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Death 1000 points, new player needing advice


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New player, Just started playing with Death, looking at committing to one of these forces for small games to learn death better.   Have picked up both the Death and the Flesh Eater Courts battletomes and a few units at my local store.


With both lists I'm leaning towards with a killy behemoth unit, some leaders and bare minimum battle line units to finish.   Was wondering which list was better competitively or even how I can improve on the better one.


Any help is appreciated.


Death Eater Courts looked fun with the Ghoul Patrol battalion, with the Ghast Courtier and Abhorrant Ghoul King doing their thing.   Not sure if the Ghoul King riding the Zombie Dragon or the Terrorgheist is the better option.


Allegiance: Death
Abhorrant Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon (400)
- General
Crypt Ghast Courtier (80)
- Artefact: Cloak of Mists and Shadows
20 x Crypt Ghouls (200)
10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)
10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)
Ghoul Patrol (100)
Total: 980/1000
Death with going pure Nighthaunt with the Mourngul at 1000 points also seemed like fun especially with how nice the Spirit Hosts can be in smaller games.  I've heard a few pure Nighthaunt armies have done well.
Allegiance: Death
Cairn Wraith (60)
Cairn Wraith (60)
Tomb Banshee (80)
6 x Spirit Hosts (240)
- Nighthaunt Battleline
3 x Spirit Hosts (120)
- Nighthaunt Battleline
Mourngul (400)
Total: 960/1000


Any help would be appreciated or even if theres a better standard for Death at 1000 points.



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Hello ! 

Your second list is way better competitively, mainly because of the Mourngul. It's considered one of the best if not the best Behemoth in the game.

I've played quite a similar list in 1500 pts and I can tell you, you won't make friends. In 1000 pts it's even cheesier as there is almost no counter for such a beast in that format.

The first list is a good FEC list, you still have a monster and it's more fair play. But we could discuss about the fairness of the game for hours...


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Nice couple of lists man. 

First list: Solid battleline and table presence, but you rely on the Dragon for all your damage output. at this points size i think it could work, but that would be my only concern.

Second list: Played a lot with Nighthaunts myself, a 1000pt double event and use a decent amount of Nighthaunts in the current 2000pt tournament army.

My 1000 pt list was Cairn Wraith (Cursed Book), Cairn Wraith, 6 Spirit Hosts, 6 Spirit Hosts and Mourngul (General). The list is really solid and is very similar to yours. Either work fine tb, i just liked having more models / wounds. 6 Spirit hosts are such a good unit, and with your 3 they can be a throw away unit or a home objective unit. As long as the Mourngul is allowed to be the General (some comps stop it) then i would recommend this, everything else is a little squishy!

Cairn Wraiths are surprisingly good to your opponent, some cheap easy to kill units go down easy.

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I'm glad im on the right track, I'm def leaning towards Nighthaunt, seems really fun to play especially with the Mourngul added in.

In 1000 pts is it best to make the Mourngul or the Cairn / Banshee the general ?

Cheers for the feedback mate :)



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