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Lore of Fate + Lore of Change


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Hi guys,

this might be a silly question, I've been playing Tzeentch Arcanites and when choosing spells I've been choosing either from Lore of Fate or Lore of Change, however I've just gone to build a list on Scrollbuilder and it looks like I get one spell from each as I've got both keywords on both the Tzaangor Shaman and Gaunt Summoner.

Looking into this that does make sense but I'm not sure it's as intended.

Can anyone confirm how I should be playing this please? How have most tournaments ruled it etc. if it's a controversial one

Thanks in advance!


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At the Broadside bash (SoCal Tourney) we were playing it that you can pick one from both lores. We were citing the wording at the beginning of each lore which states "Each Wizard knows a spell from this lore" which does not set any limitation if your wizard qualifies for both lores. 


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11 hours ago, blueguy203 said:

At the Broadside bash (SoCal Tourney) we were playing it that you can pick one from both lores. We were citing the wording at the beginning of each lore which states "Each Wizard knows a spell from this lore" which does not set any limitation if your wizard qualifies for both lores. 


Yea I guess that view from a Rules as Written (RAW) point of view, but I don't think it's right from Rules as Intended (RAI)


Hopefully they'll FAQ soon, until then I will probably play the less powerful version of this, and choose one

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In my eyes those who have acces to both have acces to both :) I don't really see it much differently as how Artefacts for example work out for the larger Battalions. Now if you have more options to pick as 1 (unlike Artefacts) you still can use both tables.

Play as you like and feel you require. For tournaments I'd ask the TO and browse potential House-rules. 

In too many cases we do not know the rules as intended, as such I'm going with what is written 99% of the time :) . Same goes for some other abilities. 

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