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How Viable Are Slaanesh Daemons In AoS Atm


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So thanks to the wonders of made to order my Slaanesh Daemon force is pretty hefty at this point but I'm really struggling to see how it could perform well on the table? At a glance Daemonettes just don't seem to bring much oomph for their moderately high points cost. Especially considering the rule of 1 preventing their bonus attacks from cascading. Has anyone had much success with Slaanesh Daemons or are they mostly stuck struggling until GW decides to release a battletome for them? The same seems to go for other Slaanesh models such as Seekers or a Keeper that both just seem outclassed by similar costs models in other armies?

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A few weeks ago I had a couple of 800 point games against stormcast with a slaanesh daemons list;

Keeper of Secrets

Daemon Prince of Slaanesh

2 x 10 Daemonettes

5 x Seekers

(to increase to 1000 points would probably add another 10 x Daemonettes and a Herald)

First game the seekers got a first turn charge in and wiped out a 5 man liberator unit. The Keeper of Secrets tore through the stormcast infantry and was really quite impressive as long as he got to hit first (I had given him Dark Avenger and Chaos Runeblade for +1 to hit Order and +1 Attack). The Daemon Prince was also reasonably effective (seeing his Slaanesh ability go off was hilarious) but the Daemonettes weren't great. One unit got minced by Retributors while the other babysat an objective the whole game. Big win for Slaanesh in game 1.

Second game my opponent was more aware and managed to one shot the Keeper of Secrets following a charge (and un-believable rolling) by the Lord Celestant on Dracoth. It was still a close game, coming down to objective points that could have gone either way in the last turn but was again a narrow Slaanesh victory.

I don't think you can call Daemonettes a glass cannon because they don't hit hard enough. Against weaker infantry they would perform better and should definitely be used in larger units (20-30) wherever possible.

Slaanesh Daemon Princes are a lot of fun, Seekers are awesome for what they do and the Keeper of Secrets shouldn't be underestimated.


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They are fast and have a pretty good ability to attack twice.  Plus with Lord of War you have Daemonettes hitting on 2s, and getting bonus attacks on 4s.   

Seekers move,. 14, run 2D6 and charge (after running) plus the formation gives them +1" on move.   What people like to do is use the attack twice ability on 10 seekers cause the avg charge is 15" move (with the formation), 7" run, 7" charge so they can go 29" avg first turn.

I see the Exalted Chariot with a Herald in a lot of lists.  Higher wounds and it can do some Mortal wound dmg output late game.

Overall I think if you know how to use them they are hard to counter cause the battle line choice is good and the support from DPs, Keeper, Seekers is good.


You can also be pretty gamey and take a Mage throne with a herald, toss him up there and have 2 keepers so you can use the attack twice ability on two units.



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Sorry for the slow reply in this thread, was away for a few days, really appreciate the responses!

@popisdead: You can get it up higher than 4+ too, I think thats the one impressive thing I've seen from Slaanesh is when those stars align with a big unit of Daemonettes and you end up making like 150 attacks in a single turn.

I've always been skeptical about the seekers thing since they are on such big bases? You can get across the table in a turn but end up with like 5 seekers in range to attack which means they hit a bit like a wet noodle? 

I've never used the throne, but it doesn't have a pts value does it? Its not like the Vortex? How do you normally play something like that? Stick it in the middle as a sort of secondary objective to get a bonus? 

@Agent I agree I think big units is def the way to go, I guess I sort of look at it though as a big unit of nettes while threatening isn't near as threatening as a similar pts investment from most other armies? I also suspect the Keeper's biggest problem is that people don't under estimate her? hahaha. She is so squishy compared to most big monsters and has so much potential to influence the battle that it is a no brainer to just MW her off the table on turn 1. 

Also another random thing I'm just curious about. Does the big chaos battletome add anything to Slaanesh? Or are they identical to the compendium rules? I don't own it and am trying to figure out if its worth buying with this trend towards god specific books that will likely replace it sooner or later.


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From my experiences and readings, I think Daemonettes are pretty good Battleline (quick, pretty cheap-ish, fairly killy) and the big things are quite powerful. I don't particularly like Seekers and Fiends, though, I feel like GW priced them a bit too high for what they do. I'd almost be more interested in bringing in Slaves to Darkness units alongside the Daemons, but it sounds like you want to go full Daemons. 

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21 hours ago, Requizen said:

From my experiences and readings, I think Daemonettes are pretty good Battleline (quick, pretty cheap-ish, fairly killy) and the big things are quite powerful. I don't particularly like Seekers and Fiends, though, I feel like GW priced them a bit too high for what they do. I'd almost be more interested in bringing in Slaves to Darkness units alongside the Daemons, but it sounds like you want to go full Daemons. 

Ha, thats funny, I kinda feel 12ppm is actually kinda expensive-ish for what you get. ;) I do agree that Fiends and Seekers seem considerably more ovecosted though. The nettes on foot feel to me like they are "ok" if they get their buffs. Comparing to say a skeleton, though, which is 8ppm, has an objectively better banner effect and objectively better large unit bonus (nettes "might" get bonus attacks, a skeleton is guaranteed them), can be just as deadly when buffed, and is more resilient. In comparison nettes are faster and have rend. Imo a nette certainly isn't 50% better than a skeleton even though it is 50% more expensive.

