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Let's chat : Blades of Khorne!


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Generally speaking, any list in AoS where you spam one unit is going to work pretty well. The game seems to favor that tactic above all else.  The only reason I suspect we don't see more of it in the tournament scene is because: 1) A lot of painting the same model, 2) Your movement phase may get you punched in the face, 3) It usually makes for a boring game.

That being said, Skullcrushers are one of the few units I feel that can be spammed without being silly.  They're going to hurt, but they aren't going to deny your opponent the chance to play the game.  They're large models so you don't have that many to move when spamming them, and they're pretty simple to paint and kit bash to your hearts content.



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I absolutely agree with that. Plus I think it's more logical to spam Skullcrushers because Brass Stampede rewards it. 
In general play as you like. I personally really like Murderhost and The Goretide because it still leaves a ton of room for other models to include. Brass Stampede is the oppossite of that, though without doubt very good aswell.

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Nothing wrong with that at all! It's just that Bloodletters, especially with BoK just got even better as before. Now this applies to most Khorne armies but the fact that we have a Crimson Crown turning Mortal Wounds into additional attacks aswell creates a whole slew of Mortal Wounds which can give us an edge.

As we speak Im still in the process of doing another 30 but it's worth it. The advantage I find Bloodletters to have over Bloodreavers is just the details. I really love the Bloodreaver models but also know that I'd be spending twice if not three times as much time painting them vs Bloodletters. 

I will attach some mall heraldy that came with the Skullcrushers to the Bloodletters though, makes them a little less naked and generally will do something with the 'empty' arm.

Next up will be a Bloodsecrator conversion from the Impaling Spear Deathbringer. I bought a second hand Bloodsecrator but the model is just fully assembled with not a single mold line removed... His bits will be used... Blood for the Bloodgod!

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I tried a 1000 point list last night on  a 1v1v1 in the "convergence of fate" scenario. Was awesome.

Aspiring Deathbringer-general violent urgency


Skullgrinder mark of the destroyer

10 Bloodwarriors

20 Reavers

2X 5  Reapers

1 khorgorath


Against a FEC player and a Slave to darkness with tzeentch alligeance.

I won unquestionably after anihilating 90% of the STD with only a unit of reapers and warriros and held back the FEC as much as i could with the rest.

The peak of the show happened when a vargulf jumped on the objective on the last turn to contest it but the skullgrinder charged and put fifteen wounds on his head, which exploded, giving me the blessing of the blood altar to the remainig of my forces, allowing my reapers tu cut down the chaos lord, his knights and his warriors with ease.

Afterthoughts : I know the star aligned for the grinder to be very good, having always 8 attacks and my ennemies having no shooting to speak about. But still, i will have a different look on him now.

I spend the totality of my blood tithe points to dispell the "vigor mortis" spell of the ghoul king each turn. was good enough for me.


i like the list but i still question his viability in a competitive environement. My friends argued that was a lot of bodies for a 1K point army.

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@kozokus I think that in general that list will do good enough in a semi competitive setting. However I will also say that Khorne or better put Blood Tithe points come much better to light at 2K. By comparison 9 Fate Dice at 1K are much and much better. At 2K that difference begins to dwindle a little because Blood Tithe points are extremely effective effects aswell.

I do believe that for 1K typically speaking going mono Bloodbound rewards that play more. If you wanted to amp that list up all I can really think of is to trade the Skullgrinder + Khorgorath for a unit of Wrathmongers.

Wrathmongers can do the same as the Aspiring Deathbringers Command Ability in the practicle sence, meaning (I assume) you can buff a unit of Blood Warriors and a unit of Skullreapers. In addition to that Wrathmongers are a great awnser to monsters.

Do keep in mind however that some play double Mourngul at 1K or even a Bloodthirster and Skarbrand, these types of list arn't fun but certainly something Reapers or Blood Warriors would have trouble dealing with in my opinion as their 4+ armour saves mean nothing against these types of lists.

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9 minutes ago, Killax said:

I do believe that for 1K typically speaking going mono Bloodbound rewards that play more. If you wanted to amp that list up all I can really think of is to trade the Skullgrinder + Khorgorath for a unit of Wrathmongers.

Probably the best advice. Anyway blood tithe isn't going to lead anywhere at 1K. The chaos allegeance is far better in that regard.

