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Everything posted by Slayerofmen

  1. If not loose all the points they could at least limit it to one summon a turn. Khorne used to be use it all at once with multiple summons or waste it now they've made their summoning terrible
  2. If slannesh summoning works as intended i would say that doesnt bode well for future books if thats allowed to slide through
  3. My experience is the slannesh player having about 50-60 by the end of turn two. Shooting it off sort of works if you have it. Take an army of 1 wound models also works if you as long as you never want to play stormcast, ogres, ironjaws, undead with anything cool, daughters with snakes, KO etc
  4. Early as it is this goes to show that th e work they have done to improve some of scenerios has been good going into 2019 ghb
  5. It feels like thats a their bare minimum sort of trade off All the scrolls are garbage feom the big guy down and desperately need a ground up review
  6. If they release all the super obvious units to fyreslyers now what would they release V 3
  7. A granular ooints system would be far better for the game and actually stop another style of bloat that has already begun..... the unnecessary duplication of warscrolls kurnoth hunters now have three warscrolls where the only difference is the weapon the units are still costed the same and they are all still named the same so unless you are looking at the tiny pictures on the warscroll you will pick the wrong not to mention you now have to go to three warscrolls for the same unit. Granular points would allow you to refine weapon cost to unit roll, scythes too good make them cost more then bows or swords
  8. Soulblight book probs, hopefully the release the fat boys first though
  9. Sounds like a really bad idea for game balance if im honest
  10. They do not update the battletomes on the app, they really should at least have an FAQ sectionin the app
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