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Scenery bases

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Hey everyone,


I have some bits of GW scenery that I want to put on to bases so the it can be measured to, take up a certain space and have a clear footprint. I heard that plasticard is good but it seems to be a bit pricey, is there a specific/best thickness to use or is there anything else I could use?



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That depends - I would use a jig saw or a scroll saw, but I always find wood to much easier to cut than plastic - plastic tends to bind in the saw, and melt if the speed is to high. Still, if you want to use plastic, I'd still recommend getting a cheap jig saw - it's so much easier than trying to get through the plastic with a knife. 

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Basla wood is cheap, easy to work and relatively robust unless it's compressed.

PErsonally, I recomend plasticard though, it lends itself to more oval shapes, whereas balsawood does squares and triangles.

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Get yourself some 2mm Plasticard. It's robust enough for home use and for transport and crucially it bonds well with Plastic Glue and Plastic Terrain, making it less likely that your plastic terrain will separate from the base over time.

Another option is Vinyl floor tiles. They naturally assume a flat shape when laying flat which makes them a perfect medium where curling is a factor with the drying of pva glue and basing materials, or the warping of the base when in storage or transit.

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