11 minutes ago, Killax said:

Do keep in mind however that some play double Mourngul at 1K or even a Bloodthirster and Skarbrand, these types of list arn't fun but certainly something Reapers or Blood Warriors would have trouble dealing with in my opinion as their 4+ armour saves mean nothing against these types of lists.

Yeah i know. Faced Durthu-TLA,dragons, alarielle, frostlords and 4concussors at that range. Not that frustrating as they often pack 20 models at maximum and i have 47+ which makes them weak on a lot of scenarios. but you have to be veryyyy careful on how you feed the ennemy monsters. The real problem is often take n hold as all they have to do is to sit on their objectives, wait for me and simply win on the units destroyed.

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I was going to play in a 2000 point tournament and was planning on a maxed out Murderhost with mass Bloodletters. I found out there is a house rule restriction of a maximum of 3 of any individual warscroll. What do people think about still trying to do a Murderhost with 3 bloodletter x30 blocks and the rest of the Host composed of Fleshounds and Bloodcrushers. Not optimal but may be worth it? Opinions.?

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45 minutes ago, Easytyger said:

I was going to play in a 2000 point tournament and was planning on a maxed out Murderhost with mass Bloodletters. I found out there is a house rule restriction of a maximum of 3 of any individual warscroll. What do people think about still trying to do a Murderhost with 3 bloodletter x30 blocks and the rest of the Host composed of Fleshounds and Bloodcrushers. Not optimal but may be worth it? Opinions.?

So you're asking if 90 Bloodletters is enough to be a threat?  Yes, very much yes.  Just insure you have a Bloodsecrator in there to make them twice as good.  Flesh hounds are solid too, so can't go wrong in spamming them, especially MSU granting you loads of unbinds.  Bloodcrushers are uninspiring for their cost, but with 90 Bloodletters on the table you really won't notice too much if you absolutely wanted to run them.  Also if you plan on keeping up the bonus movement from the battalion you're going to want a solid Bloodletter Hero which means either a Bloodthrone or Skullmaster, Herald on Juggernaut.

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2 hours ago, Easytyger said:

I was going to play in a 2000 point tournament and was planning on a maxed out Murderhost with mass Bloodletters. I found out there is a house rule restriction of a maximum of 3 of any individual warscroll. What do people think about still trying to do a Murderhost with 3 bloodletter x30 blocks and the rest of the Host composed of Fleshounds and Bloodcrushers. Not optimal but may be worth it? Opinions.?

I'll always be curious how people manage to model up 90 Bloodletters. I've built 30 and it was tedious. 

Nevertheless, I'd use Flesh Hounds as my screen and not really worry about keeping them in range for the Murderhost movement aside from the first turn. Get them up and into your opponents face early to tie them up while your Bloodletters follow suit. 

Once the Bloodletters are engaged, then charge in your Bloodcrushers at your leisure. Alternatively, Bloodcrushers serve as wonderful bait. I've noticed opponents tend to focus on them and you can use that to your advantage. 

Take a Blood Throne or Skullmaster as your Hero though, otherwise your whole list is vulnerable. I'd also likely do double Bloodsecrator's so you can move one up while the other one has his banner planted. 

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@Jharen Haha no I know 90 Bloodletters are a threat. My question is, is it worth using suboptimal units such as Bloodcrushers to get the max units for Murderhost. I don't want to use them but would,have to with the individual warscroll restriction. But you answered my question.

@Aspirant Snaeper Yea was planning on Skullmaster or Bloodthrone and two Bloodsecrators. I actually really like assembling the Bloodletters lol.

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55 minutes ago, Easytyger said:

@Jharen Haha no I know 90 Bloodletters are a threat. My question is, is it worth using suboptimal units such as Bloodcrushers to get the max units for Murderhost. I don't want to use them but would,have to with the individual warscroll restriction. But you answered my question.

I'm honestly glad your tournament has done this to prevent people like you powergaming lists like this. I'd honestly forfeit the tournament if you fielded a max Bloodletter Murderhost with dual Bloodsecrator list simply out of principal. 

Look at units in terms of other tangible and intagible metrics to discern their value rather than focussing purely on offensive output. I outlined a few examples above. 

Also, think of it this way; How would you keep all of those Bloodletter units within distance of your Bloodletter Hero anyways? 

