanauts, 10 thunderes and the usual ships (and maybe balloon-boyz) and I don't find that we are that behind other armies (Seraphon doesn't count...). My first issue is the pression that we need to achieve the first two turns because there are battleplans that can end at turn 3 or usually we fall behind in points to fast. That's something that we need to play around. Imho, I find Zilfin awesome just for that, it gives us a lot of flexibility between running 6", and the footnote to re-deploy that juicy 10man thunderes that can give that last VP to win the match. I switched to Barak-Zon yesterdar and still looking to how they play (one game btw, but I'm a bit behind the learning curve with them, it seems that 6 Endrinriggers with Fly High, shooting and making the charge do the more dmg than skywardens just charging after flying high, maybe using them as 12 death squad?).
  12. [Brainstorming] One solution could be a mix between both systems: - CPs tied to game size. - Summons use CP. - Unique army mechanics like the Blood Tithe could be build in some type of CP battery (to help pure summoning lists). Something like that could work, sacrifice CP to summon, and the game size will stop any snowball and still there is some type of counter-play for the oponent.
  13. Points and lists can (and will) change every year (or even at the first FAQ). How many people think that their tailored 2000 perfect points list will remain the same after a new GHB? Or worst, after a new edition? Btw, better to have more models than not having enough to play.
  14. Yeahhh! Need more pointy ears to kill /get killed by...
  15. Is there any rule from 9th edition 40k that could be passed to AoS? I'm reading 8th edition 40k and it has some interesting rules that could be fun to play with in AoS.
  16. It sounds really fun. Big spell for a 1250 game btw! It will be a nightmare for some oponents! Thx!! It seems that only the Grundstock Wing, Aether-gold and Command Abilities can buff the Special-Weapon Squad (I need to find a name for that unit, so fun to play with them!!) if I want to use them as an alpha-strike. Some Command Abilities can still work at least.
  17. You are correct, you can't move and disembark in the same phase. That's why I use the footnote to move on the hero-phase. One issue with this strategy is that you must start with Thunderers embarked and can't be buffed by khemist that way. I'm trying with Bjorgsen or Grundstock Wing to give them some rerolls, but I need more games to see if it's worth.
  18. Zilfin re-rolls only applies to Skyvessels! Thunderers could still use that juicy rerolls (with +1hit form their special weapons) to rise up a bit their dmg output in this alpha strike. I think that maybe just removing the batallion and using Bjorgen will still help to do the same, but whatever, I like to play with batallions 😝
  19. I'm thinking about a mini-alpha strike with low resources on it. Grundstock wing in a Zilfin list: -Set-up 10 thunderes with special weapons on a frigatte (really far away of everything). Maybe with 6 riggers around the frigatte. -Hero Phase: Zilfin's footnote to put the frigatte 9" away from a target. If I have some riggers, I will put them just in front of the friggate (9" away from the enemy and move the frigatte a little bit). -Movement Phase: Disembark Thunderers at 6" of the Frigatte and 3-5" away from the enemy. -Shooting Phase: Grundstock wing to reroll 1 to hit. Aether-gold to re-roll wounds (if needed). All special weapons in range. Frigatte (and endrinriggers if any) can shoot with the focus fire too. If the oponent charge, he/she needs to go through 20 wounds 4+ save with -1hit (2 fumigators that should touch everything charging them) and maybe with the Aether-gold to reroll saves. If some of them survive, I have 3 options: Counter-Charge with riggers, Shoot again (with +1atk from special weapons) or just embark again and Fly high in the next movement/shooting rounds. What do you think?
  20. Didn't read the Bjorgen warscroll!! It seems that he can target units that are in ships? Maybe we can build some shenanigans around that?
  21. Hi fellow admirals. Another question: If I use the aetheric augmentation on a unit of thunderers, and that unit just embark in a frigatte, can they shoot with re-rolls of 1 to wound if they are garrisoning the frigatte?
  22. That's hard to swallow @Kramer Barak-thryng non-KO duardins gain the Grudges (rerolls of 1 to 3 enemy units) and the footnote for 400 points of duardin allies (and if we want to bring a mage, a lot less and extra drops). Not sure if it's worth btw...
  23. Are we 100% sure about that? Core rules: An army can have allegiance to a faction instead of a Grand Alliance if all the units in the army have the keyword for that faction, including any units that you assign a keyword to during set-up. The barak-Thryng amendment: 1 in 4 units in your army can be a DUARDIN unit that does not have the KHARADRON OVERLORDS keyword. Those units gain the BARAK-THRYNG keyword. They cannot be the army general and do not count towards the number of Battleline units in the army. Can the bold part just overwritter the Core rules? Plis...say YES!!!
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