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Everything posted by Scythian

  1. I tried to spend a lot of time on this due to it being the centerpiece of the army. Hope you like it!
  2. Progress so far... Final list will be... Trogboss with Loonskin and Ethereal Amulet 3 Fungoid Cave Shamans (1 Hand of Gork, 2 Itchy Nuissance) 9 Rockguts 2 Units of 6 Rockguts 1 Aleguzzler Gargant Endless Spells: Balewind Vortex, Mork’s Mighty Mushroom, and Scuttletide. 2k on the mark
  3. Dankhold Troggboss with Loonskin and ethereal amulet 3 Madcap Shamans 2 units of 9 Rockguts 1 units of 6 Rockguts Mork’s Mighty Mushroom - Endless Spell
  4. Troll army coming. 27 Rockguts, 1 trollboss, and a madcap on the way. Should be an interesting troll army.
  5. My trollherd 2 Trog Bosses 1 madcap shaman 3 dankhold trogs 3 units of 3 rock guts troll herd battalion
  6. Fully painted Clan Verminus Stormvermin Legion! The painting marathon is over!
  7. I’ve been off on winter break for the past two weeks and it’s been 12 hour days almost every single day. I’m finishing up my last unit’s details tomorrow. The army is going to its first tournament in three weeks. I’ll provide battle reports. Here’s the list.... verminlord warbringer general with cunning deceiver and crown of conquest warlord on brood horror 3 unit’s of 40 Stormvermin with halberds and shields, plus full command 2k on the head
  8. No, I decided to make it an elite infantry list using only Stormvermin. Went through Fyreslayers pretty quickly this past weekend.
  9. Yes, the Stormvermin just annihilated everything they hit. Especially, having the extra attacks from Gnash Gnaw.
  10. Two full Stormvermin units completed! Only 40 to go for a fully painted Verminus army. Arthritis setting in, lol.
  11. When the Skaven return, they will be a major release. Skaven are the most iconic Warhammer race in history. They are behind every calamity, every Great War in some capacity, and have been a part of the main storyline even into AoS with the Gnaw-holes. They’re definitely going back into one book, and I can see lots of updated boxed sets that weren’t updated in 2009. Most of those models from the 2009 release are incredible and probably won’t be touched.
  12. Warlord Chedd-Dhar on Beast! His Malevolence of The Ravenous Legion
  13. The first units painted of my Clan Verminus army. 2 more units of 40 Stormvermin and 20 clanrats to go.
  14. My list includes him. He’s my general. He benefits from look out sir, so that’s helpful. He also has the Gnash Gnaw command like the warlord on foot. Regeneration D3 each turn doesn’t hurt either.
  15. It’s hard to say. This army will either get rolled hard or do surprisingly well. I think your success will, as always, depend upon who your facing. Stuff like Daughters and other fighty armies will maul those clanrats in a single round. What are the stormfiends armed with? You need something that can hit hard and create holes in the enemy lines. Good luck, hope it does well.
  16. Most of the people who are playing Ironjawz are using 2-3 mawkrushers and gore gruntas in the tournaments with an occasional brute or ardboyz unit. Once in a while you’ll see an Ironjawz army place in the top 10. Personally, I use a Megaboss on foot, a weirdnob, 2 warchanters, 2 units of 20 Brutes with 4 gore choppas each, and a unit of three gruntas. It’s a horrible list tactically, but I just love the Brute models. Megaboss on foot is an awesome model as well. I’m just hoping for a points reduction in the GH19.
  17. The fact that the Idoneth player set up his ghost ship in front of Moose actually helped us on our left flank, but unfortunately it forced most of enemies forces down my throat in the center and on our right flank. The Idoneth player pressed hard down the center with fighty eels and two fat chunks of Namarti warriors. My Blood Sisters fought like Spartans against all of them and were supported by Moose’s unforgiving shooting from his Stalkers and Medusa on foot. However, the Beastclaw Raider thundertusks were ganging up with their dirty snowballs against my Medusa and Stalkers. In the end, as always, it came down to a priority roll. Notwithstanding the double team on my forces, we brutalized the enemy in this game with virtually nothing left on their end but characters and the 4 thundertusks. Though their forces still had extremely potent models, ultimately it was not enough.
  18. And Sigmar help the temple that betrays their High Oracle! Lol
  19. A Medusa could no more betray Morathi than a right lung betray the left. One bitten, a Medusa becomes part of Morathi’s soul. They are bound to her with unwavering loyalty much like a thrall to a master vampire. They are not part of her, they are her. I think the slaughter queens are much more likely to revolt against Morathi, but no melusai or Medusa even possess the free will to betray her. Once again, they are spiritually linked to her. A civil war between the Daughters would inevitably be between the witch elves and Morathi’s snake broods.
  20. Da Blockjawz wuz rockin’ da taybul dis weekendz!!! Waaaaaaaagh!!!
  21. Too funny! Yes, I am using a few mobs of Brutes.
  22. Blockjawz’ Big Badd Brutes done! Fully painted 2k Ironjawz complete!
  23. “Blockjawz Big Badd Brutes” 2,000 Points Megaboss “Blockjawz” with Prophet of the Waaagh and Golden Toof Weirdnob Shaman 2 Warchanters Battleline 20 Brutes with gore hackas and boss with claw and smasha 20 Brutes with gore hackas and boss with boss choppa 3 gore gruntas
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