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@Easytyger 3x 30 Blocks of Bloodletters are extremely legit. Im working on it right now aswell as we speak. It thakes time but its worth all the effort. Granted an easier route to go is do something similar with Blood Warriors and Skullreapers for The Goretide. 

I personally don't think you need to max out on Murderhost to make it worth the points. To me 900 points spend into Bloodletters should be more then sufficient to set a real fast treat. Especially if you are going to include a Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster aswell.

Adding Fleshhounds never is a bad deal, Bloodcrushers can become fast hitters when used in conjunction with Murderhost but I don't believe you need to max out because the whole Murderhost effect is lost the moment the Herald of Khorne is removed. This is not something taken for granted but having more as 3 units near 8" of him is quite difficult unless your going for MSU, which you apperantly arn't competely allowed to do. 

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I've got 60 Bloodletters myself, and that's always been plenty in my opinion.  Granted, I haven't had to go up against Skyfire spam yet so...yeah.  I originally had planned to go 90 but after 60 I just was burnt out on the tedious nature of it.  They aren't hard to paint, especially when using an airbrush, but still...  ugh.  So yeah, eventually I'll go back and finish another 30, but 60 was enough for me to play with alongside Sayl and a WoK Bloodthirster.  Haven't even used my Bloodletters since the BoK book dropped either, been so happy running mortals.I've got 60 Bloodletters myself, and that's always been plenty in my opinion.  Granted, I haven't had to go up against Skyfire spam yet so...yeah.  I originally had planned to go 90 but after 60 I just was burnt out on the tedious nature of it.  They aren't hard to paint, especially when using an airbrush, but still...  ugh.  So yeah, eventually I'll go back and finish another 30, but 60 was enough for me to play with alongside Sayl and a WoK Bloodthirster.  Haven't even used my Bloodletters since the BoK book dropped either, been so happy running mortals.

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On 6/5/2017 at 8:09 AM, Killax said:

I'd be spending twice if not three times as much time painting them vs Bloodletters. 


I hear that, I've painted 20 in the time it took me to do 5 reavers!

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@Aspirant Snaeper To each their own. But these tournaments have had mixed destruction kunnin rukk, skyfire spam and other gunline armies that will shoot you off the table in turn one. Judge all you want but playing a list I'd play in a friendly game with buddies is not going to be a fun time. Trust me already done that. 

Dont wish to offend so should I make a separate thread thread for competitive play? Of course this isn't a list I'd play against friends.

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1 hour ago, Liath said:

I hear that, I've painted 20 in the time it took me to do 5 reavers!

Yeah, mixing it up really allows you to do either but it's still a large number of models for both. It's cool if you can enjoy it though, I added some skulls and bits to make the Bloodletters visually a little bit different, a little more armoured so to speak.

2 hours ago, Jharen said:

I've got 60 Bloodletters myself, and that's always been plenty in my opinion.  Granted, I haven't had to go up against Skyfire spam yet so...yeah.  I originally had planned to go 90 but after 60 I just was burnt out on the tedious nature of it.  They aren't hard to paint, especially when using an airbrush, but still...  ugh.  So yeah, eventually I'll go back and finish another 30, but 60 was enough for me to play with alongside Sayl and a WoK Bloodthirster.  Haven't even used my Bloodletters since the BoK book dropped either, been so happy running mortals.I've got 60 Bloodletters myself, and that's always been plenty in my opinion.  Granted, I haven't had to go up against Skyfire spam yet so...yeah.  I originally had planned to go 90 but after 60 I just was burnt out on the tedious nature of it.  They aren't hard to paint, especially when using an airbrush, but still...  ugh.  So yeah, eventually I'll go back and finish another 30, but 60 was enough for me to play with alongside Sayl and a WoK Bloodthirster.  Haven't even used my Bloodletters since the BoK book dropped either, been so happy running mortals.

Id say even 0 can be plenty, though in that case I do think we'd need to look deeper into Skullreaper or Skullcrusher with Brass Stampede tactics. In any case I do think that you can run without Daemons aswell. On the other hand I do not think Daemons ideally are ran without Bloodsecrator but other than that model there is no significant must in Khorne armies anyway. Even Bloodthirsters, awesome as they are, arn't a requirement.

