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Everything posted by Ahn-ket

  1. Maybe we get a nighthaunt start collecting with him after they change the anniversary models
  2. Nottingham should be a way to get it aside from store birthdays
  3. He can take arkhan but only If he takes lady o as general In addition the necromancer can't take overwhelming dread only the three LoG spells could be choosed
  4. I know OK 🤔 6 flayers and two banshees + the harridans all with bravery reductions could be good But i'm not sure if you could buy and use the FEC endless outside of a FEC alliance
  5. Are the three flayers listed the ones the archregent pops up during Game?
  6. I think it will be updated when contrast hits the shelves I'm also really intrested in the contrast range especially for harder to achieve colours like yellow and white and to make coloured metallics
  7. Why not i only use Warriors to fill my 20 man chainrasp Units Up to 40
  8. So its allies or mercenaries or can i take both?
  9. Do they profit from alliance rules like the 6+ death save ? How many points ? Only FEC and fireslayers?
  10. How does the mercenary System works?
  11. Its one on field one in underworlds (one drop each)
  12. Right they had to put out free terrain and endless spells for all armies since LoN
  13. Yeah LoB has -1bravery but IT don't work with herridans cause you must allie them in LoB in LoG they get it
  14. Its in the Unboxing of forbidden Power on warhammercommunity I'm not sure If it shows 2k armies cause the order one goes over 3k
  15. GHB point drops are sure in my eyes run the points in the models shown in the Pic for LoG and its comes to 2330 points but you are right with the -2 bravery general trait and Lady o as general
  16. Their are NH Units that make more mortal wounds by reduced bravery so its not only battleshock phase that counts for that
  17. Terrorgheist aren't allowed cause of keyword restriction IP can ne used once per CP if i'm remembering right
  18. Under LoG or normal NH If LoG the Terrorgheist isn't possible to use
  19. LoN FAQ has a paragraph about chainguard battalion in LoN
  20. No Terrorgheist cause of keyword restriction
  21. Each battalion is fixed to the tome and alliance it stated in Cause LoG is a new alliance its stated as an ally battalion
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