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Disciples Of Tzeentch 2000 Pts, Needing some help


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Newish player to Tzeentch, have played a few games at my local store and was wondering on whether or not I need to find room to run 30 Tzaangors or whether not I need something more punchy like a Ogroid Thaumaturge or additional Tzaangor Skyfires / Enlighteneds to have more balance and stability at 2000 points.
This is what I have been playing with recently and Its been going fairly decently.  Any help or advice would be appreciated :)
Allegiance: Tzeentch
Lord Of Change (300)
- General
- Trait: Magical Supremacy
- Artefact: Wellspring of Arcane Might
- Lore of Change: Tzeentch's Firestorm
Gaunt Summoner (100)
Tzaangor Shaman (120)
10 Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (140)
- Lore of Change: Bolt Of Tzeentch
10 Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (140)
- Lore of Change: Fold Reality
20 Tzaangor (360)
4 X Savage Blades
8 X Savage Great Blades
8 X Savage Blades + Arcanite Shields
9 Tzaangor Skyfires (480)
6 Tzaangor Enlightened (320)
Tzaangor Coven (40)
Total 2000
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I do have the room to drop 3 Enlightened to take 1 thaumaturge,  I'm not sure whats more beneficial, the three Enlightened or the additional thaumaturge.  I dont think any other hero would really be better than the thaumaturge unless I opt for something like the Blue Scribes.

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I've had a few small games with the Ogroid now and really enjoying him. (Bear in mind I've only played at 1000 points)

He can pull some neat tricks with Arcane Sacrifice and Windthief charm and he's pulled his weight in all games so far.

Use Arcane Sacrifice on him each turn for D3-1 Wounds (he heals one in the hero phase) and you've got a casting value 7 (with a re-roll on failed casts), 27" range, d6 Mortal Wounds spell. That's pretty tasty output for a primarily combat character.

You can then use the Windthief charm to fly 12", and cast (D6 Mortal Wounds), then move 6", then charge in (D3 Mortal Wounds) for an average 25" reach and potentially up to 30" with a good roll (or destiny dice)

D6+D3 Mortal Wounds before he even gets his attacks in is pretty solid!

Then you've also got him in the thick of it for your Tzaangors +1 to wound

I've really enjoyed him so far and geez that model is sweet!

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