It's nice to hear that you didnt use the Bloodletters so far. I think that the casual competative setting is the most fun to play in anyway because small mistakes dont require a whole lot of drama to resolve in a friendly manner. In most cases it's even here where I try to remind my opponent on what does what so he can certainly make the best tactical choice. It's fun that AoS has the depth like that.

Likewise it has been a while since I heard somebody talk about Skarbrand. He's amazing in my opinion, likely one of the only Monsters we have who does not need to be the general at all to make sure he'll be a fear-factor.

Also just picked up a metal Karanak, something Im happy about, likely will not use him often but I still have the hope that Fleshhounds will be done in plastic one day, perhaps the same day where we will recieve a Khorgorath kit. A model which in my opinion actually fits into Daemons of Khorne better if you look at his narrative creation... (Or am I reading this wrong!?).

Lastly I also had the idea today that I wouldn't be suprised to eventually see a Mighty Lord of Khorne and Bloodsecrator kit molded into one. A bit like the Chaos Lord on foot also being able to become a Chaos Battle Standard Bearer. But I know I shouldn't get my hopes up just yet! :D 

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... a Khorgorath kit. A model which in my opinion actually fits into Daemons of Khorne better if you look at his narrative creation... (Or am I reading this wrong!?)...


Khorograth are mortal creatures mutated by the powers of chaos in the bowels of the Brass Citadel into the critter we use in our army. They're still living/breathing creatures... they're kind of one step above chaos spawn ... but not creatures of the warp. They can die.


Daemons, on the other hand, are beings of the warp made of the warp made manifest or are exalted mortals that have been "enlightened" and through extreme service to their chaos god they are transformed through that blessing into Daemons ... creatures of the warp. Daemons can't really die. They can be banished back to the warp and have to regain power ... (think Soul Grinder) but can't really be killed.

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2 hours ago, TheOtherJosh said:


Khorograth are mortal creatures mutated by the powers of chaos in the bowels of the Brass Citadel into the critter we use in our army. They're still living/breathing creatures... they're kind of one step above chaos spawn ... but not creatures of the warp. They can die.


Daemons, on the other hand, are beings of the warp made of the warp made manifest or are exalted mortals that have been "enlightened" and through extreme service to their chaos god they are transformed through that blessing into Daemons ... creatures of the warp. Daemons can't really die. They can be banished back to the warp and have to regain power ... (think Soul Grinder) but can't really be killed.

This was true in wfb but doesnt translate to aos to my knowledge. 

There is no Daemonic Instability, Bloodletters can flee and per aos narrative can appear regardless of warp or winds of Chaos.

What we know is that Khorgoraths are created by Bloodletters. As such I think they could fit Daemons aswell. Like Valkia and Skarr, they could be considered both Mortal and Daemon :)

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This was true in wfb but doesnt translate to aos to my knowledge. 
There is no Daemonic Instability, Bloodletters can flee and per aos narrative can appear regardless of warp or winds of Chaos.
What we know is that Khorgoraths are created by Bloodletters. As such I think they could fit Daemons aswell. Like Valkia and Skarr, they could be considered both Mortal and Daemon [emoji4]

The Blades of Khorne battle Tome implies differently:

“Daemons of Khorne are not living creatures in the way that the flesh-and-blood denizens of the Mortal Realms are. Rather, they are projections of their lord’s infinite rage, drawn into existence and given form by his unfettered will.”

Excerpt From: Games Workshop Ltd. “Warhammer Age of Sigmar Chaos Battletome - Blades of Khorne.” Games Workshop Ltd. (pg.8)

Khogorath on the other hand are created from mortal things by the hands of the created.

Valkia and Skarr are transformed from mortals into being projections of Khorne's will. Which is why they are reborn repeatedly ... and have never truly fallen in combat.

Should the projection no longer meet His favor after their "death" they no longer rise from that death ... and the old one would be no more...

But those projections which he favors greatly keep coming back.

The page 8 background is pretty cool.
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2 hours ago, TheOtherJosh said:

The Blades of Khorne battle Tome implies differently:

Khogorath on the other hand are created from mortal things by the hands of the created.

Valkia and Skarr are transformed from mortals into being projections of Khorne's will. Which is why they are reborn repeatedly ... and have never truly fallen in combat.

Should the projection no longer meet His favor after their "death" they no longer rise from that death ... and the old one would be no more...

But those projections which he favors greatly keep coming back.

The page 8 background is pretty cool.


