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Everything posted by Ahn-ket

  1. OK maybe it's legal by the warscroll rules but i relativly sure you can't put the necessary 10 pieces of terrain on the table within the restrictions
  2. The new cp rule has something like you buy a cp for 50p which is added to your army points in it So if you and your opponent are 1950/2000 and you buy a cp and he doesn't he gets the triumph and you get a 2000p Army with an additional cp
  3. No it isn't legal cause big terrains have a limit of 10" by 10" by 10"
  4. Yeah maybe its limited so you can only buy one during contruction (don't remember the wording yet) but you still get one cp per warscroll battalion so it could be more then one extra
  5. Their is no limit on cp's the only thats changed is that you have to pay for them 50points (aside from battalions which give them for free)
  6. They are cause they are mentioned in the matched play section What about the forbidden power terrain is it a faction terrain because if you can't put ot on table you are losing 100 points that are spend ob your Army roster
  7. I might make a house rule for them saying that the models counts as they are in base to base contact for speeding things up
  8. IT goes up to 14 if the enemy is a LoN player too cause of FAQ says gravesites counts for both players I think it would be nice when the Mausoleum become death army faction terrain and can heal/ressurrect all death summonable unit wholly within 6" of a mausoleum This way all death factions have a faction terrain in one go
  9. Anyone think about a LoN player taking 3 sigmarite mausoleum terrains they get 7 gravesites (cause you must use warscroll rules for official Terrain)
  10. Most of the malign soccery spells get points changes like cogs goes up to 80
  11. Maybe Something we can use in our armies Source Warhammer Community
  12. Pre oder yesterday comes next saturday
  13. I don't think LoN lost the NH Units from Soulwars because of grimghast getting price increase
  14. 10-30 for 140-360points for graveguard +++ MOD EDIT +++ No leaked pictures on TGA! Was nice to see the sepruchal guard be part of LoN now
  15. What is the second warscroll you think will maybe change
  16. Nothing changed on battalions only Things with a star in front have something changed Dreadblade harrows are 80 or 90 p yet
  17. Can you Post a Link to it or tell what you use to search
  18. I will do a death converted freeguild one and maybe the organ cannon one cause my death army comes from shyish so living and dead people Work together
  19. Hi As mentioned above what you think about the 8 new merc unit coming with ghb19 in two weeks What merc unit will be good additions for LoN FEC or NH
  20. The six oval ones are objectiv markers the pictured four are anything you want but i would use them as gravesites in LoG
  21. I think some of them are nice some are meh some are fantastic so i think i will bis some of them for my aos death models
  22. Actually only 20% of my NH and 30% of my LoN armies but i have around 15k points worth of death models to choose from but not as many to paint them as i want
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