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Everything posted by Ahn-ket

  1. The lore of deathmages and Vampires is LoN alliance Not LoG alliance so only the three spells from LoG
  2. I think chainrasp skellies and zombies will be Battleline And you can't take overwhelming dread from what i can tell
  3. The necromancer can't take oveewhelming dread you only can choose from the lore of sorrow If i hear it right
  4. Hey nice thats the Keywords i think would bei coming Everything looks nice that has been come out with NH tome
  5. Today their Rules for the Terrain piece in the forbidden Power Box and one of the other four
  6. And terrogheist If they be allowed
  7. I think deathrattle and tombkings are battling for the first place
  8. You can has mostly the same warscroll aside from spell and the effect from its mortality glass
  9. I'm now sure that some of the NH Units on the Pic of the Legion of grief will go down run the Points of the Models shown and they are 2330 Points alltogether
  10. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/05/15/forbidden-power-preview-the-endless-spellsgw-homepage-post-1/ They did
  11. Most of them could help plus the possibility of LoN Units in LoG that reduce bravery and some of the older malign soccery es in top
  12. By the picture they get skellies (blackknights wightking) zombies necromancer for sure
  13. I think LoG will have all nighthaunt units plus some from LoN but keyword depending I think they get Deathrattle Deadwalker Deathmages Maybe Malignant Maybe deathlords Lady O get deathlords keyword LoG wizards with approriat Keywords get access to LoN spell lores maybe with Locus of shyish rule for all three spell lores Different artifacts and general traits Access to gravesite mechanic including endless legion command ability Only thing i'm not confident about are Battle traits
  14. I think LoG will be all nighthaunts plus a few LoN Units maybe keyword bounded I think it will be deathrattle deadwalkers deathmages maybe malignent In addition Lady o will maybe get deathlords keyword
  15. I think nagash can't lead LoG because he can't lead LoS, night or blood so why should he lead LoG
  16. There ist no option for a WK on steed in LoN Both legions have their pros and cons as said above
  17. Soulwars didn't have chainghast in it
  18. You can use Glaivewraith Grimghast Chainrasp Both Guardian of Souls variants Both knight of shrouds variants Lord excecutioner Spirit torment Spirit hosts Hexwraith Tomb banshee Cairnwraith Legally as LoN anything else must be Allied
  19. Killed during turn (both Battleschockphase)
  20. Use dreadblade harrows as hexwraith looks cool and ist less expensive
  21. You can use him in LoN but he didn't get extra spells like the lantern one
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