Well again this is not at all what you implied: 


Daemons, on the other hand, are beings of the warp made of the warp made manifest or are exalted mortals that have been "enlightened" and through extreme service to their chaos god they are transformed through that blessing into Daemons ... creatures of the warp. Daemons can't really die. They can be banished back to the warp and have to regain power ... (think Soul Grinder) but can't really be killed.

Better put, stating this as a fact for Age of Sigmar is not correct.  It's confirmed that they are not living creatures, drawn into excistence by his will, not Winds of Chaos, not Eye of Terrors, not Warp Powers, not former champions or other rifts in dimensions.
The whole drastical difference again is that Daemons enter the Mortal Realms without requirement like Warhammer Fantasy to excist. As mentioned this is the difference between AoS and WFB's approach.

Khorgoraths are also not what you call mortal beings anymore. Confirmed by their lore:


These monsters were once savage predators of the realms, captured by Bloodletters and hauled within the depths of the Brass Citadel. There they were subjected to horrific mutations, their bodies warped into savage shapes pleasing to the Blood God, their minds twisted and clouded by a terrible longing for the skulls of his foes. 
Page 53, Blades of Khorne

Once again Khorgoraths like Valkia and Skarr have been transformed from Mortal beings, brought to Khorne's domain and where warped so to be pleasing to the Blood God himself, exactly like Valkia and Skarr :) 

I'd suggest looking past page 8!


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5 hours ago, Killax said:

It's nice to hear that you didnt use the Bloodletters so far. I think that the casual competative setting is the most fun to play in anyway because small mistakes dont require a whole lot of drama to resolve in a friendly manner. In most cases it's even here where I try to remind my opponent on what does what so he can certainly make the best tactical choice. It's fun that AoS has the depth like that.

Honestly I just don't enjoy running Bloodletter bombs too much.  Against a good opponent who can counter it I do enjoy it, and trying to counter his counter etc.  But within my own group I've found people just don't want to have to counter something so bursty and devastating and one sided.  It leads to very fast games that are usually just each player executing a preset series of events they've worked out in their heads as opposed to playing a dynamic game of moves and counter moves.  If that makes any sense.  That's not to say I won't run bloodletters again eventually, I just plan to use them in different ways other than trying to get off the first turn charge and bomb my opponent off the table before he can feel he's having fun.  That's what's important to me overall, having fun and making sure my opponent is having fun too.  If I was going to a tournament though, yeah, Bloodletters would be all over my list again, but that's the nature of those events.

So my mortal list of Gore Pilgrims and Brass Stampede has so far been my favorite because, while it's effective and can dish out a lot of damage, it also relies on my moving things around the table and my opponent having the chance to move his stuff around as well to try to counter things.  This leads to a great back and forth series of events that 'feels' more engaging for both parties.  That's important for fun games I think, especially for opponents who aren't as competitive minded or WAAC.  It's the same reason I wouldn't ever run 18 Skyfires locally.

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1 minute ago, Jharen said:

Honestly I just don't enjoy running Bloodletter bombs too much.  Against a good opponent who can counter it I do enjoy it, and trying to counter his counter etc.  But within my own group I've found people just don't want to have to counter something so bursty and devastating and one sided.  It leads to very fast games that are usually just each player executing a preset series of events they've worked out in their heads as opposed to playing a dynamic game of moves and counter moves.  If that makes any sense.  That's not to say I won't run bloodletters again eventually, I just plan to use them in different ways other than trying to get off the first turn charge and bomb my opponent off the table before he can feel he's having fun.  That's what's important to me overall, having fun and making sure my opponent is having fun too.  If I was going to a tournament though, yeah, Bloodletters would be all over my list again, but that's the nature of those events.

So my mortal list of Gore Pilgrims and Brass Stampede has so far been my favorite because, while it's effective and can dish out a lot of damage, it also relies on my moving things around the table and my opponent having the chance to move his stuff around as well to try to counter things.  This leads to a great back and forth series of events that 'feels' more engaging for both parties.  That's important for fun games I think, especially for opponents who aren't as competitive minded or WAAC.  It's the same reason I wouldn't ever run 18 Skyfires locally.

Very fair points. I think that Bloodletters are indeed something that can be easy to abuse. On the other side we're also not running them with Sayl and thus opponents should be capable to do something against them.  I personally believe a lot of Khorne's powerful designs are purposefully designed this way. We have incredible melee poweress but we don't have the same ranged support as some factions do so ultimately it's not like we have the biggest threat ranges aswell. Even with something like Murderhost.

