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Freeguild- MSU or large units?


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I have a question for the experienced Freeguild Generals here: In the world that was State Guard and crossbowmen and Handgunners were to be fielded in large numbers (plus detachments). And even now they get bonuses for consisting of 20+ models. 

But I see many lists with min-sized units. Why is that so, the buffs from Hurricanum and Co. are better, the lists more flexible? What's your advice?

Though I have 100+ State Guard Models I would to build much more command models, standard bearers... You know what I mean.

Any help would be very appreciated, thanks!

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Thanks, but how does that work for you? With 20 missiles you lose the 20+ buff with a single casualty... And I thought you could have more sniper rifles with multiple 10man Handgunners. They are really nice!

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10 hours ago, Steini said:

Thanks, but how does that work for you? With 20 missiles you lose the 20+ buff with a single casualty... And I thought you could have more sniper rifles with multiple 10man Handgunners. They are really nice!

This is why I fieldiltiple 10 men handgumner units and 1 30 men crossbow unit. At those numbers the to hit buff is lost rather quickly. Also the xbows have more range, so in general they are juat a bit longer safe from harm. Also 10 men handgunners with a general nearby allready hit on 3+ and wound on 2+, with rend 1. That is pretty good!

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13 minutes ago, Blitzel said:

This is why I fieldiltiple 10 men handgumner units and 1 30 men crossbow unit. At those numbers the to hit buff is lost rather quickly. Also the xbows have more range, so in general they are juat a bit longer safe from harm. Also 10 men handgunners with a general nearby allready hit on 3+ and wound on 2+, with rend 1. That is pretty good!

Then I need to buy me some crossbowmen! Like 30... :-)

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On 4/24/2017 at 2:33 PM, Blitzel said:

This is why I fieldiltiple 10 men handgumner units and 1 30 men crossbow unit. At those numbers the to hit buff is lost rather quickly. Also the xbows have more range, so in general they are juat a bit longer safe from harm. Also 10 men handgunners with a general nearby allready hit on 3+ and wound on 2+, with rend 1. That is pretty good!

I use a strategy just like this, though all three units are Handguns. 10-man squads are great when buffed up, frankly better than a single 20-man squad (will lose the buff anyway and tactically inflexible). Of course the 30-man squad is beautiful but expensive.

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2 hours ago, AsraiR said:

I'm seriously considering adding a bunch of extra command with spare bodies I have so I can MSU when needed. Unfortunately banners of the old sort broke like crazy so I need to keep getting more.


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2 hours ago, AsraiR said:

I'm seriously considering adding a bunch of extra command with spare bodies I have so I can MSU when needed. Unfortunately banners of the old sort broke like crazy so I need to keep getting more.

That's actually a cool idea. If you're running MSU you swap them into your units, if you're running big blocks you could use them as a kind of regimental staff unit! Counts-as Greatswords?

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5 hours ago, Aezeal said:


Its where the fit on the hand was and that's the problem, even pinned to help they never survived, very poor design.

5 hours ago, arka0415 said:

That's actually a cool idea. If you're running MSU you swap them into your units, if you're running big blocks you could use them as a kind of regimental staff unit! Counts-as Greatswords?

Thankfully I think multiple banners always look good.

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