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Does plaguedrones suck?


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I'm working on a army list atm, I have the models and have started painting everything.

But when i playtest this I always find that the drones under perform on what I expect them to do.

The list I'm working towards is:



Demon prince of nurgle with axe

Demon prince of nurgle with axe

Plagueclaw catapult

Plagueclaw catapult


10xmarauders of nurgle

10xmarauders of nurgle



I am even thinking that perhaps I should switch the drones for something like: 5xblightkings and 5xFuries of nurgle


What are peoples thoughts on this?

Kind regards



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I have read praises of them, but in all my games, they have been a bit of a letdown, especially since they were supposed to be a "hammer" of my Nurgle Daemon army. With buffs and a Nurgle Daemon Hero nearby they do get better, but a base unit with no buffs is going to kill much in my experience.

220 for 3x5 wounds without that much punch is a bit lackluster if you look what else you get in Chaos for those points.

If you're not dedicated to only Nurgle Daemons, then I think your suggestion of a Blightkings substitution sounds good. Furies could be useful too as a threat to backfield objectives perhaps. Another option could be to take a Daemon prince out too for double Blightkings.

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I like your concept. I finally talked myself down to one plague claw catapult so take the points differences with a grain of salt. I think with drones you should consider chaos lord on daemonic mount. He kicks off locus and seems similar to your princes. I think the drones wont be a true hammer under a squad size of six.

They really need weight of dice to hit those relevant numbers for mortal wounds. 5 attacks a pop I think? So you need to hit like 20 attacks to meaningfully see some mortal wounds. If you have a way to pick up rerolls, even just 1s I think you will see sufficient mortal wounds. Plus the battleshock rolls have more of a chance to do work for you. 3-4 battleshock tests is a pretty good chance at rolling that 1. If you roll the 1 even once I think you get quite a bit of value out of your unit.

Best of luck!

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I'm not a fan of demon princes. they dont have any punch IMO. Plagedrones are good, but 3 in a 2000 point list are DESTINED to underwhelm! I think they dont do well in your list because of the rest of the list, not the plagedrones themselves as a unit. Thats not a bad thing! like I'm not saying your list is bad AT ALL, i just think the plaguedrones are misplaced. Happy to elaborate if necessary/warranted/asked. 

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Plague drones aren't really as good as offense as one might think, although en masse their stingers can be pretty deadly.  I'd rather their death's head attack be a ranged debuff instead of what it is: a useless attack that accomplishes nothing but making you waste time in the shooting phase.  That said, they are durable and pretty quick, a must for any Nurgle Daemon army in which objectives play a role.  

Something great about Plague Drones is that you can use them to go after war machines.  They lack the speed of Furies or Harpies, but if your opponent actually wastes time shooting his machines at the drones, just watch as all those wounds get soaked up by 5+ saves.  If a war machine shoots into a bunch of Harpies, the Harpies are toast, but if you sink a shot into a unit of drones, you might drop a single fly and the rest'll still be coming.


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6 hours ago, AllanBallan said:

I do need some dmg output in the list. So if I would drop the drones from the list, what do you suggest I replace them with?

I might recommend either Belakor or a Nurgle Soul Grinder.  

Belakor is an amazing tactical piece with both spell casting (2 spells) and surprisingly good offense (including -2 rend!).  Belakor has the ability to completely mess up a key unit on key round with his Dark Master.  Most important is his Shadow Form ability that makes him immune to rend, which is significant on a model that can benefit from cover (he isn't a monster!).  A 2+ rerollable isn't difficult to achieve with him and a Chaos sorcerer lord on the table.

The Nurgle Soul Grinder gives you a nice mix of offense and survivability.  He has the coveted rend that is lacking from so much of Nurgle's forces and his multitude of attacks synergies very well with Glottkin's command ability.

Starting from your base list, I  might try a list something like this : 

  • 480 Glottkin
  • 180 Epidemius
  • 240 Belakor
  • 280 Soulgrinder
  • 180 Plagueclaw catapult
  • 180 Plagueclaw catapult
  • 300 30 Plaguebearers
  • 100 10 Plaguebearers
  • 60 10 Marauders of Nurgle

Alternatively, you could drop Belakor and swap 10 marauders back in for 10 plague bearers and instead pick up both Sayl (160) and a Mounted Chaos Sorcerer (120).  This is arguably the more competitive list give the mobility gained, but it would need to be tested to be sure.  

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