Def going for a Daemon force, I already have a Tz slaves army so would like this one to be different.

My ultimate wish for it would be that GW brings back "cult of slaanesh" in the form of an a battletome slaanesh that uses Aelfs as the mortal side of the slaanesh force which imo would add a super interesting variation to Chaos and make slaanesh distinctly different. Maybe bring back Morathi as the leader of the cult. For now, my plan is to avoid adding any mortals to it though until I know what GW plans to do with Slaanesh as it seems that classic slaves units don't seem to make it into these god specific battletomes (based on Khorne and Tz so far)

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On 2017-5-1 at 5:59 PM, Popisdead said:

They are fast and have a pretty good ability to attack twice.  Plus with Lord of War you have Daemonettes hitting on 2s, and getting bonus attacks on 4s.   

Seekers move,. 14, run 2D6 and charge (after running) plus the formation gives them +1" on move.   What people like to do is use the attack twice ability on 10 seekers cause the avg charge is 15" move (with the formation), 7" run, 7" charge so they can go 29" avg first turn.

Sorry, but just a couple of points because I'm pedantic:

Lord of War only gets your Dæmonettes down to 3+ to hit, bonus attacks on 4s (assuming 20 models).

Seekers also get +1 to run and charge if within 12" of a Dæmon Hero of Slaanesh, so that's more likely a 31" avg first turn.

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23 hours ago, themortalgod said:

I've always been skeptical about the seekers thing since they are on such big bases? You can get across the table in a turn but end up with like 5 seekers in range to attack which means they hit a bit like a wet noodle? 

I've never used the throne, but it doesn't have a pts value does it? Its not like the Vortex? How do you normally play something like that? Stick it in the middle as a sort of secondary objective to get a bonus? 

@Agent I agree I think big units is def the way to go, I guess I sort of look at it though as a big unit of nettes while threatening isn't near as threatening as a similar pts investment from most other armies? I also suspect the Keeper's biggest problem is that people don't under estimate her? hahaha. She is so squishy compared to most big monsters and has so much potential to influence the battle that it is a no brainer to just MW her off the table on turn 1. 

Technically Seekers came on those teeny 40k biker bases.  I have mine on the smallest oval since that's what GW shipped with the extra metal ones I got in December.  Even just tying something up is of value.  Or displacing your enemies battle plans.  It is why people summon in the back line.

No points for the Magethrone.  I take mine with my Warherd army every time so I can buff more Bullgors and Ghorgons :P

I wouldn't go for more than 2 units of 30 girls.  The last being just 10 points.  

I think there was a 1000 point list for Slaanesh using the original formation floating around here.  20/10/10 I think?  Making use of the DP.

23 hours ago, Requizen said:

 I don't particularly like Seekers and Fiends, though, I feel like GW priced them a bit too high for what they do. 

Fiends cost WAY too much for what you get.  I tried them out a bit and with Hellstriders behind them they can tie something up but shooting can nullify that fairly well.

2 hours ago, themortalgod said:

Def going for a Daemon force, I already have a Tz slaves army so would like this one to be different.

My ultimate wish for it would be that GW brings back "cult of slaanesh" in the form of an a battletome slaanesh that uses Aelfs as the mortal side of the slaanesh force which imo would add a super interesting variation to Chaos and make slaanesh distinctly different. Maybe bring back Morathi as the leader of the cult. 

So it's now Host of Slaanesh and you can add a couple nice little things like Hellstriders who aren't terrible.

I want Cult of Slaanesh back too.  Tzeentch Acolites makes me hopeful.

7 minutes ago, Squirrelmaster said:

Sorry, but just a couple of points because I'm pedantic:

Lord of War only gets your Dæmonettes down to 3+ to hit, bonus attacks on 4s (assuming 20 models).

Seekers also get +1 to run and charge if within 12" of a Dæmon Hero of Slaanesh, so that's more likely a 31" avg first turn.

Daemonettes get bonus attacks on a 6+, 5+ if 20 models, Lord of War to a 4+.  Where does the 3+ come from?

Another good reason to see a Herald on a chariot.  Helps the Seekers but I think people generally run them alone.  or from what I've seen.  

It's good to be pedantic cause it catches a lot of details and this is a detail rich game :)

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Presumably you can get another +1 from unpredictable destruction but that isn't something you could consider reliable. ;) Which brings it to 2+ to hit and 3+ to spawn extra attacks.

Ya, all my seekers are on the small ovals as they were metal ones bought in December hahaha. ;) (I would use those either way though, the bike bases look really bad imo. I suspect bikers will be moved to ovals soon too and the old biker style base discontinued)

I'd feel almost like I was cheating bringing a free Magethrone as part of my army. If anything it would be just a piece of scenery that we place fairly so each side has a chance to take advantage of it.

And ya, I suspect "something" Slaanesh is coming at some point, whether it is elven cult of slaanesh or something else I'd be really surprised if GW doesn't have a plan to have a battletome for each chaos god. I fully expect Nurgle to show up first though. I'd be surprised if we saw Slaanesh before 2018 at the very earliest. Realistically prob more like 2019.


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