However I do like most Battalions aswell. I think Gore Pilgrims, Brass Stampede and The Goretide can be really fun, fast or dynamic. I too seek for more enganging games though indeed this will differ per meta. I think that if 18 Skyfires is the norm locally something can be done against it but those meta's are hazardous for the growth of the game. 

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Once again Khorgoraths like Valkia and Skarr have been transformed from Mortal beings, brought to Khorne's domain and where warped so to be pleasing to the Blood God himself, exactly like Valkia and Skarr [emoji4] 
I'd suggest looking past page 8!

Valkia was once mortal, and Khorne breathed life into her mangled body after she died. And Skarr will be continually be reborn because he pleases Khorne.

Both of them are blessed by Khorne, and while they die (on a regular basis) they are both still mortal. They just have the "eye of Khorne upon them" and he brings them back to life because it pleases him.

(Unlike the process to earn daemonhood such as what Khul was attempting... and had apparently been working towards for apparently over 1000 years ... until he had a slight setback.)

Khorgoraths, on the other hand, were "once savage predators." They are no longer the savage predators as they have been changed into monsters after being subjected to horrific mutations (which is what made them the cuddle bunnies they are today) but it doesn't say that the Khorgorath were "once mortal." (Or that they have been granted daemonhood.)

And the mutation and warping into new shapes is more claws and teeth than the tentacles and insanity that are Chaos Spawn...

Mutations and warping of flesh from one form to another doesn't make one a Daemon. Just ask the Chaos Spawn. (Or a Forsaken.)

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13 minutes ago, TheOtherJosh said:

Valkia was once mortal, and Khorne breathed life into her mangled body after she died. And Skarr will be continually be reborn because he pleases Khorne.

Both of them are blessed by Khorne, and while they die (on a regular basis) they are both still mortal. They just have the "eye of Khorne upon them" and he brings them back to life because it pleases him.

(Unlike the process to earn daemonhood such as what Khul was attempting... and had apparently been working towards for apparently over 1000 years ... until he had a slight setback.)

Khorgoraths, on the other hand, were "once savage predators." They are no longer the savage predators as they have been changed into monsters after being subjected to horrific mutations (which is what made them the cuddle bunnies they are today) but it doesn't say that the Khorgorath were "once mortal." (Or that they have been granted daemonhood.)

And the mutation and warping into new shapes is more claws and teeth than the tentacles and insanity that are Chaos Spawn...

Mutations and warping of flesh from one form to another doesn't make one a Daemon. Just ask the Chaos Spawn. (Or a Forsaken.)


This isn't about that, as before, Daemons do not come from warps or eye of terrors.
In addition both Valkia and Skarr where blessed by Khorne before they died. As we both know, Khorne blesses mortals both alive and in a rarity in death. 

As the lore depicts that Khorgoraths are created in the Brass Citadel themselves we know they have been in the realm of Khorne, even the most sacred part of the realm of Khorne so you can rest asured that they are not typical mortals, instead the most common place for those to actually be in the Brass Citadel are the greatest of champions, both Mortal and Daemonic, which is also confirmed in Blades of Khorne. 

Khorgoraths are not Chaos Spawn in the WFB sence, nor are Daemons in in AoS the WFB/40K style creatures of the warp...
Chaos Spawn still excists, but they arn't Khorgoraths.



Any traces of guilt and morality that may remain are eradicated, leaving Bloodreavers as single-minded thralls of battle. Some lose their sanity completely or devolve into writhing Chaos Spawn, but most find themselves consumed with a lust for violence and gore.
- Blades of Khorne, page 51


After the foe lies bloody and torn, Scyla’s wrath will inevitably fall upon those who battled at his side mere moments ago. Yet the tribes welcome this risk. To be torn limb from limb at the hands of Khorne’s favoured Spawn is seen as a great honour.
- Blades of Khorne, page 53

So the point remains, Khorgoraths are created in the depths of the Brass Citadel (which is the epicentre of Khorne's Chaos Realm, Daemonic) why Khorgoraths wouldn't fit into the Daemonic?

As before, reading the Blades of Khorne is key here. A lot changed compaired to WFB design.

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