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Spire of Dawn

Rob P

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Have you looked at the war scrolls for the units?  How do they read to you?  Are they inspiring?  Interesting?

Or do you just mean for tournament play at maximum competitiveness?  From what I understand older armies that haven't yet gotten a battletome aren't really up there (except for when they mess up points like tomb kings).  

And if you take the new overlords as an example, an upcoming release for the Aelves may not look anything like the existing range.  I wonder how many dwarf players were thinking the duardin were going to be more the normal warhammer approach to dwarves and then were surprised by the overlords.  If an Aelves release happens in the near future, will it be anything like the current ones?

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Just looking at competitive in the sense of a good game rather than smashing things. 


Not bothered about continuation either. They'll either just change Aelves completely or re-group them like they've done with other factions. Can't be too fussed on continuation when after Skaven from other half of set for Clan Verminus!

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I don't think I can make any sort of matched play evaluation.  I'm really new as well and so far have only done narrative stuff with no points.  Sorry!

I think the models are pretty cool and the warscrolls sound neat, but they are missing the synergy and options of stuff with full new battletomes.  I'm also not seeing a lot of Aelf synergy as far as key words go.  So my uninformed opinion is that they are probably 

I did find some PDFs of tournament lists:


More here:


And I'm not seeing any instances of the Aelf stuff in that box.  I didn't do an exhaustive search though.  I could have missed them.

 So it's possible that they'll be okay in a non tournament "give a good game" sense, but they don't appear to be making the cut as far as tournaments go.  Maybe people just haven't figured out lists that include them yet?  Though if I had to guess, the players at these bigger competitive events probably know more than me about evaluating stuff.

I tend to make decisions based on how cool models look, so yeah :D

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The spire of dawn box has quite a neat formation that basically combines everything into swift hawk agents. 

It gives a few buffs, and allows the mage to effect your other units,  and lets one unit double-move or double-shoot. 

Quite a bit of synergy to be had if you use the formation, and the leader (the guy on the griffon) has some cool rules too. 

All in all id say it feels like a cool unified force. The reavers have to be the mvp though!

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3x of the boxes.


For Elves, a unit of 15 Reavers in that Battalion will shoot 90 shots per turn.

For Skaven, you can convert the six Ratogres into Storms. Or just play the Battalion which is good enough for me.


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